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Published byVernon Garrett Modified over 9 years ago
A Level-Set Method for Multimaterial Radiative Shock Hydrodynamics
David Starinshak and Smadar Karni Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan Center for Radiative Shock Hydrodynamics (CRASH) MULTIMAT 2011, September 5-9, Arcachon, France Funding: DoE NNSA-ASC grant DE-FC52-08NA28616, NSF Award DMS and University of Michigan Rackham Travel Grant.
Goals and Outline OUTLINE:
Develop a 2D multimaterial rad-hydro code which employs state-of-the-art level set technology Address concerns of species mass conservation and spurious evaporation in the context of HEDP and rad-hydro OUTLINE: Physics: Laser-driven HEDP experiments Mathematics: Model equations Numerics: Solver and Discretization Strategies Test Problems and Results Future Work and Extensions Material dependencies play a huge roll in multi-physics systems like radiation-hydrodynamics
The CRASH Experiment Key Physical Features:
( ~ 3.8 kJ ) ( ~ 200 km/s ) Key Physical Features: Strong radiative shock front High energy density regime Strong radiation-hydro coupling Multimaterial Ma ~ , radiation heats upstream media ionization, > 1 g/cc, Tmat > 1 keV, Trad > 50 eV prad ~ pmat , non-equilibrium EOS and opacities vary across sharp interfaces *X-ray Radiograph from CRASH experiment (FW Doss, 2011)
Wall Ablation & Entrainment Problem
Irradiated wall heats up and ablates Sends wall shock into Xe Thick-thin Interface Rad transport depends on interface geometry plastic unperturbed xenon radiative precursor hydro shock wall shock interface heat front ( ~ 1 ns ) shocked beryllium Entrainment Shear wave instability driven by shock front Interface dynamics drive xenon entrainment shocked beryllium plasma hydro shock wall shock entrained xenon dense shocked xenon ( ~ 10 ns )
Model Equations Multi-Group Flux-Limited Diffusion with Ionization
Simplifications and Amendments Monoenergetic “Gray” Radiation Zero Explicit Ionization Zero Electron Heat Flux Single Opacity Reduced Model:
Model Equations Conservation of mass, momentum, and (material + radiation) energy System Closure: Opacity Model: Material Parameterization: Adiabatic index Ideal gas constant Opacity coefficient
Model Equations Source Exchanges energy between matter and radiation
Blackbody Emission Absorption Exchanges energy between matter and radiation Attempts to equilibrate system: Radiation Heat Flux
The Level Set Model for Interfaces
Key Assumption Materials are immiscible over timescales of interest Sign of level curve determines material type Level Curves advect at local flow velocity Material-dependent quantities are discontinuous functions of the level curve
Numerical Solver Summary
Operator Splitting: Explicit : 2nd order multimaterial HLL solver of MUSCL-Hancock type Nonconservative products discretized to conserve total energy Material designations determined from updated level set Implicit : nonlinear root-finding + finite volume diffusion solver Newton-Raphson iteration on T and ER 2nd order Crank-Nicolson discretization in time
Level Set Discretization Strategies
Initialize as signed distance function (satisfies Eikonal condition: ) Many Attractive Methods Available Black box hydro solver [HLL, upwind, PPM, etc.] HOUC [Nourgaliev & Theofanous JCP 2006] Particle LS [Enright et al JCP 2002] LS-CIR / Semi-Lagrangian [Strain JCP 2000] Fast Marching [Adalsteinsson & Sethian JCP 1999] ENO/WENO for H-J Equations [Osher & Shu SIAM 1991] Advection Form Reinitialize: where Hamilton-Jacobi Form Reinitialize: where Extension Velocity H-J Extend normal velocity: Eikonal condition not the only way LS can be “well-behaved” Lots of literature on new LS technology Not a lot of literature on LS for compressible or rad-hydro Efficient Implementation: Update only in a narrow band around interfaces
Interfaces and Material Terms
Sub-Zonal Interface reconstruction bi-linear interpolation from nodal level set values Interface normal obtained from interpolant Sharp Volume Fractions Integrate Heaviside function of interpolant Fluids are immiscible HOWEVER numerically, it is oftentimes important to bring in physics below resolution of the cells Strategy for Material Terms Weighted by the computed volume fraction for each species
