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Edline Teacher Training You can refer to the help section for any page displayed or refer to the Teacher Guide for other information.

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Presentation on theme: "Edline Teacher Training You can refer to the help section for any page displayed or refer to the Teacher Guide for other information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Edline Teacher Training You can refer to the help section for any page displayed or refer to the Teacher Guide for other information

2 What is Edline?  Web-Based Communication Portal  Students  Improve student achievement  Parents  Increases opportunity for parent involvement  Community  Reduce paper based costs  Easily accessible information  Component of NCLB  Single School Culture  Achievement for all

3 Implementation  Two Year Implementation Plan  June 2004 Training  School Administrator and Edline Managers  Teacher Cadre Training -- Fall 2004  School Administrator and Edline Managers  Three other teachers to form Cadre (Support Team)  The school team trains other teachers at your school  Follow up training support -- ongoing  The Help Button!!  Michael Thompson

4 District Edline Goals  All schools using the school and class websites to disseminate information to parents and community.  All teachers using email to increase parent contacts.  Secondary schools updating progress reports every two weeks

5 Edline Basics  Four Components of Edline  Users – People that have an Edline account  Groups – organizations like districts, schools, clubs, sports, etc.  Documents – used to display information  Folders – used to store documents, other folders or groups  Navigation  Use links and buttons in Edline to move around  Do not use the back and forward buttons on your browser  Timing out  Time out every 20 minutes  Home Pages  School home page  All Groups have home pages

6 Log In Page

7 School Page

8 Manage Class

9 Send Email

10 Compose Message

11 Edit Contents

12 Types of Additions

13 Create Document

14 Modify Document

15 Change Visibility

16 Edit Links

17 Add to Folder

18 Create Link

19 Modify Link Document

20 Add to News

21 Create News

22 Modify News

23 Edit Calendar Event Edit Calendar Event

24 Create Event

25 Modify Event

26 Combined Calendar

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