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Published byEthelbert Simmons Modified over 9 years ago
Pre-Environmental Review PER SearchCoil Magnetometer FM4
Requirements/Design Updates Verification Results Test Planning
Outline Introduction SCM Overview Subjects of the review Programmatics Requirements/Design Updates Verification Results Test Planning Assurance Activities MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
SCM interfaces to the CEB for power and data
Block Diagram SCM interfaces to the CEB for power and data MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
S/C Location 3 2 4 5 1 8 6 7 +X -X -Y +Y SPACECRAFT DECK COMPONENTS
DSS Mag boom (stowed) RF xnpdr Battery 3 2 4 C&DH 5 1 Navigator USO 8 SCM Pre-Amp DPU 6 7 Star Sensors PSEES Mag boom (stowed) FEEPS S-Band Antenna MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
Subjects of the review SCM FM4 setting-up: Harness FM4 S/N FM4
Preamp FM4 S/N FM5 Sensor FM4 S/N FM3 FM2 SENSOR FM2 PREAMP Mettre photo sensor FM4#FM3 FM4 PREAMP FM4 SENSOR MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
Organizational and staffing plans RFA status
1. Programmatics Organizational and staffing plans RFA status Status of drawings/engineering change orders and manufacturing planning documents Schedule Risk management status => no open risk MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
1.a) Organizational and staffing plans
LPP TEAM Co-I O. Le Contel, A. Roux Technical Manager P. Leroy Lead Engineer C. Coillot AIV/AIT Engineer D. Alison QA Engineer + AIT/AIV support A. Galic, L. Meslier (Nexeya) => 0.3 FTE Software Engineer L. Mirioni LPP/CNRS Ecole Polytechnique Route de Saclay 91128 Palaiseau, FRANCE MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
All RFA AIs are in PIMS answered and concurred.
1.b ) RFA status All RFA AIs are in PIMS answered and concurred. MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
1.c) Status of drawings/engineering change orders and manufacturing planning documents
Manufacturing planning documents => sensor, harness and preamp in house. Current configuration is flight configuration (one SCM instrument = 1 assembly Sensor + Harness + Preamp) Mettre photo FM4 sensor FM2 SENSOR FM4 SENSOR MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
1.d) Schedule: manufacturing
Harness FM4 S/N FM4 manufactured Preamp FM4 S/N FM5 manufactured Sensor FM 4 S/N FM3 manufactured Lacing tape 2216 staking MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
1.d) Schedule: qualification
No Reserve for FM4 FM4 FIT (FIELDS Interference and Timing) test at UNH => 11 DEC 2012 Preamp + Sensor on schedule Harness to be decided asap Voir si on passe 2 harnais dans QCM en même temps MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
2. Requirements/Design Update
Requirements and hardware/software design changes since CDR Status of ICDs Resource status MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
2.a) Requirements and hardware/software design changes since CDR
FM4 build as FM1 except for the torque values and glue (see below) Requirement changes => No Software design changes => N/A The cables of the coils have been staked, using lacing tape and 2216 glue => NC closed, changes applied on FM1 and all subsequent FMs FM4 S/N FM3 vibration => NCR ref MMS-SCM-NC-TRI-139_Iss1_rev1_FM4_SENSOR_cracks_after_vibration Thermal Cycling between 22°C and 60°C performed with the tubes not fastened Change of the torque value to hold sensors 0.35Nm instead of 1.2Nm Thermal Cycling between 22°C and 60°C performed Glue 2216 between the structure and the sensors This set-up was qualified successfully in vibration at proto-flight levels on QM Vibration at proto-flight levels 07 June 2012 successful (2 Post vibration thermal cycles at LPP ok X-Ray inspection validation Mettre photo FM4 avec colle 2216 visible MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
2.b) Status of ICDs SENSOR: PREAMP
