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FP7 Proposal Writing Royal Holloway Inga Benner –

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1 FP7 Proposal Writing Royal Holloway Inga Benner –

2 UK Research Office Established in Brussels in 1984 Staff of 14 Sponsored by the seven UK Research Councils Receives subscriptions from over 140 research organisations Services for sponsors and subscribers include: Query service – advice and guidance by email and telephone Bespoke institutional briefing visits Website and tailored web- and email-based information services Meeting room in Brussels Runs training courses and organises Annual Conference UK National Contact Point for the ERC and Marie Curie Produces European RTD Insight for the British Council For more information see UK Research Office

3 FP7 Proposal writing What will be covered? Approaching Proposal Writing Forming Consortia Finance Evaluation criteria and process Application process Hints and tips UK Research Office

4 Basic Proposal Requirements

5 Who is eligible for funding? EU-27 Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK Associated Countries (FP7) Albania*, Bosnia and Herzegovina *, Croatia*, Faroe Islands*, FYR, Macedonia*, Iceland*, Israel*, Liechtenstein*, Montenegro*, Norway*, Serbia*, Switzerland, Turkey* *except Euratom FP7 Overview

6 ICPC Countries I CPC

7 Different Project Types

8 Small to Medium/ Focused Collaborative Projects Targeting a specific objective in a clearly defined overall approach Fixed overall work plan Research/technological development activity and /or a demonstration activity Typically 18-36 months €0.8- 4 million EC contribution 6-15 participants FP7 Funding Schemes

9 Large Scale/Integrating Collaborative Projects Ambitious objective driven research with a ‘programme approach’ Coherent, flexible and updateable set of activities RTD activities, demonstration, tech transfer, training, dissemination, knowledge management and exploitation Typically 36-60 months Around €4-10 million EC contribution 10-20 participants FP7 Funding Schemes

10 Networks of Excellence Supports Long Term durable integration of research resources and capacities Jointly executed research to support integration Joint training programme Dissemination and communication are vital Typically 5 to 7 years maximum € 4 – 7 million EC contribution 6 – 12 participants FP7 Funding Schemes

11 CSA - Co-ordination Actions Designed to promote and support ad hoc networking and coordination of RTD Consists of co-ordination and networking activities For example, establishment of expert groups, workshops, communication platforms, etc Typically 18-36 months €0.5- 1.8 million EC Contribution 13-26 participants FP7 Funding Schemes

12 CSA - Support Actions Support to programme implementation, preparation of future actions Complement other FP7 funding schemes For example, studies, thematic or geographic assessments, providing support to Third Countries, etc Typically 9-30 months €0.03 - 1 million EC Contribution 1-15 participants FP7 Funding Schemes

13 Approaching Proposal Writing

14 Who shapes the Work Programmes? Advisory Groups Programme Committee Work Programme Agencies Technology- Platforms (e.g. Food for Life) Other Sources (FP Projects, literature, conferences...) Other Commission Services

15 Process Overview FP7 Submission and Evaluation Call opens One/two stage e-submission Eligibility Check Individual Evaluation Panel Review/ Consensus Feedback (ESR) Post-evaluation Ranking Report to PC Negotiation of Proposals

16 Find a Call for Proposals

17 What does a proposal contain? Part A (administrative details, budget, consortium information) Part B (proposal text) Scientific proposal, description of work packages, tables on person months, deliverables, milestones Implementation Impact Ethical issues, Gender issues

18 Who do I need in my consortium? Building your consortium Depends on topic… Partners must match activities in proposal Appropriate balance of sectors – industry, academia, civil society, user groups, etc Consideration of expected impact of project Commission may stipulate or offer advice on types of partner or country involvement EU dimension/ added-value!

