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NYSDOH Partnerships for Pediatric Obesity Prevention Amy Jesaitis, MPH, RD, PAPHS Bureau of Community Chronic Disease Prevention.

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Presentation on theme: "NYSDOH Partnerships for Pediatric Obesity Prevention Amy Jesaitis, MPH, RD, PAPHS Bureau of Community Chronic Disease Prevention."— Presentation transcript:

1 NYSDOH Partnerships for Pediatric Obesity Prevention Amy Jesaitis, MPH, RD, PAPHS Bureau of Community Chronic Disease Prevention

2 Default Option = Healthy Option Policy, Systems and Environmental Changes to:  Increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behavior;  Increase access to and consumption of healthy foods and reduce access to and consumption of foods with minimal nutritional value  Increase provision of guideline-concordant health care

3 NYSDOH Partner Initiatives  Healthy Schools New York  Healthy Eating and Active Living by Design  Creating Healthy Places to Live, Work and Play  Community Transformation Grant  Obesity Prevention in Pediatric Health Care Settings  DASH-NY

4 Healthy Eating and Active Living by Design Creating Healthy Places to Live, Work & Play Healthy Schools New York NYSDOH Community and School Programs Community Transformation Grant

5 Healthy Schools New York 18 Contractors; 1 Training Center  Local wellness policies  Healthful foods  Physical activity  PE plans

6 Healthy Eating and Active Living by Design 12 Contractors  Trails  Afterschool programs  Healthy beverages  Complete streets  Community gardens  Smaller portions  Grocery stores

7 Creating Healthy Places to Live, Work and Play 22 Contractors Nutrition  Community gardens  Farmers markets  Grocery stores in high needs areas  Quality food at grocery stores, convenience stores/bodegas  Child care

8 Creating Healthy Places to Live, Work and Play Physical Activity  Joint-use agreements  Neighborhood or community trails  Street-scale urban design for small geographic areas  Complete streets  Child care

9 Community Transformation Grant 3 Counties  8 High Need School districts  10 Strategies (8 obesity related)  Safe Routes to School  Healthy beverages  Day Care  PA in classroom  Complete streets  School food buying groups


11 Obesity Prevention in Pediatric Health Care Settings 9 Contractors  Children age 2-18 years  AMA 2007 Expert Committee Recommendations on the Assessment, Prevention and Treatment of Child and Adolescent Overweight and Obesity.  Assess for and prevent obesity in PCPs/HCPOs serving low-income populations, racial and ethnic minorities and children and adolescents with disabilities.

12 Thank you! Contact Information: or 518-474-6683

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