FIELDS SCM to Spacecraft Mechanical/Thermal ICD ( ) => rev D from DEC 2011 (due to an update needed on the CAD model of the Sensor) Mag Boom MICD => rev A on May, 2011 Orientation of the sensor on the mag boom changed since CDR, MICD of the mag boom not yet up to date Change of Screwlock on pigtail SCM P213 and on harness SCMJ213 conformed with Mechanical/Thermal ICD ( ) PREAMP FIELDS SCM to Spacecraft Mechanical/Thermal ICD ( ) => rev D from DEC 2010 The FIELDS ICD, UNH-MMS-FIELDSICD-01 is the Electrical interface document for SCM MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
Baseline performance/functional test results
3. Verification Results Baseline performance/functional test results Verification results of component and subcomponents Analyses status Mechanical Thermal Radiation => All parts are in PIMS and approved Flight software/firmware status (if applicable) => N/A Limited life items status => N/A MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
3.a) Baseline performance/functional test results
Electrical and Functional tests performed on the sensor after cabling of the pigtail Functional test inside a mu-metal box with Helmholtz coils Electrical tests will be used as baseline Incoming inspection of the preamplifiers: Power consumption (Feedback connector plugged, all inputs short-circuited) Output offsets (each channel) Transfer function (Preamp alone, each channel) => gain, cutoff frequencies Input noise (Preamp alone, each channel) Transfer function in field (Preamp + FM Sensor + FM Harness, each channel) => gain, cutoff frequencies Calibration transfer function (Preamp + FM Sensor + FM Harness, each channel) => gain, cutoff frequencies Trending parameters: Power consumption Total hours of operation log filled during testing The sensitivity of the SCM depends mainly on: The noise of the preamplifier The gain of the assembly The impedance of the primary coils MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
3.a) Logbook filled during FM4 S/N FM3 sensor Electrical and Functional tests
Initial DAL Date 15/06/2012 25/06/2012 Coil F11 FM 4 Harness FMS SCM GSE A3 Preamp QM B1 SCM GSE A Procedure MMS-SCM-PR-TRI-119 Tested Configuration: FM4 SENSOR, Fx Coil primary winding measurement Jun_15_09h36_Coil_FM4X#FM3_IMPEDANCE Mesure d'impédance 1Hz - 50kHz / Vrms 1V ORIENTATION X Ok f [Hz] Impédance mesurée [dB] Ohm / H / F COIL Résistance (Ohm) -- 1 Hz 1 -12,86 2276 Transfer Function oui Jun_25_10h51_Coil_MMS_X_FM4_SN_FM3_TF Inductance (H) Hz 201 6,81 17,35 10,2 Hz 91,0 Capacité (F) kHz 20479 -5,01 1384 f0 1 044,93 ORIENTATION Y F6 Jun_25_11h07_Coil_MMS_Y_FM4_SN_FM3_TF 91,2 ORIENTATION Z F13 Jun_25_11h19_Coil_MMS_Z_FM4_SN_FM3_TF 90,8 Jun_15_10h04_Coil_FM4Y#FM3_IMPEDANCE FM4#FM3 -13,29 2165 6,73 17,19 -5,77 1510 989,90 Jun_15_10h15_Coil_FM4Z#FM3_IMPEDANCE -13,32 2157 6,72 17,17 -5,31 1432 1 017,05 Main trending parameter => Inductance of the primary windings MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
3.a) FM1 primary winding inductance monitoring during thermal vacuum
X is different from Y and Z due to its position in the chamber, close to the aluminum interface. The baseline measurement for the thermal vacuum are performed just before closing the door. No sharp drop during the cycles that could be a clue to detect a default in the ferrite core. MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
3.a) FM1 primary winding resistance monitoring during thermal vacuum
MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
3.a) Logbook filled during FM4 S/N FM5 preamp Electrical and Functional tests
Date 21/06/2012 X Personnel DAL 503 Hz 87,26 dB 4,1 Hz 5,70 4,3 Device under Test FM5 PREAMP Cutoff frequency (-3dB) 4229 Hz 4251,00 SCM GSE A 3 Jun_21_15h03_flex_PA_FM5_X_BALAYAGE,txt Saturation no 210,39 SCM GSE HARNESS 15pts 1 617 mHz 4,2 Jun_22_13h59_flex_PA_FM5_X_Field_MumetalBox_FTCAL SCM GSE HARNESS 26pts Noise Floor 3,8 nV/sqr(Hz) -1,25 4,4 SCM SENSOR FM3 Jun_21_16h38_flex_PA_FM5_X_GAIN+PHASE,txt 4794,13 SCM HARNESS FMS Jun_21_16h38_flex_PA_FM5_X_IN_NOISE,txt 223,43 mu-metal box CASSINI MUMETAL BOX-GSE1 Jun_22_11h59_flex_PA_FM5_X_SignalCal_FTCAL Procedure MMS-SCM-PR-PRE _PREAMP_functionnal_testing Rev 1,0 Y I_PLUS_8V_GSE 2,74 mA 3,1 5,79 I_MINUS_8V_GSE 1,97 4320 I_PLUS_8V_GSE_PREAMP 10,92 Jun_21_15h07_flex_PA_FM5_Y_BALAYAGE,txt I_MINUS_8V_GSE_PREAMP 10,14 Jun_22_14h53_flex_PA_FM5_Y_Field_MumetalBox_FTCAL I_PLUS_8V_PREAMP 8,18 -0,73 I_MINUS_8V_PREAMP 8,17 Jun_22_09h16_flex_PA_FM5_Y_GAIN+PHASE,txt 4652,16 offset X 41 mV 3,2 Jun_22_09h16_flex_PA_FM5_Y_IN_NOISE,txt 230,25 offset Y 40 Jun_22_12h41_flex_PA_FM5_Y_SignalCal_FTCAL offset Z Z 87,23 5,58 4140 4125,12 Jun_21_15h11_flex_PA_FM5_Z_BALAYAGE,txt 204,16 636 Jun_22_15h32_flex_PA_FM5_Z_Field_MumetalBox_FTCAL -0,24 Jun_22_10h22_flex_PA_FM5_Z_GAIN+PHASE,txt Jun_22_10h22_flex_PA_FM5_Z_IN_NOISE,txt 237,27 Jun_22_13h19_flex_PA_FM5_Z_SignalCal_FTCAL Trending parameters: Power consumption Cutoff frequencies Gain MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
