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Inteligenta Artificiala
Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti Anul universitar Adina Magda Florea
Curs nr. 12 Prelucrarea limbajului natural
(Natural Language Processing) 2
Defining Languages with Backus-Naur Form (BNF)
A formal language is defined as a set of strings, where each string is a sequence of symbols All the languages consist of an infinite set of strings need a concise way to characterize the set use a grammar Terminal Symbols Symbols or words that make up the strings of the language Example Set of symbols for the language of simple arithmetic expressions {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,+,-,*,/,(,)}
Components in a BNF Grammar
Nonterminal Symbols Categorize subphrases of the language Example The nonterminal symbol NP (NounPhrase) denotes an infinite set of strings, including “you” and “the big dog”
Components in a BNF Grammar
Start Symbol Nonterminal symbol that denotes the complete strings of the language Set of rewrite rules or productions LHS RHS LHS is a nonterminal RHS is a sequence of zero or more symbols (either terminal or nonterminal)
Example: BNF Grammar for Simple Arithmetic Expressions Exp Exp Operator Exp | (Exp) | Number Number Digit | Number Digit Digit 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 Operator + | - | * | /
The Component Steps of Communication
A typical communication, in which the speaker S wants to transmit the proposition P to the hearer H using words W, is composed of 7 processes. 3 take place in the speaker 4 take place in the hearer
Processes in the Speaker
Intention S wants H to believe P (where S typically believes P) Generation S chooses the words W (because they express the meaning P) Synthesis S tells the words W (usually addressing them to H)
Processes in the Hearer
Perception H perceives W’ (ideally W’ = W, but misperception is possible) Analysis H infers that W’ has possible meanings P1,…,Pn (words and phrases can have several meanings)
Processes in the Hearer
Disambiguation H infers that S intended to express Pi (where ideally Pi = P, but misinterpretation is possible) Incorporation H decides to believe Pi (or rejects it if it is out of line with what H already believes)
Observations If the perception refers to spoken expressions, this is speech recognition If the perception refers to hand written expressions, this is recognition of hand writing Neural networks have been successfully used to both speech recognition and to hand writing recognition
Observations The analysis, disambiguation and incorporation form natural language understanding are relying on the assumption that the words of the sentence are known Many times, recognition of individual words may be driven by the sentence structure, so perception and analysis interact, as well as analysis, disambiguation, and incorporation
Defining a Grammar Lexicon - list of allowable vocabulary words, grouped in categories (parts of speech): open classes - words are added to the category all the time (natural language is dynamic, it constantly evolves) closed classes - small number of words, generally it is not expected that other words will be added
Example - A Small Lexicon Noun stench | breeze | wumpus
Example - A Small Lexicon Noun stench | breeze | wumpus .. Verb is | see | smell .. Adjective right | left | smelly … Adverb here | there | ahead … Pronoun me | you | I | it RelPronoun that | who Name John | Mary Article the | a | an Preposition to | in | on Conjunction and | or | but
The Grammar Associated to the Lexicon
Combine the words into phrases Use nonterminal symbols to define different kinds of phrases sentence S noun phrase NP verb phrase VP prepositional phrase PP relative clause RelClause
Example - The Grammar Associated to the Lexicon S NP VP | S Conjunction S NP Pronoun | Noun | Article Noun | NP PP | NP RelClause VP Verb | VP NP | VP Adjective | VP PP | VP Adverb PP Preposition NP RelClause RelPronoun VP
Syntactic Analysis (Parsing)
Parsing is the problem of constructing a derivation tree for an input string from a formal definition of a grammar. Parsing algorithms may be divided into two classes: top-down parsing bottom-up parsing
Top-Down Parsing Start with the top-level sentence symbol and attempt to build a tree whose leaves match the target sentence's words (the terminals) Better if many alternative terminal symbols for each word Worse if many alternative rules for a phrase
Example for Top-Down Parsing "John hit the ball" 1. S 2. S NP, VP 3
Example for Top-Down Parsing "John hit the ball" S S NP, VP S Noun, VP S John, Verb, NP S John, hit, NP S John, hit, Article, Noun S John, hit, the, Noun S John, hit, the, ball