19 How do I find partners? Existing contacts FP6/ FP7 Projects EU conferences and project evaluation European Technology Platforms Partner searches: UKRO can distribute partner profiles NCPs CORDIS IDEAL-IST (ICT research) and SINAPSE (SSH platform) Note! Use partner searches with caution; Check out track record; Understand motives for getting involved Choosing Partners


21 European Technology Platforms Advanced Engineering Materials and TechnologiesAdvanced Engineering Materials and Technologies – EuMaT Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in EuropeAdvisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe – ACARE Embedded Computing SystemsEmbedded Computing Systems – ARTEMIS European Biofuels Technology PlatformEuropean Biofuels Technology Platform – Biofuels European Construction Technology PlatformEuropean Construction Technology Platform – ECTP European Nanoelectronics Initiative Advisory CouncilEuropean Nanoelectronics Initiative Advisory Council – ENIAC European Rail Research Advisory CouncilEuropean Rail Research Advisory Council – ERRAC European Road Transport Research Advisory CouncilEuropean Road Transport Research Advisory Council – ERTRAC European Space Technology PlatformEuropean Space Technology Platform – ESTP European Steel Technology PlatformEuropean Steel Technology Platform – ESTEP European Technology Platform for the Electricity Networks of the Future European Technology Platform for Wind EnergyEuropean Technology Platform for Wind Energy – TPWind European Technology Platform on Smart Systems IntegrationEuropean Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration – EPoSS European Technology Platform on Sustainable Mineral Resources Farm Animal Breeding and Reproduction Technology Platform Food for LifeFood for Life – Food Forest based sector Technology PlatformForest based sector Technology Platform – Forestry Future Manufacturing TechnologiesFuture Manufacturing Technologies – MANUFUTURE Future Textiles and ClothingFuture Textiles and Clothing – FTC Global Animal HealthGlobal Animal Health – GAH Industrial Safety ETPIndustrial Safety ETP – IndustrialSafety Integral Satcom InitiativeIntegral Satcom Initiative – ISI Mobile and Wireless CommunicationsMobile and Wireless Communications – eMobility Nanotechnologies for Medical ApplicationsNanotechnologies for Medical Applications – NanoMedicine Networked and Electronic MediaNetworked and Electronic Media – NEM Networked European Software and Services InitiativeNetworked European Software and Services Initiative – NESSI Photonics21Photonics21 – Photonics Photovoltaics – PhotovoltaicsPhotovoltaics Plants for the FuturePlants for the Future – Plants Robotics – EUROPRobotics Sustainable Nuclear Technology PlatformSustainable Nuclear Technology Platform – SNETP Sustainable ChemistrySustainable Chemistry – SusChem Water Supply and Sanitation Technology PlatformWater Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform – WSSTP Waterborne ETPWaterborne ETP – Waterborne Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power PlantsZero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants – ZEP Agree Common Vision Define Strategic Agenda Implement Strategic Agenda Industry-led stakeholder forums on Europe’s key research challenges



24 Contractual and Financial Considerations

25 Contractual Arrangements Partner 1 (Co-ordinator) Partner 4 Partner 3Partner 2 European Commission Third Parties Sub-contract License Grant Agreement Consortium Agreement FP7 Participation

26 Direct Costs: Maximum EC reimbursement rates FP6FP7: Industry FP7: Public Bodies, Universities, SMEs, etc. RTD*50% 75% Demonstration35%50% Management100% Other**100% ERC100% direct costs, plus 20% flat rate for indirect costs Coordination Actions; Support Actions 100% direct costs, plus up to 7% for indirect costs Marie Curie ActionsLump sum + flat rates, some actions 10 % for indirect costs * Activities directly aimed at creating new knowledge, new technology, and products, including scientific coordination. ** Training, Consortium Management FP7 – EC Contribution 26


28 Evaluation criteria

29 Evaluation Criteria FP7 Proposal Writing Implementation S/T Quality Excellence Impact 3/5 3/5 3/5 Overall threshold = 10/15 NOTE – check Work Programme for specific criteria, weightings and thresholds