3.a) Tracking of the trending parameters during FM1 preamp qualification
Vibrations (measurements after each axis in sinus and random) Thermal Vacuum (measurements during plateaus) MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
3.a) FM1 Preamp before and after qualifications
MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
3.a) Functional test, Preamp alone FM4
MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
3.a) Functional test, Preamp alone FM4
MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
3.a) Functional test, Preamp alone FM4
MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
3.a) Functional test, FM4 S/N FM5 Preamp + Sensor FM4 S/N FM3 + Harness FMS
MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
3.a) Functional test, FM4 S/N FM5 Preamp + Sensor FM4 S/N FM3 + Harness FMS
MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
3.b) Verification results of components and subcomponents
SCM IRD last release Issue 1 Rev 5, JULY 2011 Instrument Suite Verification Plan used as a reference (rev 1.0, April 2011) Verification matrix sent by Dave Rau (SCM IRD Verification Output-30Mar11.xlsx) FM1 met the requirements after qualification and calibration => same results expected for FM4 following preliminary tests performed during incoming inspection (Gain, sensitivity, power consumption, frequency bandwidth) Verification data to be checked with Dave Rau after this presentation MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
3.c) Analyses status (Sensor)
Sensor Analyses Random, Sinus, Shock, Thermal => 10C379_RT_MLCR_0053_11_ed02_mechanical_analysis_triaxe_update.pdf SY00728_RP_1445_12_MMS_Mechanical_Analysis.pdf =analysis updated (see below) Quasi static => Mechanical_Analysis_SCM-Sensor_UNH-Addendum_ a.doc (John NOLIN, UNH) FM1 qualification successful, at proto flight levels, one NC solved and closed => proposed solution: staking of the cables of the coils S/N FM3 vibration at acceptance level 2-3 FEB 2012 => 2 cores cracked NCR : MMS-SCM-NC-TRI-139_Iss1_rev1_FM4_SENSOR_cracks_after_vibration.doc Change of the torque value to hold sensor 1.2Nm=>0.35Nm, 2216 glue added to hold sensors This solution was applied on the QM and tested successfully in vibration 1 axis proto-flight level New mechanical analysis done by Nexeya with thermoelastic coefficient corrected for Mapsil and new torque value: SY00728_RP_1445_12_MMS_Mechanical_Analysis.pdf Shock qualification performed on the flight like EM4 SCM Sensor (sensors sent back to LPP, thermal cycle validation + X-Ray Inspection) S’assurer du proto flight level sur les test sur QM MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
3.c) Analyses status (Sensor)
RUI# Requirement Compliance Method RSCM_0310 Limit Loads Y A RSCM_0319 Fundamental Launch Frequencies A/T RSCM_0331 SCM Sensor Sine Vibration RSCM_0341 SCM Sensor Random Vibration RSCM_0641 SCM Sensor Shock RSCM_0368 SCM Sensor Thermal Thermo elastic Analysis updated: SY00728_RP_1445_12_MMS_Mechanical_Analysis.pdf Temperature ranges as specified in the MICD MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
3.c) Analyses status (Preamp)
Mechanical and thermal analysis by BTS Industrie Preamp Analyses Random, Sinus, Shock, Thermal => 10C034_RT_LEBT_0210_10 _ed01_mechanical_analysis_MMS_box.pdf Quasi static => Mechanical_Analysis_SCM-Preamp_UNH-Addendum_ a.doc (John NOLIN, UNH) Full QM qualification campaign in 2011 successful, FM1 also successful (acceptance levels): vibration at qualification levels (sinus, random) 1 thermal cycle between proto flight survival temperatures, with hot power and hot power off tests 8 thermal cycles between operational temperatures with 4 hours plateaus RUI# Requirement Compliance Method RSCM_0310 Limit Loads Y A RSCM_0319 Fundamental Launch Frequencies A/T RSCM_0331 SCM Sensor Sine Vibration RSCM_0341 SCM Sensor Random Vibration RSCM_0641 SCM Sensor Shock RSCM_0368 SCM Sensor Thermal Temperature ranges as specified in the MICD MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
