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Preventing Childhood Obesity~ Nanncie Constantin NUR 544 March 19, 2012 Professor Fisher.

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Presentation on theme: "Preventing Childhood Obesity~ Nanncie Constantin NUR 544 March 19, 2012 Professor Fisher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preventing Childhood Obesity~ Nanncie Constantin NUR 544 March 19, 2012 Professor Fisher

2 Objectives  Consider changes that families and community can made to prevent obesity.  Suggest ways to improve health in the home.  Tips for parents.  Factors and Effects of obesity  Behavior change strategies

3 What are the Factors Lack of Physical Activity DietingGenetics

4 Effects of Overweight hypertension High cholesterol Type 2 diabetes Coronary hear disease Sleep apnea

5 How to prevent obesity  Regular Exercise  Health diet  Portion control  After School activity  The media  Parents influences

6 Behavior changes Strategies  Increase awareness of food choices  Increase Physical activity  Spend more time Outdoors

7 19961991 Obesity Trends* Among U.S. Adults 1991, 1996, 2004 (*BMI 30, or about 30 lbs overweight for 5’4” person) No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19% 20%–24% ≥25% 2004 Obesity Trends* in The US 1991, 1996, 2004

8 What parents Can do to help  Set time limits on video games and TV.  Encourage after school activities  Include regular activities as a family  Plan and cook meals at home

9 What Community & Government can do  Federal Government -Support grant programs -Develop and evaluate project to promote programs  State & Local Governments - Provide leaderships & support for promoting opportunities in communities, neighborhoods, and schools

10 Evaluation survey 1) How many times does your family eat out during the week? ___ every day ___ 4 times a week ___ 2 times a week ___ every day ___ 4 times a week ___ 2 times a week ___ Once a week ___ rarely ___ Once a week ___ rarely 2) Do you have sports equipment (bike, balls, roller blades, etc.) at home? ___ Yes ___ No, Explain __________________________________ ___ Yes ___ No, Explain __________________________________ 3) How many times does the family exercise a week? ___ Once a week ___ twice a week ______ Three times a week____ ___ Once a week ___ twice a week ______ Three times a week____ ___ Never ___ Never 4). What type of snack foods do you normally purchase? Cookies __chips __yogurt ____fruits ___ peanuts _____others. (list ex.)

11 Summary  Key point to remember -Improve your health by: - staying physically active - Eat a proper diet - Set specific goals for you and your family.

12 Reference  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2005). “Overweight and Obesity Health Consequences.” Retrieved from  Centers of Disease Control and Prevention: Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity in The U.S. (2008). Retrieved from http://www. http://www  Mikkelson L., Cohen L., Bhattacharyya K, Davis R., (2008). Eliminating Health Disparities the Role of Primary Prevention. Retrieved from  Obesity Prevention. (2012). Retrieved from

13 Reference  Lopez, M., (2010). Primary Prevention of Obesity. Retrieved from  Macdonald, J. (2008). Program evaluation: Formative Vs. Summative evaluation. Retrieved from  Trifiletti, L., Gieleni, D. and Hopkins K. (2010). Behavioral and Social Science Theories and Models: Are they used in Unintentional Injury Prevention Research. Health Educational Research Vol. 20 No.3. Oxford University Press. Retrieved from

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