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Management Process Mrs. Nations Intro. to Business and Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Management Process Mrs. Nations Intro. to Business and Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Management Process Mrs. Nations Intro. to Business and Technology

2 Management Functions  Are the pieces which compose the management process  Are the key steps which must be completed in order to achieve an organization’s goals  Are the major responsibilities or tasks of a supervisor

3 Management Functions  Planning  Organizing  Staffing  Implementing  Controlling

4 Planning

5  Should be realistic, comprehensive and flexible  Includes determining plans for the short and long term use of:  people  technology  material sources  outside factors  Involves defining an organization’s:  goals  objectives  strategies  chain of command

6 Management Tip  When completing any management plan, keep in mind the plan will be used to meet a given goal and therefore should be clear and direct

7 Organizing Involves dividing work into manageable segments in order to achieve goals Determines: – when and which tasks will be completed – the communication and reporting process – who will make critical decisions – deadlines, work groups, committees and business structures

8 Organizing  Often requires the completion of an organizational chart  Sets up the framework needed to complete staffing  Is very decision-making intensive

9 Staffing  Should be completed to fulfill the needs of a company  Is a process which includes:  communicating the need for new employees  submitting applications  interviewing prospective employees  hiring  assigning jobs and authority

10 Implementing  Also thought of a leading  Involves:  directing and coordinating employees  motivating employees  directing activities  communicating with employees  Is a vital component in the management process

11 Effective Leadership Techniques Provide clear directions Be consistent Treat employees fairly Lead by example 11

12 Controlling  Is the process comparing expected results with actual performance  Involves:  monitoring the organizations performance  examining the efficiency of the organization  correcting problems which may occur  evaluating employee performance 12

13 Assignment  Complete the Flow Chart for the Management Process  List each of the 5 steps of the process  Provide a short description for each  Place in your notebook as #3 “Management Process Flow Chart”  Complete any missing notebook items of journals!

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