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Responsive Yet Stable Traffic Engineering Srikanth Kandula Dina Katabi, Bruce Davie, and Anna Charny.

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Presentation on theme: "Responsive Yet Stable Traffic Engineering Srikanth Kandula Dina Katabi, Bruce Davie, and Anna Charny."— Presentation transcript:

1 Responsive Yet Stable Traffic Engineering Srikanth Kandula Dina Katabi, Bruce Davie, and Anna Charny

2 Good mapping requires Load Balancing Good Mapping Good Performance & Low Cost ISPs needs to map traffic to underlying topology 100% Ingress Egress

3 100% Ingress Egress More, ISPs want to re-balance load when an unexpected event causes congestion

4 100% Ingress Egress Traffic Change More, ISPs want to re-balance load when an unexpected event causes congestion failure, BGP reroute, flash crowd, or attack

5 100% Ingress Egress Traffic Change Move Traffic

6 Need to rebalance load ASAP o Remove congestion before it affects users performance But, moving quickly may overshoot congestion on a different path more drops … But, rebalancing load in realtime is risky Congestion! Ingress1 Ingress2 Traffic Change

7 Need to rebalance load ASAP o Remove congestion before it affects users performance But, moving quickly may overshoot congestion on a different path more drops … But, rebalancing load in realtime is risky Ingress1 Ingress2 Traffic Change Congestion!

8 Problem: How to make Traffic Engineering: Responsive: reacts ASAP Stable: converges to balanced load without overshooting or generating new congestion Problem: How to make Traffic Engineering: Responsive: reacts ASAP Stable: converges to balanced load without overshooting or generating new congestion Need to rebalance load ASAP o Remove congestion before it affects users performance But, moving quickly may overshoot congestion on a different path more drops … But, rebalancing load in realtime is risky

9 Current Approaches Offline TE (e.g., OSPF-TE) Avoids the risk of instability caused by realtime adaptation, but also misses the benefits Balances the load in steady state Deal with failures and change in demands by computing routes that work under most conditions Overprovision for unanticipated events Online TE (e.g., MATE) Try to adapt to unanticipated events But, can overshoot causing drops and instability Long-Term Demands Long-Term Demands Link Weights OSPF-TE

10 This Talk TeXCP: Responsive & Stable Online TE Idea: o Use adaptive load balancing o But add explicit-feedback congestion control to prevent overshoot and drops TeXCP keeps utilization always within a few percent of optimal Compare to MATE and OSPF-TE, showing that TeXCP outperforms both

11 Typical Formalization of the TE Problem Find a routing that: Min Max-Utilization Removes hot spots and balances load High Max-Utilization is an indicator that the ISP should upgrade its infrastructure

12 Online TE involves solving 2 sub-problems 1.Find the traffic split that minimizes the Max-Utilization 2.Converge to the balanced traffic splits in a stable manner Also, an implementation mechanism to force traffic to follow the desired splits

13 A TeXCP agent per IE, at ingress node ISP configures each TeXCP agent with paths between IE Paths are pinned (e.g., MPLS tunnels) Force traffic along the right paths Implementation: Ingress Egress TeXCP Agent Solution:

14 Periodically, TeXCP agent probes a path for its utilization Distributedly, TeXCP agents find balanced traffic splits Sub-Problem: Solution: TeXCP Load Balancer Ingress Egress x U1 = 0.4 U2 = 0.7 U1 = 0.4 U2 = 0.7 Probes follow the slow path like ICMP messages

15 Periodically, TeXCP agent probes a path for its utilization Sub-Problem: Solution: A TeXCP agent iteratively moves traffic from over-utilized paths to under-utilized paths o r p is this agents traffic on path p Deal with different path capacity Deal with inactive paths ( r p =0) TeXCP Load Balancer Distributedly, TeXCP agents find balanced traffic splits

16 Periodically, TeXCP agent probes a path for its utilization Sub-Problem: Solution: A TeXCP agent iteratively moves traffic from over-utilized paths to under-utilized paths o r p is this agents traffic on path p Deal with different path capacity Deal with inactive paths ( r p =0) TeXCP Load Balancer Proof in paper Distributedly, TeXCP agents find balanced traffic splits

17 Converge to balanced load in a stable way Sub-Problem: Solution: Use Experience from Congestion Control (XCP) Congestion Control Flow from sender to receiver Senders share the bottleneck; need coordination to prevent oscillations Online TE Flow from ingress to egress TeXCP agents share physical link; need coordination to prevent oscillations Move in really small increments No Overshoot! Challenge is to move traffic quickly w/o overshoot

