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Recruiting and Training Sunday School Teachers- the Training Mentor Approach Prepared by Teachable Heart Ministries.

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1 Recruiting and Training Sunday School Teachers- the Training Mentor Approach Prepared by Teachable Heart Ministries

2 If half of the population of your church is children and teenagers you need at least a teacher for every 8 children one out of eight adult members should collaborate in Children's ministry take into account the great importance of this ministry, and the need of reaching children outside the church, there is even more need. How do we accomplish this?

3 Where to Start Some might basically be interested in working with children, but be afraid of having to teach without knowing how to do it. Work at facilitating their training period. Children and teenagers themselves with parental direction can be involved in teaching Parents can begin as assistant teachers When parents learn how to teach their own children, there will be less need for Sunday School; and some families could even start evangelistic groups for new children..

4 How to Introduce New Teachers Allow interested parents to visit different Sunday School classes without any commitment (up to three visits, for example). Training Mentors- During this time, the assistant is a disciple of the teacher. He learns by observing the teacher and helps him in practical issues (distributing materials, helping children with their crafts, maintaining discipline, etc.) According to his progress, he might also lead praise times, prayer times, or teach parts of a lesson. Hands on-training. Receive a basic formal training for new teachers. Commitment as a teacher of a class, for one year. After some time of experience as a teacher, he will look for a new assistant teacher and train him.

5 Preparation of a Sunday School Leader Biblical knowledge Development of his own spiritual life (communion with God, living according to His Word, not doing things in his own strength but in the power of God, stewardship, etc.) Getting God's vision of children (regarding their spiritual and psychological situation, their needs, their potential for God, etc.) Knowing and applying different teaching methods Practice in teaching Practical and creative capacities, such as: drawing; making crafts; playing a musical instrument; singing; acting or playing puppets; elaborating educational materials; etc. (Not every teacher needs all of these capacities, but he should have at least some of them and develop them more.)

6 Growing New teachers A church never has "too many" teachers If there are more teachers than needed for teaching the children of the church, there is always need to find more children outside the church to reach for the Lord. The Sunday School Director trains and disciples the teachers; ideally the teachers are parents, the teachers disciple the assistant teachers; teachers and assistant teachers disciple the children and teenagers.

7 Your not short teachers if… You have at least 2 experienced teachers and a parent for each willing to be extra hands Break up ministry teams that are experienced and have been working together for more than one year, instead of one team you now should have two. If you can do that in every grade you’ll have eight! 8 mentors x 2 helpers= 16 workers A Year later- 16 x 2= 32 workers! And a year after that 32 x 2=64 workers!

8 The Long and Short of it… If you disciple parents in how to spiritually train up their children include the mandate to equip and disciple others you will never be short children’s ministry workers!

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