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A Plan to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease From Becoming A Pediatric Illness. Juliette Minahan Period 5.

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Presentation on theme: "A Plan to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease From Becoming A Pediatric Illness. Juliette Minahan Period 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Plan to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease From Becoming A Pediatric Illness. Juliette Minahan Period 5

2 Introduction The percent of heart disease in children between the ages of two and nineteen has drastically increased over the last couple of years. Child obesity is also a growing issue in the United States. In a population-based sample of 5- to 17- year-olds, 70% of obese youth had at least one risk factor for cardiovascular disease (Coronary heart disease). Coronary heart disease (also called Coronary artery disease) is when plaque builds up in the arteries leaving someone with a greater chance of having a heart attack.

3 Objective A realistic plan to lower the percentage of children that are obese and in danger of Cardiovascular disease.

4 The Media Television, music, and magazines are filled with food ads. These food ads seem to support the consumption of starchy and sugary products. In recent studies of the FCC (2010), data shows that children spend up to four and a half hours a day watching television or listening to the radio. Other studies show that unlike adults, most children have a hard time distinguishing between program content and advertisements. The same study’s alarming results explain that one out of every three children between the ages 2 and 19 are obese. Do these two ideas correlate with the growing rate of pediatric cardiovascular disease?

5 Revamp the Media Television programming should decrease the amount of candy, fast food, and unhealthy snack ads on children’s tv stations. Stations should replace unhealthy food commercials with more healthy food advertisements. Incorporate healthful food habits in children’s shows. Example: on sesame street cookie monster became “veggie monster”. A problem that could hault the revamping of children’s media is the snack companies will only do what makes them the most profit. Therefore, they may not take their ads off of television if it is not in their best financial interest.

6 At a certain age it is important to be aware of how to live a healthy lifestyle. How do we educate children about their risks for cardiovascular disease? Educate

7 Education In Schools 1. Health classes starting in grade school should teach children about CVD. 2. Create awareness about each child’s future heart health. Explain that healthy choices are factors for their health. 3. Strongly advise children to exercise. Encourage students to take physical education classes more vigorously. 4. Schools should stretch their promotion for healthy foods. Cafeteria lunches need to add more dishes guided to keep children from eating fatty foods. A potential barrier for this component of the plan could be that school curriculum may not have enough room to include new material.

8 Family Habits Many young children learn from the people who raise them. It’s vital that healthy life styles start as early as two years old.

9 Have Healthy Habits at Home Parents should set an example by eating healthy foods, especially for younger children. Children should take supplements filled with LDL lowering substances. Incorporate fish into family dinners. Fish is rich with HDL. In households with younger children, it is suggested to keep a child proof lock on junk food cabinets. This will keep children from over eating not so healthy foods. Find time during the day to go on walks with children. A little exercise at a young age will set a good example for the future. In the summer enroll children in a summer day camp that include out door games for exercise.

10 Family History Awareness If there is a history of CVD in the family, its essential to keep up with yearly check ups for children.

11 Annual Pediatric Visits If CVD is present in family history, the pediatrician should know. Discuss with your child’s doctor their blood test results to be aware of their HDL, LDL, and triglyceride levels. It is crucial that HDL levels are relatively high because this is healthy cholesterol. Also, LDL levels should be 0 to 130. LDL cholesterol can be a risk factor if the level is too high. The earlier a child has a plan to lower their risk factors, the healthier their heart can be! Unfortunately for some families they can’t afford proper medical care.

12 Community Most communities in the United State do not have an adequate amount of active programs for children. Many congested communities such as cities do not have playgrounds for young children to play on for exercise. Because towns lack physically active programs, child obesity has accelerated. VS.

13 Community Involvement There should be more organized activities for children so their boredom does not result in over eating. Children between the ages of eleven and nineteen are more prone to over eat due too rapid growth. Thus, more community activities, such as sport leagues, should be geared towards them to prevent obesity. Recreation centers could provide entertaining classes that revolve around exercise. Cities could have a fund specifically for new playground equipment. Public schools could host benefit walkathons, runs, or dance marathons for preteens and teenagers. This will foster more active lifestyles in kids.

14 Keep Your Stress Level Low and Relax The distributors of Bystolic, a hypertension treatment, state that Studies have shown that people with heightened anxiety, intense anger, and suppressed expression of anger were more at risk of developing high blood pressure. (even in preteens and teenagers) Keeping your blood pressure normal, especially if you are a teenager is beneficial to your health.

15 Relax and Meditate Children should meditate once a day. Instead of warming up stretches and crunches, physical education classes should spend a few minutes meditating. School districts should offer yoga as a club after school. Parents should enforce a bed time for their child, even if they are a teenager. A good night sleep will reduce stress on your mind, heart, and body.

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