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Acids and Bases.  Acid- a substance that produces hydrogen ions (H + ) in a water solution.  Taste sour  Corrosive.

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Presentation on theme: "Acids and Bases.  Acid- a substance that produces hydrogen ions (H + ) in a water solution.  Taste sour  Corrosive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acids and Bases

2  Acid- a substance that produces hydrogen ions (H + ) in a water solution.  Taste sour  Corrosive

3  Litmus paper in acids will turn/stay red.  When an acid dissolves in water, H + ions interact with water molecules to form hydronium ions H 3 0 +

4 Common Acids  Acetic Acid, CH 3 COOH Vinegar  Acetylsalicylic Acid Asprin  Carbonic Acid, H 2 CO 3 Carbonated Drinks  Hydrochloric Acid, HCl Gastric Juices

5  Nitric Acid, HNO 3 Fertilizers  Sulfuric Acid, H 2 SO 4 Manufacture fertilizers  Phosphoric Acid, H 3 PO 3 Fertilizers, detergents & soft drinks

6  Base- a substance that forms hydroxide ions (OH - ) in water.  Opposite of acids.  Solids  Feel slippery  Bitter

7  Litmus paper in bases will turn/stay blue.

8 Common Bases  Ammonia, NH 3 Cleaner, fertilizer  Aluminum Hydroxide, Al(OH) 3 Antacid  Magnesium Hydroxide,Mg(OH) 2 Milk of Magnesia  Sodium Hydroxide, NaOH Soap,Oven Cleaner & Draino

9 Strength of Acids and Bases  Strong Acid- An acid that completely breaks down in solution…releasing H + ions Ex: Hydrochloric, Sulfuric & Nitric Acid  Weak Acid- An acid that partly breaks down in solution. Ex: Acetic and Carbonic Acid Ex: Acetic and Carbonic Acid

10  Strong Base- A base that completely breaks down in a solution…releasing OH - ions. Ex: Ammonia  Weak Base- A base that partly breaks down in a solution. Ex: Sodium hydroxide

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