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Vocabulary Week 13. Week 13 Day 1 Adobe Confederation Treason Isthmus Terrace Farming.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Week 13. Week 13 Day 1 Adobe Confederation Treason Isthmus Terrace Farming."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Week 13

2 Week 13 Day 1 Adobe Confederation Treason Isthmus Terrace Farming

3 Answer Day 1 Adobe - a·do·be noun 1. A kind of clay used as a building material, typically in the form of sun-dried bricks

4 Answer Day 1 Confederation - con·fed·er·a·tion noun 1. An organization that consists of a number of parties or groups united in an alliance or league.

5 Answer Day 1 Treason - trea·son noun 1. The crime of betraying one's country

6 Answer Day 1 Isthmus -isth·mus noun 1. A narrow strip of land with sea on either side, forming a link between two larger areas of land

7 Answer Day 1 Terrace Farming - Terrace farming is a type of farming that was developed first by the Inca people. This method of farming uses "steps", called andenes, that are built into the side of a mountain or hill.

8 Week 13 Day 2 Ultimatum Assassination Funeral Outcast Dominate

9 Answers Day 2 Ultimatum - ul·ti·ma·tum noun 1. A final demand or statement of terms, the rejection of which will result in retaliation or a breakdown in relations.

10 Answer Day 2 Assassination - as·sas·si·na·tion noun 1.The action of Killing someone. The murder of a public figure.

11 Answer Day 2 Funeral - fu·ner·al noun 1. The ceremonies honoring a dead person, typically involving burial or cremation.

12 Answer Day 2 Outcast - out·cast noun 1. A person who has been rejected by society or a social group

13 Answer Day 2 Dominate - dom·i·nate verb 1. Have a commanding influence on; exercise control over. Mr. Hooker→ ← You

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