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GSRP APPLICATIONS AND ENROLLMENT. MAKING CONTACT WITH THE FAMILY: When an interest form comes to you, contact with the family should be made within 10.

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Presentation on theme: "GSRP APPLICATIONS AND ENROLLMENT. MAKING CONTACT WITH THE FAMILY: When an interest form comes to you, contact with the family should be made within 10."— Presentation transcript:


2 MAKING CONTACT WITH THE FAMILY: When an interest form comes to you, contact with the family should be made within 10 business days. Email Letters Phone Calls

3 WHEN MAKING CONTACT WITH THE FAMILY: Identify yourself as the program that the application was routed to.  Some families may be routed a different location as a 4 year old than they were as a 3 year old as eligibility changes.  Provide program contact information  Ask for any changes in the application:  (i.e. income, family size, demographics, etc.).  Next steps and timelines  Documentation needed  Enrollment dates  Special Circumstances  Returning GSRP families- please make separate communication with these families to determine if they would like to enroll in a GSRP program in 15-16 or if the child will be enrolled in kindergarten  Out of IISD Catchment area schools of choice families- please make separate communication with these families  Inform families of the policy regarding extended enrollment timelines

4 WHEN THE FAMILY CONTACTS YOU: Edit the application with any changes.  If they want a different program:  If the family would like their application routed to a different program please note that on the application and route it back to Ingham Administrator.  Reiterate next steps in the enrollment process and timelines.  If the child is an eligible returning GSRP student but will be moving on to Kindergarten please change the status of the application to withdraw, make notes on the application and route to Ingham Administrator.  If the child will be returning to GSRP explain to the family that they will need to go through the prioritization process again and that they are not guaranteed a slot.

5 DOCUMENTING CONTACT  Each attempt to contact and successful contact should be documented in the application notes section  Record date, contact method and result at the top of the notes section  End every note with date and initials

6 CHANGING ENROLLMENT STATUS: Enrollment Status:  “Pending Enrollment”- After contact has been made with families, but before you have collected all the necessary documentation  “Packet Complete”- You have collected all the necessary documentation, the family has indicated their intent to enroll and you waiting until slots have been allocated to officially enroll  “Waiting List”- Your classes are full and the family does not yet have a spot in GSRP/HS although eligible with all paperwork completed and expressed interest in attending.  “Enrolled”- Applications have been sorted (highest risk/need to lowest risk/need), documentation is complete and enrollment is complete. (After June 1 st )

7 GSRP RISK FACTORS The online application has been updated to reflect the GSRP Risk Factors During the enrollment interview verify risk factors and collect any documentation necessary for each risk factor. If additional risk factors are identified update the application



10 CHILD FILE The following items must be included in the Child’s File: Application Proof of Age Income Documentation Risk Factor Documentation Physical Form

11 PRIORITIZING APPLICATIONS  Highest Priority  Children in Foster Care, Experiencing Homelessness, children with an IEP, 0-50% FPL  51-100% FPL  Greatest number of risk factors to lowest number of risk factors  101-150% FPL  Greatest number of risk factors to lowest number of risk factors  151-200% FPL  Greatest number of risk factors to lowest number of risk factors  201-250% FPL  Greatest number of risk factors to lowest number of risk factors  250%+ with extreme risk for low educational achievement (up to 10% of total slots)  Greatest number of risk factors to lowest number of risk factors

12 SORTING APPLICATIONS Order your applications by FPL for easy initial prioritization


14 SCHOOLS OF CHOICE POLICIES  Schools of Choice Policy for families living within Ingham Intermediate School District  School of Choice Policy for families living outside the Ingham Intermediate School District  Families outside IISD catchment areas cannot be enrolled before October 1 st, 2015.  Families can only be enrolled if the resident district has a GSRP slot to give.  Fill out program choice notification  Work with IISD before enrolling any out of county schools of choice families

15 15-16 FAQS Q- What is the birthdate range of GSRP eligible children? A- Children born between 9/1/10 and 12/1/11 are age eligible for a GSRP program. Q-Are age eligible children that were enrolled in a GSRP program in 14-15 automatically eligible for a spot in 15-16? A- No, families must go through the same prioritization process as a new family. Q- Should children born between 9/1/11-12/1/11 be given lower priority because of their age? A- No, all age eligible children should be prioritized according to risk factors and not birth date. Q- Can I hold spot for over income families? A- No, priority must be given to families that fall below 250% FPL. Up to 10% of your slots may be filled by over income families if every attempt has been made to fill your spots with families below 250% FPL Q- Can I hold a spot for out of county families interested in applying? A- No, all attempts must be made to enroll families living within the IISD catchment area.

16 CONTACTS  Wendy Boyce  Families  Danielle Redman  Programs

17  Questions??

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