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World Development Aim: To raise our awareness about the inequalities in living standards around the world.

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World Development Aim: To raise our awareness about the inequalities in living standards around the world.

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Presentation on theme: "World Development Aim: To raise our awareness about the inequalities in living standards around the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Development Aim: To raise our awareness about the inequalities in living standards around the world.

2 Teenage Affluenza!?

3 Highly Developed


5 The Global Rich List If you earn: 100,000 per yr, you are in the top 0.12%100,000 per yr, you are in the top 0.12% 10,000 per yr, you are in the top 11%10,000 per yr, you are in the top 11% 1000 per year, you are in the top 20%1000 per year, you are in the top 20% 100 per year, 8% of the world are still worse off than you (about 500 million people!!!!!!!)100 per year, 8% of the world are still worse off than you (about 500 million people!!!!!!!) - To find out how well off we - To find out how well off we

6 L.E.D.C (Less Economically Developed Country) First World (The north) Developed (Rich Country) Developing (Poor Country) Third World (Poor South) M.E.D.C ( More Economically Developed Country) NIC – Newly IndustrializedCountry

7 Rich North Poor South The Poor South The Rich North

8 Examples of LEDCs Brainstorm as many countries as you can think of as you can think of that might be LEDCs

9 Life in LEDCs

10 Jobs Most jobs in our country are low paid and unskilled. Most people work within the primary industry like farming and mining Most jobs in our country are low paid and unskilled. Most people work within the primary industry like farming and mining

11 Trade – Buying & Selling We have to sell raw materials like coal and food at really low prices to MEDCs. However, we have to buy our manufactured good (machines, clothes, electrical goods) from MEDCs at high prices. We have to sell raw materials like coal and food at really low prices to MEDCs. However, we have to buy our manufactured good (machines, clothes, electrical goods) from MEDCs at high prices.

12 Population – Life & Death We have a very high birth rate because of a lack of sex education and contraception. We have a very high death rate because of a lack of medicine and doctors. Lots of children die and you are not expected to live past 50 years old. Life is difficult Death Rate = Number of people that die per 1000 people per year Birth Rate = Number of people that are born Per 1000 people per year

13 Health A developing country like ours has a lot less money to spend on training up doctors and nurses and providing medicines, hospitals and dentists to its people. A developing country like ours has a lot less money to spend on training up doctors and nurses and providing medicines, hospitals and dentists to its people.

14 Education There are lots of children in our country (high birth rate) but there is no money to build good schools or to buy books and computers for the students. This means few people can read and write. As a result we have a low literacy rate There are lots of children in our country (high birth rate) but there is no money to build good schools or to buy books and computers for the students. This means few people can read and write. As a result we have a low literacy rate

15 How do we judge our wealth? GDP – Gross Domestic Product (US$) This is the total amount of money made by the country from selling its raw materials, manufactured goods and services.This is the total amount of money made by the country from selling its raw materials, manufactured goods and services. This figure is then divided by the total number of people that live there to give the average amount of money available to each person living there.This figure is then divided by the total number of people that live there to give the average amount of money available to each person living there.

16 Examples of GNP USA = $39,820 France = $35,854 Rwanda = $210 Ethiopia = $110 Which is MEDC? Which is LEDC? Note: 1 is worth $1.45

17 A personal view on QUALITY OF LIFE People walking along a street in a western city rarely seem to smile. They look harassed and under pressure. Perhaps it is the strain of work or trying to find a job, of paying the mortgage or finding a home. In contrast, people in the poorer countries which I have visited such as Kenya, Thailand and Malaysia seem to be very much more cheerful, laid back and relaxed, and always prepared to help the visitor. Socially and culturally they are in no way less developed Which society appears to have the preferable quality of life?

18 Homework label your « top 10 and bottom 10 richest countries in the world » map. Complete the sorting exercise sheet – Characteristics of more developed and less developed countries. Target time for homework – 1 hour. Deadline Thursday 17th Feb 2011

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