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H-8 Project Update COPC May 27, 2015. 2 H-8 Project Update JMA planning for full H-8 operations in July 2015 – Commissioning progressing well Data quality.

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1 H-8 Project Update COPC May 27, 2015

2 2 H-8 Project Update JMA planning for full H-8 operations in July 2015 – Commissioning progressing well Data quality good for situational awareness Cal/Val continues, some calibration fine-tuning required STAR colleagues collaborating with JMA to address navigation and calibration issues – Significant progress in resolving primary data quality issues; other issues to be addressed by STAR-JMA team

3 3 H-8 Project Update Connection to HimawariCloud was established on March 16 -- NESDIS is currently receiving pre-operational H-8 HSD level 1b files via JMA’s HimawariCloud NESDIS is characterizing the performance of the data transmissions including reliability and data latency – Average of an 8 minute latency measured from real-time to delivery of all 16 Full Disk AHI bands every 10 minutes at STAR, College Park – Using extensive analysis of data timeliness and through coordinated options, STAR and OSGS working with JMA to optimize data delivery Initial results show further one minute reduction in data latency ~7 mins NAVO working with STAR IT personnel to investigate the feasibility of using the STAR server, College Park, for H-8 data access; – Immediate goal is to demonstrate proof of concept that connection can be used

4 H-8 Project Update From the STAR server, College Park, NWS NCEP Central Operations is pulling HSD test data and processing it on a development system (to be on-boarded to NOAA’s Integrated Dissemination Program infrastructure) to generate segmented files intended for AWIPS-II ingest and display; NetCDF4 format. – A continuous feed to the NWS Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS) Program Office lab in SSMC2 for testing and development is planned. STAR is in the process of developing production system for IR radiances and AMVs in BUFR for NCEP Product output evaluated & tested within the STAR demonstration system is scheduled for June 2015

5 HimawariCast Broadcast began on January 29, 2015 – AFWA modified their Mark IVB ground station to enable acquisition of HimawariCast broadcast test data Mark IVB successfully downlink and processed H-8 test data – Some calibration issues were observed To further validate DoD’s readiness, NESDIS put in a request to JMA to provide additional periods of H-8 data broadcast via HimawariCast – JMA acknowledged request and will get back to NESDIS with a formal response following the CGMS-43 Meeting – NESDIS is uncertain on the status of NWS deployment of the HimawariCast in the Pacific Region Ground stations, funded and planned by the NWS Ground Readiness Project, were slated for Guam, HNL, and Alaska – JMA will only omit visible channels 1-2,.46 microns and.51 microns, from HimawariCast broadcast. 14 channels, 3-16, will be available. 5 H-8 Project Update

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