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Chapter 3.  the-high-cost-of-low-price/ the-high-cost-of-low-price/

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1 Chapter 3

2  the-high-cost-of-low-price/ the-high-cost-of-low-price/


4  Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the factors of production  Capitalist system is known as a free enterprise system, anyone to start a business or enterprise for a profit  new-business/ new-business/

5  Government has little interference in free enterprise ◦ Protect or encourage competition ◦ Enforce contracts  Public Interest Theory – protect consumers from fraudulent, inferior, and unsafe products  Public Choice Theory – government benefit existing industries by make it more difficult for new business enter into market  Tollbooth Theory – main beneficiaries of the regulations are politicians

6  Private property is a freedom we enjoy in the U.S. We are able to buy and sell at will.  Open Opportunity is another freedom in our economy ◦ Each person has a free choice to enter into the market industry  This gives everyone the same economic rights under the law called Legal Equality ◦ Fail or succeed

7  Another element is Free Contract, a choice of agreement to enter into  The most ideal reason for entering into free enterprise is profit motive. ◦ The ability to exercise the act of earning financial wealth from economic activities  Page 74, Figure 3.2 ◦ What legal rights are built into the free enterprise system? 

8  What is the difference between open opportunity and legal equality?  What beside profit, if anything, might motivate a person to start a business?  What fads like the pet rock have you seen come and go?  What do these fads show about free enterprise?

9  Where will you open your restaurant? Pg. 75 ◦ What are the advantages of being in the first location, the busy mall? What are the disadvantages? ◦ What are the advantages and disadvantages of the second choice, in the small strip mall?

10  Reviewing Key Concepts questions 1-5  Critical Thinking question 7  How Can Entrepreneurs Control Costs? Activity  Joslin’s Cost of Doing Business  Is More Always Better?

11  Which entrepreneur is in a better position to control fixed costs of production if there is a decline in the demand for bats-the entrepreneur with the automated bat-production machine or the entrepreneur who provides bats made by hand? What does this show about fixed and variable costs?

12  The Roles of Producers and Consumers  Consumers looks for the best deal for their money  While the Producers are looking to make the most profit

13  Profit is the reason why individuals take the risk to enter entrepreneurship and allocate scarce resources  Consumers assist in allocating resources by choosing the products they want. This is considered “voting”

14  Modified Free Enterprise Economy ◦ Some government involvement  Figure 3.4, page 80 ◦ Government in the Circular flow Chart  The government is a producer and consumer in the Product Maker (buying products), Factor Market (buying resources), Businesses, and Households (good and services by collection of taxes)

15  Reviewing key concepts questions 1 – 4  Critical Thinking question 10

16  Only the buyer and seller involved in the interaction bears the cost or reap the benefits, this is considered a Normal Market Function  However, if a buyer and seller, not involved in the interaction, benefit or pay part of the cost, it is considered a Market Failure  Then government provides the goods and services to be consumed are called public goods. The government collects taxes to pay for these goods such as national defense.

17  There are many who do not pay for a service or good however benefits from it is called free rider.  Example: Fire works for holiday and law enforcement

18  Public and Private sector share the feat of the infrastructure that benefits a smooth functioning of society, such as ◦ Highways, mass transit, power, water, sewer systems, education, and health care

19  Market Failure ◦ Externality is a side effect of a product ◦ Negative externality is imposing cost on individual that are not involved  Industrial pollution ◦ Positive externality creates benefits for people who were not involved  Subsidy – government payment paid through the collection of taxes

20  Government provides programs that benefit the elderly and the less fortunate from economic hard time through a public safety net  Redistributing income ◦ Poverty level  Economic growth  Transfer payments – transfer income from one group to another group without providing any contribution  Public Transfer Payments is a payment in which the government transfers income from taxpayers to recipients who do not provide anything in return  Command economy (U.S. mixed economy)

21  Reviewing Key Concept questions 1 – 5  Critical Thinking questions 7, 8, and 9

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