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“BUILDING CAPACITY FOR AN AP PROGRAM” Simpson High School by David Lewis.

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1 “BUILDING CAPACITY FOR AN AP PROGRAM” Simpson High School by David Lewis

2 3 R’s of High School Redesign Relevance Relationship Rigor

3 RIGOR = ? ? More Material ? More Difficulty ? More Research ? G/T ? Larger Textbook


5 Advanced Placement Incentive Program GRANT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How Simpson High is able to offer AP courses

6 Advanced Placement Incentive Program The creation of the Louisiana Advanced Placement Academy (LAAP) is a joint effort of the Louisiana Department of Education and Louisiana State University (LSU). Targeting six high schools and three middle schools  Franklinton High and Junior High in Washington Parish  Simpson High and Pickering High in Vernon Parish (K-12 schools)  Capitol Pre-College Academy for Boys, Capitol Pre-College Academy for Girls, Capitol Middle (East Baton Rouge Parish)  Baker High and Baker Middle in the City of Baker School System (EBR) Washington Parish East Baton Rouge Parish Vernon Parish

7 Advanced Placement Incentive Program The LAAP will provide model programs for rural, inner-city, and suburban school districts that can be scaled up to expand open access to strong AP® & Pre-AP programs across all of Louisiana. The project employs nine AP® Faculty Advisors (university personnel from LSU, Northwestern, Southeastern, Southern, or retired AP teachers) providing job- embedded professional development and support systems within an AP® Vertical Team model. Significant funding for professional development opportunities with teacher training designed to maximize the number of students taking and passing AP Exams. Uses a hybrid instructional model, an online AP teacher works with the face-to- face teacher Provides AP® and Pre-AP materials.

8 Prerequisites for Success: Guidance Counselor Faculty Students Administrative Support

9 Administrative Support: Faculty – Training Equipment Positive Feedback Encouragement Praise/Recognition

10 Administrative Support: Students – Encouragement Praise Recognition

11 Administrative Support: Guidance Counselor – Appreciation Information “Team” Concept

12 Administrative Support: Administrative Training AP Summer Institute for Administrators Attend Teacher Training – with Teachers

13 DEMOGRAPHICS of Simpson School  Rural/Community School  PK – 12 Grades  370 Students  110 HS Students  65 JH Students

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