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1 Spanish Model of RRO: CEDRO Magdalena Vinent Chief Executive of CEDRO President of IFRRO 5 April 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Spanish Model of RRO: CEDRO Magdalena Vinent Chief Executive of CEDRO President of IFRRO 5 April 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Spanish Model of RRO: CEDRO Magdalena Vinent Chief Executive of CEDRO President of IFRRO 5 April 2011

2 2 1.About us 2.Types of RROs 3. Our mission 4. Organization 5. We represent 6. Functions Summary

3 3 CEDRO is a non-profit association of authors and publishers of books, periodicals and other publications. CEDRO collectively manages intellectual property rights. It was authorized to work as RRO in 1988 by the Ministry of Culture, under the Spanish Intellectual Property Law. 1. About us

4 2. Types of RROs Voluntary licence – UK, ICLA Voluntary licence with legislative support – Nordic countries Non-Voluntary / Legal licence – Netherlands, Switzerland – Levies: Austria, Belgium, Germany 4

5 2. Spanish RRO system Spanish Intellectual Property law establishes a mixed system: 1.Voluntary licensing for collective and commercial uses 2.Exception in the law for private copy, compensated with a levy on the machines 5

6 6 3. Our Mission To represent and defend the legitimate interests of authors and publishers by authorising and promoting the legal use of their works.

7 7 4. Organization General Meeting of Members Board of Directors Executive Office

8 8 5. We represent…(I) CEDRO represents…for…by… …All Authors and Publishers…Private Copy …Public Lending Right …Law …19.509 Members: 17.828 Authors 1.681 Publishers …Voluntary Licensing…Individual Mandates …Authors and Publishers from 36 RROs …Voluntary Licensing…Bilateral Agreements

9 9 5. We represent…(II) 19.509 members 17.828 authors 1.681 publishers February 2011

10 10 5. We represent…(III) The number of members has increased a 79% in the last 5 years December 2010

11 11 5. We represent…(IV) We also represent the authors and publishers of 36 entities from other countries.

12 12 6. Functions (I) Licensing the use of our repertoire Managing compensation for private copy Managing compensation for public lending rights Distributing rights between authors and publishers Helping authors and publishers Increasing copyright awareness

13 13 6. Functions (II) We grant licenses for the use of works of our repertoire Photocopying and scanning of books, magazines and newspapers. In corporations, educational Institutions, Government, etc. Licences allow to access copyright works while respecting intellectual property rights of authors and publishers.

14 14 6. Functions (III) We manage compensation for private copy On behalf of authors and publishers of books and periodicals A levy is applied to equipment, devices and media capable to make private copies, according to Spanish IPL It must be paid by manufacturers and importers of this kind of devices

15 15 6. Functions (IV) We manage public lending right We collect the compensation generated by the loan of books in libraries and similar institutions, regulated by the Spanish IPL

16 16 We distribute remuneration among authors and publishers 6. Functions (V) Remuneration is distributed to Spanish and foreign RH. It is carried out according to the use of the works (statistical surveys) Euro million

17 17 6. Functions (VI) We help authors and publishers We help authors and collaborate in training activities and cultural events. We assign 20% of revenue from private copy to this goal, according to the law. We file lawsuits on behalf of our members’ rights.

18 18 6. Functions (VII) We increase Copyright awareness Communication and information activities to increase public Copyright awareness (Es de Libro and Educar para Crear, conferences, seminars, newsletters, training, contests, etc.)


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