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Child & Youth Risk Management Strategy 2014/2015 Induction Southport SLSC.

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Presentation on theme: "Child & Youth Risk Management Strategy 2014/2015 Induction Southport SLSC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Child & Youth Risk Management Strategy 2014/2015 Induction Southport SLSC

2 Why have a documented risk management strategy? Commit to providing and promoting safe environments for children and youth Meet the legislative requirement - Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000 (the Act) Legally responsible as an officer or committee member to: – act in the interest of the members, so should operate independently and free from influence – Act in good faith – Exercise due care & diligence – Ensure solvency – Meet legislative requirements. Surf Lifesaving is not immune to predators

3 Numbers SLSQ is committed to providing and promoting safe environments for children and youth. We believe that SLS must show a definite emphasis on this strategy by promoting and supporting its implementation at all levels because: Almost 42% of our total membership are under the age of 18 (12, 606 young people); there were almost 10, 000 junior activities members registered with SLSQ at the end of 2013/14 season; junior activities accounts for 32% of SLSQ’s total membership. Safe environments don’t just happen they require ongoing planning, commitment, and maintenance

4 What are the Legislative Requirements? To comply with the legislative framework, SLSQ and Club child and youth risk management strategies must: address surf lifesaving’s commitment to creating a safe and supportive service environment within our organisation; strengthen surf lifesaving’s capability to provide such an environment; assist surf lifesaving to manage any particular concerns with respect to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people who are involved with the organisation or business; and promote the consistency of surf lifesaving’s approach to risk management, both within the organisation or business and with respect to its compliance with the requirements under the Act.

5 Where can the Legislative Requirements be found? There are eight minimum mandatory requirements as per the Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000 that must be included in a Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy: Commitment 1.A statement of commitment 2.Codes of conduct Capability 3.Recruitment, selection, training and management strategies

6 Mandatory Requirements cont… Concerns Policies and procedures for handling: 4.disclosures and suspicions of harm 5.breaches 6.planning process for activities and special events. Consistency 7.Compliance with the blue card system 8.Strategies for communication and support

7 Changes to the strategy… Management of the Blue Card System is now handled by the PBSA - New Blue Card Forms & Information on the Members Portal – (Folder ref: Library – Member and Club Development - Member Protection – QLD – Blue Card Forms) – Blue Card Scenarios Factsheet V3 – Procedure – How to set email notifications for expiring blue cards Templates updated on the Members Portal (Folder ref: Library – Member and Club Development - Member Protection – QLD – Child Youth Risk Management Strategy) – Training Register – Club Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy Action Plan Template – How to deal with receiving a Youth Protection Complaint / Disclosure (Flow Chart) – Flowchart for Reporting Youth Protection Complaint – Important Information for Parents/ Guardians & Carers template Policy Updates on the Members Portal: – Social Media Policy MC04 (Folder ref: Library – Governance, Policies, Forms, SOP's and more – 3 Policy – QLD – Marketing and Communications)

8 Most important The following documents are most important for practical use: – Summary for Clubs to Manage Child & Youth Protection; – Flow chart for Reporting Youth Protection Complaint; and – How to deal with receiving Youth Protection Complaint.

9 Who can help? Club/ Branch to add contact name & information here…

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