Bottom-Up Parsing Start with the words in the sentence (the terminals) and attempt to find a series of reductions that yield the sentence symbol Better if many alternative rules for a phrase Worse if many alternative terminal symbols for each word
Example for Bottom-Up Parsing. 1. John, hit, the, ball 2
Example for Bottom-Up Parsing John, hit, the, ball Noun, hit, the, ball Noun, Verb, the, ball Noun, Verb, Article, ball Noun, Verb, Article, Noun NP, Verb, Article, Noun NP, Verb, NP NP, VP S
Definite Clause Grammar (DCG)
Problems with BNF Grammar BNF only talks about strings, not meanings Want to describe context-sensitive grammars, but BNF is context-free Introduce a formalism that can handle both of these problems Use the first-order logic to talk about strings and their meanings
Definite Clause Grammar (DCG)
We are interested in using language for communication need some way of associating a meaning with each string Each nonterminal symbol becomes a one-place predicate that is true of strings that are phrases of that category Example Noun(“ball”) is a true logical sentence Noun(“the”) is a false logical sentence
Definite Clause Grammar (DCG)
A definite clause grammar (DCG) is a grammar in which every sentence must be a definite clause. A definite clause is a type of Horn clause that, when written as an implication, has exactly one atom in the conclusion and a conjunction of zero or more atoms in the hypothesis, for example A1 A2 … C1
Example 1 In BNF notation, we have: S NP VP In First-Order Logic notation, we have: NP(s1) VP(s2) S(Append(s1, s2)) We read: If there is a string s1 that is a noun phrase and a string s2 that is a verb phrase, then the string formed by appending them together is a sentence
Example 2 In BNF notation, we have: Noun ball | book In First-Order Logic notation, we have: (s = “ball” s = “book”) Noun(s) We read: If s is the string “ball” or the string “book”, then the string s is a noun
Rules to Translate BNF in DCG
Augmenting the DCG Extend the notation to incorporate grammars that can not be expressed in BNF Nonterminal symbols can be augmented with extra arguments
Augmenting the DCG Add one argument for semantics
In DCG, the nonterminal NP translates as a one-place predicate where the single argument is a string: NP(s) In the augmented DCG, we can write NP(sem) to express “an NP with semantics sem”. This gets translated into logic as the two-place predicate NP(sem, s)
Augmenting the DCG Add one argument for semantics
FOPL PROLOG S(sem) NP(sem1) VP(sem2) {compose(sem1, sem2, sem)} NP(s1, sem1) VP(s2, sem2) S(append(s1, s2)), compose(sem1, sem2, sem) See later on
Semantic Interpretation
Compositional semantics - the semantics of any phrase is a function of the semantics of its subphrases; it does not depend on any other phrase before, after, or encompassing the given phrase But natural languages does not have a compositional semantics for the general case.
sentence(S, Sem) :- np(S1, Sem1), vp(S2, Sem2), append(S1, S2, S), Sem = [Sem1 | Sem2].
np([S1, S2], Sem) :- article(S1), noun(S2, Sem). vp([S], Sem) :- verb(S, Sem1), Sem = [property, Sem1]. vp([S1, S2], Sem) :- verb(S1), adjective(S2, color, Sem1), Sem = [color, Sem1]. vp([S1, S2], Sem) :- verb(S1), noun(S2, Sem1), Sem = [parts, Sem1].
Problems with Augmented DCG
The previous grammar will generate sentences that are not grammatically correct NL is not a context free language Must deal with cases agreement between subject and main verb in the sentence (predicate) verb subcategorization: the complements that a verb can accept
Solution Augment the existing rules of the grammar to deal with context issues Start by parameterizing the categories NP and Pronoun so that they take a parameter indicating their case
CASES Dative case Nominative case (subjective case) + agreement
I take the bus Je prends l’autobus Eu iau autobuzul You take the bus Tu prends l’autobus Tu iei autobuzul He takes the bus Il prend l’autobus El ia autobuzul Accusative case (objective case) He gives me the book Il me donne le livre El imi da cartea Dative case You are talking to me Il parle avec moi El vorbeste cu mine
Example - The Grammar Using Augmentations to Represent Noun Cases S NP(Subjective) VP NP(case) Pronoun (case) | Noun | Article Noun Pronoun(Subjective) I | you | he | she Pronoun(Objective) me | you | him | her
sentence(S) :- np(S1,subjective), vp(S2),. append(S1, S2, S)
sentence(S) :- np(S1,subjective), vp(S2), append(S1, S2, S). np([S], Case) :- pronoun(S, Case). np([S], _ ) :- noun(S). np([S1, S2], _ ) :- article(S1), noun(S2). pronoun(i, subjective). pronoun(you, _ ). pronoun(he, subjective). pronoun(she, subjective). pronoun(me, objective). pronoun(him, objective). pronoun(her, objective).