4. Test Planning Environmental test sequence and levels
Status of test procedures Science calibration plan Test as you fly exceptions Support equipment readiness Facility readiness/backup plans Operating time status => N/A Critical parameters for trending Contamination control Instrument/component safety MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
4.a) Flow diagram (Sensor+Harness)
2 cycles 22°C – 60°C Before fastening After fastening Current step MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
4.a) Temperature profile (Sensor + Harness in the chamber)
Pumping Verifier cycles avec Dave Impedance of the primary winding of each coil measured each 30 min all along the test Profile in procedure : MMS-SCM-PR-TRI-113-LPP-2.5_Cyclage thermique SENSOR Need a verification by Dave Rau for the number of cycles MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
4.a) Sensor vibration levels (SCM IRD 1016017, rev 5)
FM1 tested at Proto Flight levels FM2 tested at Acceptance levels FM3 tested at Proto Flight levels FM4 tested at Proto Flight levels MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
4.a) Spacecraft / Sensor coordinates
+Zscm +Xscm . +Yscm MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
4.a) Flow diagram (Preamp)
Current step MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
4.a) Temperature profile (Preamp alone in TV chamber)
Cycling Pumping Transfer function and power consumption measured during plateaus Preamp always ON after the first cycle Profile in procedure : MMS-SCM-PR-TRI-113-LPP-2.5_Cyclage thermique SENSOR Need a verification by Dave Rau for the number of cycles MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
4.a) Preamp Vibration levels => Acceptance (SCM IRD 1016017 REV 5)
MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
4.b) Bakeout/Outgassing certification
Verifier avec le waiver pour preamp et sensor No TQCM monitoring for SCM Sensor and Preamp : -Waiver Ref : MMS(Waiver CA)SCM Sensor Bakeout Possibility to make the TQCM for SCM FM3 & FM4 Harness during the same test: - With the 2 harness, can the outgassing rate reach 20ng/sec/kg? MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
4.b) Status of test procedures
Each procedure includes a list of documents to be added to the Acceptance Data Package (log books, travelers, plots…) Items tested Description Reference Version Sensor coils Pre and post potting electrical and physical measurements Thermal cycling at ambient pressure between 22°C and 60 °C with inductance monitoring MMS-SCM-PR-TRI-117 1.0 Sensor Functional testing of the sensor after pigtail cabling MMS-SCM-PR-TRI-119 Vibration (random, sinus) MMS-SCM-PR-TRI-127 1.1 Preamp Incoming inspection Trending parameters measurements MMS-SCM-PR-PRE-128 MMS-SCM-PR-PRE-130 1.2 Harness Thermal vacuum with QCM measurements Monitoring during thermal vacuum (periodical resistance and impedance measurements of the primary windings) MMS-SCM-PR-TRI-113 2.5 Pre Calibration at LPP Calibration at Chambon la Forêt MMS-SCM-PR-GEN-120 MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
4.b) Travelers Item Description Reference Sensor
Will start with pigtail cabling and will follow each sensor until after the thermal vacuum MMS-SCM-RP-TRI-121 Harness Will start with the cabling of the first connector on the harness MMS-SCM-RP-TRI-122 Preamp Will start with the delivery of the PREAMP at LPP MMS-SCM-RP-131 Will start when each item will be ready for the calibration MMS-SCM-RP-TRI-123 MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
4. Test Planning 4.c) Science calibration plan