Diffusion Solver Discretization
Nonlinear, material-dependent, flux-limited heat conduction: Coefficient Flux limiter Radiative Knudson number Discretization: Crank-Nicolson in time; Finite volume, centered-differencing in space Diffusion coefficient constructed cell faces Arithmetic average of ER Single-material faces: Harmonic avg of opacity (Arithmetic of DR) Two-material faces: Arithmetic avg of opacity (Harmonic of DR) “Mixed” cells treated as separate material
Diffusion Solver Discretization
Nonlinear, material-dependent, flux-limited heat conduction: Coefficient Flux limiter Radiative Knudson number Discretization: Crank-Nicolson in time; Finite volume, centered-differencing in space Diffusion coefficient constructed cell faces Arithmetic average of ER Single-material faces: Harmonic avg of opacity (Arithmetic of DR) Two-material faces: Arithmetic avg of opacity (Harmonic of DR) “Mixed” cells treated as separate material
Spurious Pressure Oscillations
Pressure equilibrium not respected across diffused material fronts Well-understood phenomenon for multi-fluid systems Consequence of prescribing a mixed-cell EOS across (numerically) diffused interfaces Does not occur in single-fluid systems Oscillations Occur at every time level Occur in 1st order solvers Not removed by mesh refinement Not removed by high-order solvers Better control over pressure values is required near interfaces Remedies: Ghost Fluids Pressure Evolution Single-fluid Solver R Fedkiw et al, JCP, 1999 S Karni, JCP, 1994 S Karni & R Abgrall, Proceedings, 2001
Single-Fluid Multimaterial Solver
Interface Left State Right State Material 1 Material 2 Resolve waves at cell boundary so that WL and WR “see” the same fluid on the other side Properties Total mass and momentum perfectly conserved (Material + radiation) energy essentially conserved Conserved almost everywhere Errors are small, do not accumulate, and tend to zero with mesh refinement NOTE: Material and radiation energies not individually conserved S Karni & R Abgrall, Ghost-Fluids for the Poor: A Single Fluid Algorithm for Multifluids. Proceedings ICHP
Pressure Defects in Pure Hydro
Multimaterial Sod Shock Tube: Pressure defect develops across interface Single-fluid solver: defect removed with -0.17% error in energy conservation
Pressure Defects in Rad-Hydro
Source-Dominated Shock Tube: Conservation Error < 0.12% Diffusion-Dominated Shock Tube: Conservation Error < 0.09%
1D Wall Ablation Problem
Hot ionized gas plastic Radiative precursor Beryllium plasma Interface xenon Cold dense wall 1D shock tube initial conditions: Radiation in equilibrium: Temperature-dependent opacity: Boundary conditions: - Radiating left boundary (T = 100 eV) - Zero gradient at right boundary
1D Wall Ablation Problem
Semi-analytic scaling* Computed Solution Dense shock Heat front Wall shock Interface *Used by permission (Drake et al, 2010, preprint) NOTE: System loses positivity if spurious pressure oscillations not addressed
1D Wall Ablation Problem
Species Mass Conservation
Interfaces are sharp, but material fronts diffuse numerically Conservation of individual species masses not guaranteed 1. Density can vary by orders of magnitude across interfaces Small changes in interface position large species mass errors 2. Opacity and EOS sensitive to density changes Radiative transfer rates Overflowing bounds of EOS / opacity table 3. Spurious evaporation of entrained fluid species Complications to Rad-Hydro Models:
Species Mass Conservation Errors
Errors manifest as mass exchange between fluid species + 28.8% + 20.7% + 14.3% + 2.78% + 0.42% + 0.18% Reinitialize Level Curves Errors do not accumulate for isolated fronts Errors tend to zero with grid refinement (1st order) Can accelerate convergence by steepening contact
Summary Accomplishments Future Work Implementation
Verified code for 1D, 2-material rad-hydro Implemented and begun testing 2D, N-material hydro with “modern” LS solvers Characterized species mass errors in 1D Future Work Implementation 2D extensions of source and diffusion solvers Generalize LS methods to 3+ materials Sub-Grid Material Resolution Mixed-cell diffusion solver (tensor?) Multimaterial source (!) LS-informed adaptive grids Species Mass Conservation Errors Consistency conditions: VOF and LS Modify reinitialization methods
