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 What are we trying to do when we are writing descriptively?

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Presentation on theme: " What are we trying to do when we are writing descriptively?"— Presentation transcript:

1  What are we trying to do when we are writing descriptively?


3 Noun  A person, place, thing, or idea

4  Nouns  The Theater  Mr. K  Huge  Grass

5 Pronoun  A pronoun takes the place of a noun or another pronoun.

6 Pronouns  Writing  It  She  They

7 Adjective  A word that Describes a noun

8  Adjectives  Bright  Teacher  Soft  quick

9 Verb  A word used to indicate action or a state of being.  3 types of verbs:  Action Verbs  Linking Verbs  Helping Verbs

10  Verbs  Scream  Laugh  Loudly  sit

11 Adverb  A word that describes a verb.

12  Adverbs  spoke  Slowly  Awkwardly  sadly

13  What kind of words are most important in descriptive writing?

14  Verbs!!  Powerful verbs!

15  Lightning fired his fiercest bolt straight at Shrek’s head. Shrek just gobbled it, belched some smoke, and grinned.

16  John Henry sang and he hammered and the air danced. The rainbow shimmered and Earth shook and rolled from the blows of the hammer.

17 He went to the store.  Went is booooring! Pick a better verb!  Skipped  Hauled  Tip-toed  Galloped  Bolted  crawled

18 The mean teacher yelled, “What do you think your doing?”  Yelled is a boring verb.  How about:  Roared  Scolded  Growled  Spit

19 The whole class laughed at me.  Try to find the right word, always!  Did they laugh, or:  Giggle  Crack up  Squeal  Roar  Thunder  Chuckle

20 What is the difference between action, linking, and helping verbs?  Action Verbs: Express action; something that a person, animal, thing can do.  Run  Laugh  Jump  Play  Think  Sleep

21 Linking Verbs  Do not show action.  Connects the subject of the verb to additional information about the subject  Ex. Mr. K is a history buff. Am, are, is, was, were, be, being, been, become, and seem.

22 Helping Verbs  Always appear with an action verb in a sentence.  Ex. I had hoped to get an A in this class. May, might, must Do, does, did Should, could, would Will, can, shall Have, had, has Am, are, is, was, were, be, being, been.

23 Interjection  A word added to a sentence to convey emotion.  Examples:  Ouch, that hurt!  Oh no, I forgot that the exam was today.  Hey! Put that down!

24 Conjunction  Links words, phrases, and clauses  Example:  I ate the pizza and the pasta.  Call the movers when you are ready.

25 Preposition  A preposition links nouns, pronouns, and phrases to other words in a sentence.  Example:  The book is on the table.  The book is beneath the table.  The book is leaning against the table.  The book is beside the table.  She read the book during class.

26 Every Sentence Must have a…  Subject and a Predicate (Main verb)

27 Subject  Who or what the sentence is about.  Complete Subject: all words that tell who or what the sentence is about  Simple Subject: Main word in complete subject.

28 Find the complete subject and the simple subject:  The study of space travel has brought us many new inventions.  Complete subject: The study of space travel  Simple subject: study

29 Predicate  Tells about the subject.  Complete predicate: all the words that state the action or condition of the subject.  Simple predicate: main Verb of the sentence

30 Find the complete and simple predicate in the following sentence:  The study of space travel has brought us many new inventions.  Complete predicate: has brought us many new inventions.  Simple predicate: has brought.

31 Direct Object  Tells who or what receives the action of the verb.

32 Find the direct object in the following sentence:  The study of space travel has brought us many new inventions.  Direct Object: Inventions

33 Indirect object  tells to whom or for whom an action is done.  (to have an I.o., sentence must have a d.o.)

34 Find the Indirect object in the following sentence:  The study of space travel has brought us many new inventions.  Indirect Object: Us

35 Clause  A group of words containing a subject and a predicate

36 Independent Clause  A clause that expresses a complete thought  Can stand alone as a sentence. Ex. The weather is nice in spring.

37 Dependent Clause  A clause that does not express a complete thought. (fragment)  Has a subject and verb but relies on other words being added  Ex. Before the trial ended.  Ex. When I get home.  Ex. Because we couldn’t find the theater.

38 Subordinating Conjunctions (signal dependent clauses)  After  Although  As  Because  Before  If  Since  Though  Unless  Until  When  Whenever  Where  Wherever

39 Coordinating Conjunctions  And  But  So  Or  For  Yet  Nor

40 Compound Sentence  A sentence containing at least two independent clauses  Usually connected by the conjunctions: and, but, so, or, for, yet  Ex. I like to dance, but Jim likes to sing.

41 Complex Sentence  A sentence containing an independent and a dependent clause.  Ex. When the fire alarm wailed, everyone left the building.  Ex. We went for a walk because the sun came out.

42 Simple Sentences  A sentence containing only one clause  What kind of clause do you think it needs to be? INDEPENDENT!!! Now you’re getting it

43 What kind of sentence?  The book was heavy, but I could lift it easily.  Everyone was feeling tired from the long night.  Everyone left the building when the drill started.  I studied all night because I knew the test would be hard.  The class came in and sat down quietly.  When the coach called my name, I got off the bench, and I went into the game.  I was very nervous, yet I didn’t let anyone know.

44 Gerund  The -ing form of a verb when it is functioning as a noun.  Ex. Writing is easy.  Gerund = writing

45 Prepositional Phrase  A phrase consisting of a preposition, its object, and any other modifiers  Ex. I slept under the bridge.  Prepositional phrase = under the bridge.  HW - List of prepositions.

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