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Nazi Education  Please read the quote and have a look at the visual on your table.  Discuss at your table:  Your reactions  Do you agree/disagree?

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Presentation on theme: "Nazi Education  Please read the quote and have a look at the visual on your table.  Discuss at your table:  Your reactions  Do you agree/disagree?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nazi Education  Please read the quote and have a look at the visual on your table.  Discuss at your table:  Your reactions  Do you agree/disagree? Why?

2 Nazi Education 

3 Nazi Education Formal & Informal Sally Fillmore, Nathaniel Steeves, & Laura Ells

4 Nazi Education Purpose:  To use education to cultivate loyal followers for the Nazis and Adolf Hitler during the Nazi Era (1933-1945) and WWII.  That women would be traditional housewives and men would serve Hitler’s army.

5 Nazi Education What was emphasized and why?  Hitler and the Nazis did not believe that all races were equal or deserving of education.  The Aryans (blond hair, blue eyes) alone received the privileges of education and high professional positions.  The goal was to educate and elevate the perfect Aryan master race who would be loyal to Hitler and the Nazi party.

6 Nazi Education What was emphasized and why (cont’d) :  The curriculum underwent major changes. Geography concentrated on the land taken from Germany in 1919 and on the need for “lebensraum” (living space).  “Racial Instruction” and “blood purity” were taught.  Teachers strictly controlled, and were fired if they spoke against the curriculum. They were expected to attack the lifestyle of Jewish people.

7 Nazi Education What teaching would make the person into a better human being?  Believe that Aryans were the master race and Hitler intended to eliminate all non-Aryans from Germany.  Nazis promoted physical education in the curriculum, desiring strong physical youth who were able to withstand pain.  Purpose of this education was to “create” a mentally and physically strong future generation that was blindly faithful to Hitler and the Nazi Party.

8 Nazi Education What makes a person count as “educated’”?  The Nazis knew that successful indoctrination had to begin in school. They made sure that the whole education system was geared towards presenting children with Nazi views. Many existing school textbooks were recalled, and destroyed, being replaced with official Nazi textbooks. These new textbooks were used for Nazi propaganda.  History, Biology, Math, Phys. Ed.  Separate schools for boys and girl.

9 Nazi Education What are the basic ideas about persons or society that the Nazi view of education expresses?  Hitler wanted to turn the young into loyal Nazis. The three greatest influences on young people were their families, schools and what they did in their free time. The Nazis tried to control all of these influences.  Aryan Race, which was superior to other races due to its greater intelligence and capacity to work hard.  Jews were used as examples of those possessing non-Aryan characteristics

10 Nazi Education  Debate:  For Nazi Education (military driven and in support of all the Hitler)  Against Nazi Education (keep curriculum the same, keep various races and boys and girls together in the classroom)

11 Nazi Education  Sources:  Education for Death, the Making of the Nazi by Gregor Athalwin Ziemer, Octagon Books, 1972  Higher Education in Nazi Germany by A. Wolf. Published first in 1944 by Routledge (republished 2010)  The Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler- William L. Shirer. Published by Scholastic Book Services, 1961  The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich- History of Nazi Germany by William L. Shirer, 1990  World War II: A Historical Read, McDougal Littell A Houghton Mifflin Company, 2000    

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