30 Evaluation criteria applicable to Collaborative project proposals S/T QUALITY “Scientific and/or technological excellence (relevant to the topics addressed by the call)” IMPLEMENTATION “Quality and efficiency of the implementation and the management” IMPACT “Potential impact through the development, dissemination and use of project results” Soundness of concept, and quality of objectives Progress beyond the state-of- the-art Quality and effectiveness of the S/T methodology and associated work plan Appropriateness of the management structure and procedures Quality and relevant experience of the individual Quality of the consortium as a whole (including complementarity, balance) Appropriateness of the allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (staff, equipment) Contribution, at the European [and/or international] level, to the expected impacts listed in the work programme under the relevant topic/activity Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and/or exploitation of project results, and management of intellectual property. Evaluation Criteria FP7 – Example of Topic to Proposal

31 Relevance is considered in relation to the topic(s) in the Work Programme open in a given call, and to the objectives of the call Integrated into ‘S&T quality’ and ‘Impact’ This must be addressed in the proposal! If it is only partially relevant – it will be reflected in the scoring If it is not relevant – it will be ‘out of scope’ and rejected on eligibility grounds before the evaluation FP7 Proposal Preparation Relevance

32 ‘S&T Quality’ Scientific and/or technological excellence (relevant to the topics addressed by the call) Soundness of concept itself Quality of objectives Acknowledgement of, and development beyond, the ‘state-of-the-art’ Methodology and Work Plan Quality of co-ordination FP7 Proposal Preparation

33 ‘Quality and efficiency of the implementation and the management’ Management structure and procedures Quality, complementarity and balance of the consortium Matching of consortium to objectives Appropriateness of allocation of: Staff resources Equipment FP7 Proposal Preparation Implementation

34 ‘The potential impact through the development, dissemination and use of project results’ Expected Impact is described in the Work Programme The nature of the Impact can vary considerably between calls Think of your measures for: Dissemination Exploitation of project results IPR management Disseminating knowledge through stakeholder and public engagement FP7 Proposal Preparation Impact

35 Application Process and EPSS

36 Key documents FP7 Submission and Evaluation Call FicheFocus Work Programme Guide for ApplicantsPreparation and submission EPSS Guide Rules on Submission and Evaluation, Guide for Evaluators Background Model Grant Agreement Financial, negotiation, reporting and IPR guidelines FP7, Specific Programme Text Other policy documents


38 Electronic Submission (EPSS) Co-ordinator must register on Cordis and be sent password and access details PIC code – ask your institution’s European Office Passes on access to other participants Complete A forms (admin details) Upload.pdf file of Part B (10Mb limit) ‘Submission’ must be selected Automated check Can revise up to deadline Deadline strictly enforced Technical problems addressed to EPSS helpdesk Submission and Evaluation




42 Writing a Successful Proposal

43 Top tips – preparation 1.Clarify your own goals for participation 2.Read all Call documentation (ie, GfA and WP) - Also consider relevant EU policy documents 3.Fully appreciate the evaluation criteria 4.Discuss with and meet potential partners 5.Use appropriate partnership (including balance of budget and activities) 6.Set aside enough time 7.Research previous and current projects 8.Work with your institution FP7 - Essentials

44 Top tips - application 1.Register in EPSS (Coordinator) 2.Put yourself in the shoes of the evaluator 3.Write clearly and concisely 4.Stick to formatting rules (page limits, font, etc) 5.Include well worked out plans 6.Outline any ‘Plan B’ (risk analysis) 7.Use tables and diagrams where appropriate 8.Ask someone to read through your proposal 9.Make sure final version is submitted! FP7 - Essentials

45 In short, the best proposals… FP7 - Success Factors Have an EU added value Clearly address the topic and meet objectives Push back the frontiers of S&T Consist of the right consortium for the project Highlight the impact of the project Are well budgeted Are concise and easy to read

46 FP7 Proposal Writing Royal Holloway Inga Benner –

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