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Comprehensive user education to successfully navigate the Internet Part 1 - Introduction Course developed by University Library of Debrecen.

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1 Comprehensive user education to successfully navigate the Internet Part 1 - Introduction Course developed by University Library of Debrecen

2 The ability to use digital technology, communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate, use and create information. The ability to understand and use information in multiple formats from a wide range of sources when it is presented via computers. A person’s ability to perform tasks effectively in a digital environment. Literacy includes the ability to read and interpret media, to reproduce data and images through digital manipulation, and to evaluate and apply new knowledge gained from digital environments.

3 critical thinking the ability to judge the quality of information one receives through electronic means social engagement interactive, with opportunities for talking and writing about what we read with others digital tool knowledge basic comfort and competence in using computers, smart phones, electronic tablets, and other web-accessible devices

4 A conscious information consumer should: know where and how to search efficiently to find the best information for your purposes, make good decisions regarding the quality and appropriateness of your information sources (whether the resource is trustworthy and up-to-date), know how to properly give others credit for their ideas, know the extent to which you can ethically remix or synthesize ideas and information in your own work.

5 1.Identifying a research topic Finding the right question to ask 2.Finding sources Library resources and web searches 3.Evaluating sources Finding the the most authoritative, accurate, objective, and up-to-date scholarly information available 4. Citing sources Strengthening academic integrity and acknowledging others’ work

6 Explore the topic and understand its broader context broaden or narrow a topic identify keywords for a topic Use the right search words use connectors and truncation in constructing a search understand the difference between keyword and subject searching

7 The type of information you need will change depending on the question you are trying to answer identify a variety of information sources (magazines, scholarly journals, books, encyclopedias, web browsers) identify characteristics of library resources information from the web

8 Training should improve skills to: know how to choose an article database appropriate to your information need understand what a database is and how it works be familiar with keyword searching techniques like Boolean operators, truncation, and nested searches be familiar with the 2 main types of articles databases and how to locate them on the library's web site know how to locate the library's online catalog and be familiar with the different ways to search the catalog be able to request an item from another library using Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

9 Identify the best sources for your research Apply criteria to make strong evaluation decisions Understand the importance of evaluating sources and information Distinguish between the different types of information on the Web Consider: 1. Where it came from -- author and publisher 2. When it was created -- publication date 3. What it covers and how it covers it -- content and presentation of the information

10 Plagarism Understanding the process of sharing and creating ideas in the university Defining common knowledge, paraphrasing Improving note-taking skills Citation styles Use of reference managers (Refworks, Endnote) Citation manuals

11 Copyright The Digital Age presents new challenges to fundamental copyright doctrines. Concepts are reexamined: Intellectual property Fair use Equity of access New model of scholarly communication Open access

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