Each assembly Sensor/Harness/Preamp will be identified and calibrated Calibration at Chambon la Forêt (quiet facility) Calibration outputs: Transfer function (gain + phase) Sensitivity Axes orientation 4.d) Test as you fly exceptions => No 4.e) Support equipment readiness GSE ready (two split boxes + mu-metal boxes + QM Preamp) Equipments at LPP (main equipment is a Spectrum Analyzer) Software ready 4.f) Facility readiness/backup plans Old calibration facilities was used for FM1 and FM2. FM2 was tested in new and old Calibration to ensure continuity with FM1 measurements. FM4 will be only tested in the new Calibration facilities. 4.g) Operating time status => logbook filled each time the preamp is switched ON 4.h) Critical parameters for trending Sensor => Impedance measurement of the primary winding of the coils Preamp => High cutoff frequency, Gain in the flat band, Power consumption 4.i) Contamination control Cleanliness will be checked 4.j) Instrument/component safety Special case used during transportation Shock detector on the case Switch off limits on the power supplies Switch off limits on the thermal chambers (+5°C above MAX and -5°C below min temperatures) Switch off limits on the shaker (alarm = 3dB above the profile / switch off = 6dB above the profile) MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
5. Assurance Activities (Lionel MESLIER)
Reliability analyses status QA planning for subsequent activities completion status Non-conformance status EEE Parts and Material status Waiver status Safety => N/A End-Item Data Package (EIDP) plan On met Alexandre ? MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
5. Assurance Activities Objective Implicit interests
To set up a Product Assurance system to guarantee required quality level Implicit interests Reproducibility & Productivity (5 models) To control process & fabrication methods To control parameters for product specified (procedures, specifications, …) To check each information by recording, updating, & availability Results reliability To control analysis process To meet requirements product by any tests or analysis MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
5. Assurance Activities Executed tasks Project support System quality
PA documentation (PA Plan, CIDL, DML, DPL, Procedures, …) Databases setting up (NCR, modifications, controls, …) Configuration management (logbook, configuration files, …) Product quality Sub-contracting followed (claims, specifications, …) Product validation & qualification (Metrology) Cleanroom work environment management Traceability for delivery elements Project support Project manager care (MAIV plan) Conception & support vs. AIT Logistic event (EIDP, expedition, packaging…) UNH reporting and meeting Internal team training at LPP (ESD precautions, handling…) MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
5.b) QA planning for subsequent activities completion status
PA documentation For SCM Instrument increased presence during manufacturing => increase PA documentation AIT-QA Activities More traceability (incoming records, historical records, NCR, waivers…) Test activities (test witnessing, test readiness reviews, test procedures and reports…) Cleanliness philosophy (cleaning procedure, laminar flow or hermetic boxes, UV lamp…) => cleanliness certificate Mate and demate log (savers are used) =>PA responsible: Lionel MESLIER 30% FTE MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
5. Assurance Activities 5.a) Reliability analyses status
SCM is fully qualified on environmental testing FM1, FM2, FM3 Preamp => OK FM1, FM2 Sensors => OK FM3 (same design as FM4 with glue and reduced torque) => OK 5.c) Non-conformance status MMS-SCM-NC-TRI-623-LPP-1-0_FM2 alignment measurement out of specification 5.d) EEE Parts and Materials list status PIMS approval => OK All material certificates are added in the EIDP 5.e) Waiver status No waiver today On met le waiver du bakeout? MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
5.g) End Item Data Package (EIDP) plans
0. H/W EIDP Fore Section CoC CIDL/ABCL RFW & NCRs Test reports / Verification matrix Logbooks GSEs Subunits EIDP Handling, Packing, Unpacking I/F Docs Doc necessary for further work Open / Spares/ Loose Items / Red tags / Hazardous PA Doc (DML, DCL…) Photos Other datas & remarks MMS SCM FM4 PER, 17 SEP 2012
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