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Forex Risk - DiffEye It! Introducing VKC’s  iffeye The new generation software to manage your Forex Exposures Click to move forward.

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Presentation on theme: "Forex Risk - DiffEye It! Introducing VKC’s  iffeye The new generation software to manage your Forex Exposures Click to move forward."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forex Risk - DiffEye It! Introducing VKC’s  iffeye The new generation software to manage your Forex Exposures Click to move forward

2 Forex Risk - DiffEye It!  iffeye  Are you a corporate with business interests abroad ?  Do you need to know the value of your forex transactions in your currency on a day to day basis in a volatile forex market ?  Do you want to balance Risk vs. Return in a volatile market? Click to move forward or back DiffEye provides you a framework and tools to address these issues

3 Forex Risk - DiffEye It! Introducing  iffeye  Forex Exposure Software for corporates  Implement best business practices  Focus on exposure management instead of data collection  Measure Treasury performance Click to move forward or back

4 Forex Risk - DiffEye It! …All you need is  iffeye What details do you need to manage RISK ?  Latest Currency Rates  Benchmark Rates  A system to record all your Forex Transactions  An intelligent aid to monitor these transactions  A Forex analyst and advisor Click to move forward or back

5 Forex Risk - DiffEye It!  iffeye - Key Features  Captures Forex Rates  Records Exposures, Contracts, Bills and Payments  Performs Mark-To-Market  Monitors Profitability  Generates Alert reports A powerful decision support tool GUI based Easy to use, Multi-user, Windows based system Click to move forward or back

6 Forex Risk - DiffEye It! DiffEye Forex Treasury Framework Click to move forward or back

7 Forex Risk - DiffEye It! Product Architecture Click to move forward or back Forward rate calculator Facility to watch select positions Historical Spot and Forward graphs Moving Average graphs Exposure Entry Contracts entry and cancellation Bills entry and settlement Daily Mark-To-Market Profitability Reporting Currency Rates Rates Eye Trades Eye Via E-mail

8 Forex Risk - DiffEye It! Product Features Click to move forward or back

9 Forex Risk - DiffEye It! RatesEye  Data captured are:  Foreign Exchange rates  Currency wise LIBOR rates  Rates data can be picked up from:  Reuters, Bridge  E-mail  Entered manually Click to move forward or back

10 Forex Risk - DiffEye It! TradesEye - Documentary Credits  Captures DC (or Letter of credit) information  Maintains DC balances  Generates DC utilisation reports Click to move forward or back

11 Forex Risk - DiffEye It! TradesEye - Exposures Entry  Records all details of Exports, Imports and Loan transactions  DiffEye sets benchmark rate based on corporate policy at Exposure level Click to move forward or back

12 Forex Risk - DiffEye It! TradesEye - Contracts Entry  Captures Forward and Forward to Forward contracts  Avail Credit in Foreign Currency  Allows full or partial hedging of an exposure  System generates ‘Synthetic’ Exposures based on currency and maturity date mismatches Click to move forward or back

13 Forex Risk - DiffEye It! TradesEye - Bills  Export bills  Supports both Negotiated and Collection bills  Tracks bills from outstanding stage to actual payment by customer  Import bills  Tracks bills from outstanding stage to actual payment or return Click to move forward or back

14 Forex Risk - DiffEye It! TradesEye - Payment Crystallization  Lists different options with which foreign currency payments can be converted to home currency.  User can choose to  Utilise contracts booked  Convert on Spot  Hold payments in Foreign Currency Accounts Click to move forward or back

15 Forex Risk - DiffEye It! TradesEye - Mark to Market  Unhedged exposures for profits / losses against benchmark rates  Forward and Forward to Forward contracts for profits / losses on cancellation  Trigger stop losses, take profits and position watches Click to move forward or back

16 Forex Risk - DiffEye It! TradesEye - Reports  Reports available on  Exposures  Covered positions  Stop Loss / Take Profit levels  Accounts receivables and payables  Contract and Exposure wise profitability statements Click to move forward or back

17 Forex Risk - DiffEye It! DiffEye Specials  Add or Remove columns to create reports best suited to user needs  View reports in different units thousands, lakhs, millions Click to move forward or back Customizable reporting Multi-division support Allow users to go back in time  User can configure it to support different types of classifications

18 Forex Risk - DiffEye It! Interfaces with other software  Data Export to other standard windows based software  All reports can be exported to any other standard windows based software  Data import from other software  Standard interfaces facilitates import of Exposure, Contracts, LCs and Bills data  Can be customized to pick other formats Click to move forward or back

19 Forex Risk - DiffEye It! Technical Information  Requires a Pentium PC, with 32 MB RAM.  Minimum 30 MB hard disk space  Built on PowerBuilder with Sybase SQL Anywhere database, also works with SQL Server and Oracle databases  Can be made to work with any other Industry standard database Click to move forward or back

20 Forex Risk - DiffEye It! To Manage your Exchange Risk and become an Expert Forex Manager... get onboard  iffeye right now! Click to move forward or back

21 Forex Risk - DiffEye It! Thank you for taking time to go through this presentation For further information Contact Us at email: Tel: 91-44-2436 0843

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