Verb Subcategorization
Augment the DCG with a new parameter to describe the verb subcategorization The grammar must state which verbs can be followed by which other categories. This is the subcategorization information for the verb Each verb has a list of complements
Integrate Verb Subcategorization into the Grammar
A subcategorization list is a list of complement categories that the verb accepts Augment the category VP to take a subcategorization argument that indicates the complements that are needed to form a complete VP
Integrate Verb Subcategorization into the Grammar
Change the rule for S to say that it requires a verb phrase that has all its complements, and thus a subcategorization list of [ ] Rule S NP(Subjective) VP([ ]) The rule can be read as “A sentence can be composed of a NP in the subjective case, followed by a VP which has a null subcategorization list “
Integrate Verb Subcategorization into the Grammar
Verb phrases can take adjuncts, which are phrases that are not licensed by the individual verb, but rather may appear in any verb phrase Phrases representing time and place are adjuncts, because almost any action or event can have a time or a place VP(subcat) VP(subcat) PP | VP(subcat) Adverb I smell the wumpus now
VP(subcat) VP([NP | subcat]) NP(Objective)
VP(subcat) VP([NP | subcat]) NP(Objective) | VP([Adjective | subcat]) Adjective | VP ([PP | subcat]) PP | Verb(subcat) | VP(subcat) PP | VP(subcat) Adverb The first line can be read as “A VP, with a given subcategorization list, subcat, can be formed by a VP followed by a NP in the objective case, as long as that VP has a subcategorization list that starts with the symbol NP and is followed by the elements of the list subcat ”
give. [NP, PP]. give the gold in box to me. [NP, NP]
give [NP, PP] give the gold in box to me [NP, NP] give me the gold smell [NP] smell a wumpus [Adjective] smell awfull [PP] smell like a wumpus is [Adjective] is smelly [PP] is in box [NP] is a pit died [] died believe [S] believe the wumpus is dead
VP(subcat) VP([NP | subcat]) NP(Objective)
VP(subcat) VP([NP | subcat]) NP(Objective) | VP([Adjective | subcat]) Adjective | VP ([PP | subcat]) PP | Verb(subcat) | VP(subcat) PP | VP(subcat) Adverb vp(S, [np | Subcat]) :- vp(S1, [np | Subcat]), np(S2, objective), append(S1, S2, S). vp(give, [np, pp]). vp(give, [np, np]). vp(smell, [np]). vp(smell,[adjective]). vp(smell,[pp]).
But dangerous to translate VP(subcat) VP(subcat) PP Solution vp(S, Subcat) :- vp1(S1, Subcat), pp(S2), append(S1, S2, S).
Generative Capacity of Augmented Grammars
The generative capacity of augmented grammars depends on the number of values for the augmentations If there is a finite number, then the augmented grammar is equivalent to a context-free grammar
Semantic Interpretation
The semantic interpretation is responsible for getting all possible interpretations, and disambiguation is responsible for choosing the best one. Disambiguation is done starting from the pragmatic interpretation of the sentence.
Pragmatic Interpretation
Complete the semantic interpretation by adding information about the current situation Pragmatics shows how the language is used and its effects on the listener Pragmatics will tell why it is not appropriate to answer "Yes" to the question "Do you know what time it is?"
Indexicals Indexical - phrase that refer directly to the current situation Example I am in Bucharest today.
Anaphora Anaphora - the occurrence of phrases referring to objects that have been mentioned previously Example John was hungry. He entered a restaurant. The ball hit the house. It broke the window.
Ambiguity Lexical Ambiguity Syntactic Ambiguity Referential Ambiguity
Pragmatic Ambiguity
Lexical Ambiguity A word has more than one meaning Examples
A clear sky A clear profit The way is clear John is clear It is clear that ...
Syntactic Ambiguity Can occur with or without lexical ambiguity
Examples I saw the Statue of Liberty flying over New York. I saw John in a restaurant with a telescope.
Referential Ambiguity
Occurs because natural languages consist almost entirely of words for categories, not for individual objects Example John met Mary and Tom. They went to a restaurant. Block A is on block B and it is not clear.
Pragmatic Ambiguity Occurs when the speaker and the hearer disagree on what the current situation is Example I will meet you tomorrow.
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