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Bubble #2 ISAT Standards # 6, 7, 8 What is a “Shared Vision”? Shared Vision: Input & Communication District School Class “Commonly held set of beliefs.

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Presentation on theme: "Bubble #2 ISAT Standards # 6, 7, 8 What is a “Shared Vision”? Shared Vision: Input & Communication District School Class “Commonly held set of beliefs."— Presentation transcript:


2 Bubble #2 ISAT Standards # 6, 7, 8

3 What is a “Shared Vision”? Shared Vision: Input & Communication District School Class “Commonly held set of beliefs or goals generated by all shareholder groups” RISC Beliefs and goals become more specific and articulated at the classroom level.

4 Let’s “UNPACK” Shared Vision I. Leadership II. Shared Vision III. Standards Based Design IV. Continuous Improvement Standards: Instruction-Student Focus

5 5 ISAT 5

6 Let’s “UNPACK” Shared Vision Standards: Instruction-Student Focus Individually: Review ISAT “SV: Criteria” 1 minute of quiet, thinking time One Time Around The Table – each person gets 1 minute to share thoughts or ask questions Questions you might ask: *where am I right now? *what do I need to move forward? *why is this component important for student success? 10 Minutes

7 Let’s work on our Shared Vision P3T – Paper Passing Purpose Tool (1) Individually – write 1 or more statements explaining what your school community would ‘do’ if there was student-centered performance based teaching (2) 5-10 min. quiet time (3) Pass your paper to the person on your left (4) Take the paper from the person on your right (5) Underline any statements or words which are significant to you. (6) Continue passing until you have read and underlined on each paper (7) Create 1 group synthesis of ideas: –Group reader: reads statements with 2 or more underlines –Group recorder: writes these on large sticky paper –Whole group: organize and synthesize (cannot add anything new nor can you ignore any statements) –Group reporter: read to entire group –Whole group Shared vision created by a rep. from each group –All read

8 Code of Cooperation To achieve your shared vision, all members will need to share in an effective working community. Essential Question: What attributes/behaviors must be practiced by all so that there is student-centered performance based teaching ? (i.e. How will all have to act/behave to create this environment) Process: Brainstorming and Affinity

9 Learner Centered Culture Most effective when continually monitored Continual Opportunity for Feedback! Integrate Code of Conduct into the Curriculum Standards: Report & Record- Dev/Deploy, Shared Vision: Strategic Planning, Standards: Assessment & Deployment ISAT Criteria Turn to Your Neighbor: How might monitoring Code of Conduct simplify classroom management?

10 Brainstorming Individually – write all behaviors you believe should be in place so that all succeed –1 idea/sticky –~5 min of quiet time for this step

11 Affinity Diagram Group: 1 person reads his/her stickies and places on table –Next person reads any new ideas and matches common ideas with those on table –Continue until all members stickies are on table –Look for more clumping/grouping of ideas –Create a “name” or category for your clumps –Synthesize: On large poster paper, make a final list of your category names/headings –Share with whole group –Final synthesis: 1 rep from each group take all lists and create a final, common list

12 Pause to Reflect Think-Pair-Share (T-P-S) –What tools have you used today? –How might you use these in your classroom during the first week of school? –In what ways do you believe these tools might be effective? –What ‘glitches’ do you see in their implementation?

13 Tool Kit Word wall Parking lot SOP’s Elbow partners 5 why’s CDD (flow chart) ISAT (scoring guide) Table talks Collegiality Continuum Consens-o-ogram One time around table talk P3T (Paper Passing Purpose Tool) Affinity Diagram

14 Demonstrate how to use a PDCA

15 PDCA - Shared Vision - Code of Cooperation Begin to Plan Week 1 –What tool(s) will you use? –What purpose/plan will you have through the use of this/these tools?

16 Before leaving... Add to parking lot, please Self-assess on ISAT …. Where are you for #1, 4, 6, 7 and 8? Create PDCA for shared vision and/or Code of Cooperation

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