Acknowledgements References
Smadar Karni, Eric Myra, Bruce Fryxell, Ken Powell, and Paul Drake The entire CRASH Team University of Michigan, Texas A&M, and Simon Fraser contributors U.S. Department of Energy’s NNSA-ASC Program, NSF, Rackham Graduate School MULTIMAT 2011 organizing committee References R Abgrall & S Karni, Computations of Compressible Multifluids, JCP, 169, 594 (2001). R Drake et al, Behavior of Irradiated Low-Z Walls and Adjacent Plasma (preprint, 2010). R Fedkiw, T Aslam, B Merriman, & S Osher, A Non-oscillatory Eulerian Approach to Interfaces in Multimaterial Flows (the Ghost Fluid Method), JCP, 152, 457 (1999). S Karni, Multicomponent Flow Calculations by a Consistent Primitive Algorithm, JCP, 112, 1 (1994). S Karni & R Abgrall, Ghost-Fluids for the Poor: A Single Fluid Algorithm for Multifluids. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems, Theory and Numerics C Levermore & G Pomraning, A Flux-Limited Diffusion Theory, Astrophys. J., 248: (1981). R Lowrie, J Morel, & J Hittinger, The Coupling of Radiation and Hydrodynamics, Astrophys. J., 521: (1999). R Lowrie, R Rauenzahn, Radiative Shocks in the Equilibrium Diffusion Limit, Shock Waves, 16: (2007). R Lowrie, J Edwards, Radiative Shocks with Grey Nonequilibrium Diffusion, Shock Waves, 18: (2008). Mihalas & Mihalas, Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics, 1983. W Mulder, S Osher, J Sethian, Computing Interface Motion in Compressible Gas Dynamics, JCP, 100, 2009 (1992). B van der Holst, G Toth, I Sokolov, K Powell, J Holloway, E Myra, Q Stout, M Adams, J Morel, S Karni, R Drake, CRASH: A Block-Adaptive-Mesh Code for Radiative Shock Hydrodynamics (preprint, 2011)
Implicit Solver Solve: Use EOS to transform E to T:
Kinetic terms do not vary in time, and material terms are frozen at * time level: Implicit Backward Euler discretization in time: FV Spatial Discretization Tridiagonal matrix in 1D Banded tridiagonal in 2D Arithmetic averaging gives DR* at cell boundaries Vectorize:
Implicit Solver (Cont)
Solve the nonlinear vector-operator equation: Equivalently, perform nonlinear root-finding: where Newton-Raphson Iteration: Initial iterate: NOTE: Inverting the Jacobian matrix amounts to inverting the matrix from the discretized diffusion operator. This is done at each iteration. Alternatives: preconditioned CG or GMRES
Pressure Evolution Solver
Away from Interfaces Near Interfaces Solve material energy equation: Solve material pressure equation: Form pressure using EOS: Form material energy using EOS: Solving for pressure directly ensures its continuity across material fronts Solver Properties Perfectly conserves total mass and momentum Essentially conserves energy Conserved almost everywhere in computational domain Conservation errors are small and do not accumulate Errors decrease with mesh refinement NOTE: Material and radiation energies not strictly conserved for this system; their sum is.
Spurious Pressure Oscillations
Pressure equilibrium not respected across material fronts Pressure computed from diffused hydro quantities using the EOS Two EOS exist across interfaces: a mixed-cell EOS is needed As interface moves: mixed-fluid EOS becomes inconsistent with hydro variables A pressure defect develops, sending signals into neighboring cells Oscillations Occur at every time level Occur in 1st order solvers Not removed by mesh refinement Not removed by high-order solvers Better control over pressure values is required near interfaces Remedies: Ghost Fluids Pressure Evolution Single-fluid Solvers R Fedkiw et al, JCP, 1999 S Karni, JCP, 1994 S Karni & R Abgrall, Proceedings, 2001
Single-Fluid Multimaterial Solver
Interface Left State Right State Material 1 Material 2 Waves updating WL Start with primitive variables Form WL and WR using EOS from Mat. 1 Waves updating WR Start with primitive variables: Form WL and WR using EOS from Mat. 2 Properties Perfectly conserves total mass and momentum Essentially conserves energy Conserved almost everywhere in computational domain Conservation errors are small and do not accumulate Errors decrease with mesh refinement NOTE: Material and radiation energies not strictly conserved for this system; their sum is.
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