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Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump Counterpulsation

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1 Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump Counterpulsation
Iskander Al-Githmi, MD, FRCSC Assistant Professor of Surgery King Abdulaziz University

2 Historical Perspective
1958- Harken: Described the diastolic augmentation and counterpulsation to treat LV failure 1962-Moulopoulus: From Cleveland clinic, developed an experimental (IAB) whose inflation and deflation were timed to cardiac cycle 1968-Kantrowitz: Introduce the (IAB) to the clinical practice in patient with post-infarction cardiogenic shock

3 Intra-Aortic Pump Catherter

4 Physiologic effect of IABP
Reduction of left ventricular afterload Increase aortic root pressure and coronary perfusion Decrease myocardial oxygen demand

5 Coronary Artery Flow Autoregulation
Flow=Pressure/ resistnce

6 Indications: Cardiogenic shock or pump failure Unstable angina
Failure to wean patient off CPB Prophylaxis: High grade left main coronary stenosis Post infarction acute mitral regurgitation and septal defect

7 Contraindications: Severe aortic regurgitation Aortic dissection
Severe peripheral vascular disease Non-salvageable patient- Irreversible brain injury

8 Arterial Waveform

9 IABP Arterial Waveform

10 IAB catheter insertion technique
Seldinger technique Cut-down

11 Timing

12 Balloon pressure waveform baseline 2.Fill pressure baseline 3.IAB inflation 4.Pressure artifact/positive overshoot 5.Plateau pressure (IAB inflated) 6.IAB deflation 7.Vaccum artifact/negative overshoot 8.Return to baseline (IAB deflated)

13 Timing Basics To patient arterial waveform (always)
To patient EKG signal

14 Timing problems Early inflation

15 Timing Problems Early deflation

16 Timing Problem Late deflation

17 Triggering Trigger on the R wave- preferred method
Good quality EKG signal and lead i.e unidirectional QRS complex, R wave is taller than P and T waves also it has adequate amplitude

18 Triggering Good Lead

19 Triggering QRS complex cause wandering timing

20 Complications Limb ischemia (10-25%) Balloon rupture
Thrombosis within the balloon Infection Bleeding False aneurysm Femoral neuropathy Lymphocele

21 Questions

22 Question1 Asses the timing in the following strip Correct Timing
Early inflation and late deflation Early inflation and early deflation Correct inflation and early deflation Late inflation and early deflation

23 Question 2 What is wrong with the arterial pressure line
AP line is dampened Transducer need to zerod The IBP is too high and the tip of art.line is being occluded as it hit the arch Nothing There is air in the pressure tubing

24 Question 3 Asses the timing in the following strip
Early inflation and early deflation Late inflation and late deflation Correct inflation and late deflation Late inflation and early deflation Correct timing

25 The pump is the peak trigger mode ,what part of the EKG complex is being recognized as the trigger event? The R wave The pacer spike The arterial pressure waveform The T wave No trigger is seen

26 Question 5 The indications for IABP therapy include:
Cardiogenic shock following acute myocarditis Acute mitral regurgitation with pulmonary edema from papillary muscle rupture Acute VSD following myocardial infarction Acute aortic regurgitation from edocarditis

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