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After Mussolini's fascist takeover of Italy, another army veteran and leader of an extremist party tries to forcibly take power. Adolf Hitler stages a.

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Presentation on theme: "After Mussolini's fascist takeover of Italy, another army veteran and leader of an extremist party tries to forcibly take power. Adolf Hitler stages a."— Presentation transcript:

1 After Mussolini's fascist takeover of Italy, another army veteran and leader of an extremist party tries to forcibly take power. Adolf Hitler stages a small- scale coup in Munich, which fails, and is imprisoned. Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany

2 The Weimar Republic's Rise and Fall As the Great War was ending Germany's government fell to choas Threat of socialist revolution Kaiser abdicates Moderate leaders sign armistice and Treaty of Versailles 1919  Weimar Republic  Parliamentary system ran by chancellor  Bill of Rights

3 Political Struggles Weak republic Several small parties Hatred of Treaty of Versailles Communists  Demanded radical change Conservatives  Attacked gov't as too liberal and weak Scapegoats become mostly German Jews

4 Runaway Inflation 1923  Reparations payments stop  Ruhr Valley becames occupied by the French  Passive Resistance  Inflation  100 marks in July 1922 = 944,000 marks in August 1923  Savings wiped out

5 Recovery and Collapse 1924  Dawes Plan  France leaves the Ruhr Valley  American loans  Great Depression  Adolf Hitler

6 The Nazi Party's Rise to Power Adolf Hitler was born in Austria 1889 Traveled to Vienna at 18  Developed anit-Semitism Fought in German Army 1919 – joined a group of right-wing extremists By 1920 was the leader of the National Socialist German Workers of Nazi Party

7 Hitler's Manifesto Mein Kampf( “My Struggle”)  Aryan Race  Extreme Nationalism  Blamed Germany's defeat on Marxists, Jews, corrupt politicians, and buisness leaders  Anti-Semitism  Germany to expand, Lebensraum( living space)

8 Hitler Comes to Power Only in jail for a year Great Depression “Table-thumping” Speeches Appealed to Veterans, workers, the lower middle class, small-town Germans, business people Promised to end reparations, create jobs, re- arm Germany

9 Hitler Comes to Power Nazi's and Communist won seats in the Reichstag Conservatives turn to Hitler 1933 – Hitler becomes Chancellor through legal means  Wins with Conservative support

10 Hitler Comes to Power Germany becomes a dictatorship within a year Suspends civil rights Destroyes socialist and communists One party state Purges own party Demands unquestioning obedience

11 Learning Check What is the name of the new republic formed after World War I? How did the United States try to help Germany pay back the war reparations? Who becomes chancellor in 1933?

12 The Third Reich Controls Germany Appealed to past glories  1 st Reich – medieval Holy Roman Empire  2 nd Reich – Bismarck in 1872  3 rd Reich – German Master Race would rule Europe for a thousand years Launches large public work programs Rearm Germany Unite Germany and Austris

13 Germany becomes a Totalitarian State Controlled all aspects of life The SS, an elite black-uniformed troop, enforced his rule Gestapo ruted out oppositon Cheered Nazi “storm troopers”

14 The Campaign Against the Jews Begin 1935 – Nuremberg Laws  Took away German Citizenship  Severe Restrictions Prohibited marriage between Jews and non- Jews Attending or Teaching at German schools Holding Gov't jobs Practicing law or medicine Publishing books

15 Night of Broken Glass November 7, 1938  A young Jew, whose parents were mistreated in Germany, shot a Germany diplomat in Paris November 9 &10  Kristallnacht Mobs Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia “Final Solution”

16 Nazi Youth Destroy without mercy Pledged absolute loyalty to Germany Physical fitness programs to prepare for war School courses and textbooks were re-written to reflect racial views

17 Women under Nazi Rule Like Italy  Dismissed from upper-level jobs  Turned away from universities  Rewards for having children is a “pure- blooded Aryan” woman Applied mostly to the elite, women were needed to work in factories

18 Purging German Culture Denounced modern art Condemed Jazz Glorified old German myths  Richard Wagner Hitler saw Christianity as weak and flabby  Combinded all Protestants sects into one  Closed Catholic Schools, muzzled clergy  Some spoke out against Hitler

19 Authoritarian Rule in Eastern Europe In 1919 a dozen countries were cared out of Russia, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, and German empires Small countries Rural agriculture Social and economic inequalities Hit hard by Great Depression

20 Ethnic Conflict Old rivalries between ethnic and religious groups Czechoslovakia  Czechs and Slavs Yugoslavia  Serbs ruled, Slovenes and Croats wanted independence

21 Democracy Retreats Economic problems + ethnic tensions = instability Hungary  1919 – Nicholas Horthy overthrew Communist Gov't Poland  1926 – Joseph Pilsudski Expect Czechoslovakia and Finland Promised order Turned to anti-semitism

22 Learning Check 1. What was the name for the code of laws that placed servere restrictions on the Jewish population in Germany? What was Kristallnacht? What was the name for the pure German race (blond hair, blue eyes)?

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