18 Load Balancer Load Balancer Path Controller Path Controller Path Controller Path Controller Ingress-Egress Demands Congestion Management layer Analogous to an Application Congestion Management Layer between Load Balancer and Data Plane o Set of light-weight per-path congestion controllers Unlike prior online TE, Load Balancer can push a decision to the data plane only as fast as the Congestion Management Layer allows it

19 Explicit feedback from core routers (like XCP) Periodically, collects feedback in ICMP-like probes Per-Path Light-Weight Congestion Controller Ingress Egress Utilization Feedback Probe

20 Explicit feedback from core routers (like XCP) Periodically, collects feedback in ICMP-like probes Per-Path Light-Weight Congestion Controller Ingress Egress U =.8 F = 100kbps Probe

21 Explicit feedback from core routers (like XCP) Periodically, collects feedback in ICMP-like probes Per-Path Light-Weight Congestion Controller Ingress Egress U =.8 F = 100kbps Probe U =.2 F = 500kbps U =.2 F = 500kbps

22 Explicit feedback from core routers (like XCP) Periodically, collects feedback in ICMP-like probes Per-Path Light-Weight Congestion Controller Ingress Egress Core router computes aggregate feedback Δ = Spare BW – Queue / Max-RTT Estimates number of IE-flows by counting probes, and divides feedback between them Occasional explicit feedback in probes… Need software changes only

23 Stability Idea Theorem 1: Given a particular load split, the path controller stabilizes the traffic on each link Theorem 2: Given stable path controllers, o Every TeXCP agent sees balanced load on all paths o Unused paths have higher utilization than used paths Load Balancer Path Controller Ingress Egress Informally stated: Per-path controller works at a faster timescale than load balancer Can decouple components Stabilize separately

24 Performance

25 Simulation Setup Standard for TE Rocketfuel topologies Average demands follow gravity model IE-traffic consists of large # of Pareto on-off sources TeXCP Parameters: o Each agent is configured with 10 shortest paths o Probe for explicit feedback every 0.1s o Load balancer re-computes a split every 0.5s Compare to Optimal Max-Utilization o Obtained with a centralized oracle that has Immediate and exact demands info, and uses as many paths as necessary

26 TeXCP Balances Load Without Oscillations TeXCP converges to a few percent of optimal Time (s) Maximum Link Utilization

27 TeXCP Balances Load Without Oscillations Time (s) Utilizations of all links in the network change without oscillations Link Utilization

28 Comparison with MATE MATE is the state-of-the-art in online TE All simulation parameters are from the MATE paper Ingress 1 Ingress 2 Ingress 3 Egress 1 Egress 2 Egress 3 L1 L2 L3

29 Time (s) Avg. drop rate in MATE is 20% during convergence decrease in cross traffic TeXCP MATE Explicit feedback allows TeXCP to react faster and without oscillations TeXCP balances load better than MATE Offered Link Load

30 Comparison with OSPF-TE OSPF-TE is the most-studied offline TE scheme It computes link weights, which when used in OSPF balance the load OSPF-TE-FAIL is an extension that optimizes for failures OSPF-TE-Multi-TM is an extension that optimizes for variations in traffic demands

31 Comparison with OSPF-TE under Static Load Abovenet Genuity Sprint Tiscali AT&T 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 Optimal Ratio of Max-U to Opt.

32 TeXCP is within a few percent of optimal, outperforming OSPF-TE Comparison with OSPF-TE under Static Load Abovenet Genuity Sprint Tiscali AT&T 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 Ratio of Max-U to Opt. OSPF-TE TeXCP

33 Comparison with OSPF-TE-Fail Abovenet Genuity Sprint Tiscali AT&T 3 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 Ratio of Max-U to Opt. TeXCP allows an ISP to support same failure resilience with about ½ the capacity ! OSPF-TE-Fail TeXCP

34 Performance When Traffic Deviates From Long-term Averages TeXCP reacts better to realtime demands! 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 Ratio of Max-U to Opt. Deviation from Long-term Average Demands 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 OSPF-TE-Multi-TM TeXCP

35 Conclusion TeXCP: Responsive & Stable Online TE Combines load balancing with a Cong. Mngt. Layer to prevent overshoot and drops TeXCP keeps utilization always within a few percent of optimal Compared to MATE, it is faster and does not overshoot Compared to OSPF-TE o it keeps utilization 20% to 100% lower o it supports the same failure resilience with ½ the capacity major savings for the ISP

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