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Zing: A Systematic State Explorer for Concurrent Software Tony Andrews Shaz Qadeer Sriram K. Rajamani Jakob Rehof Microsoft Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Zing: A Systematic State Explorer for Concurrent Software Tony Andrews Shaz Qadeer Sriram K. Rajamani Jakob Rehof Microsoft Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zing: A Systematic State Explorer for Concurrent Software Tony Andrews Shaz Qadeer Sriram K. Rajamani Jakob Rehof Microsoft Research

2 Model Checking Finding bugs by systematically exploring all possible states of a model Works for control-dominated hardware and protocols Model is written manually by someone who understands the system Typical models are FSMs

3 Model Checking at MSR Check source code in common programming languages Model can be extracted automatically from the code Good models are not necessarily FSMs

4 Characteristics of Software Primitive values are more complicated –Pointers –Objects Control flow (transition relation) is more complicated –Functions –Function pointers –Exceptions States are more complicated –Unbounded graphs over values Variables are scoped –Locals –Shared scopes Much richer modularity constructs –Functions –Classes

5 What is Zing? Zing is a framework for software model-checking –Language, compiler, runtime, tools Supports key programming language constructs –Objects, functions, threads, channels, dynamic allocation Enables easier extraction of models from code Supports research in exploring large state spaces –New techniques implemented compositional model checking summarizing procedures with concurrency Supports conformance checking

6 Applications of Zing Check for errors in sets of web services whose behavior is described by BPEL4WS Check web services for conformance with behavioral contracts Check behavior of Windows device drivers under concurrent execution Find errors in complex application protocols

7 What can we check for? Assertion violations –Zing has assert(…) statement –Assertion violations are flagged as errors Stuck states –Deadlock: a process is waiting for message that is never sent or condition that is never satisfied Conformance –Does a communicating process conform to a specification (contract) ?

8 Outline Overview Zing show and tell Architecture State-space reduction algorithms Conformance Checker

9 Bluetooth driver

10 BPEL4WS checking Zing Model Zing State Explorer BuyerSeller AuctionHouse RegService BPEL Processes

11 Zing features –processes –simple data types –structures –arrays –enums –communication message queues shared memory –blocking –non-determinism –atomic blocks –objects –functions (methods) –dynamic memory allocation –exceptions –range type –sets –variable-size arrays

12 Outline Overview Zing show and tell Architecture State-space reduction algorithms Conformance Checker

13 Zings eco-system Visual Studio.NET visualization (UML activity) visualization (call graph) … event trace model extraction user source Zing runtime library User Product Groups MSR Legend Zing Compiler Zing Source Code Zing object code (MSIL) Domain- specific tools Model-checker State browser Debugger Conformance Checker

14 Zing Object Model State Zing Application StateImpl Checkers, Simulators, etc. State: contains state of the entire model Can query how many processes are in the state Can execute a particular process in the state for one atomic step and return the resulting state Can compare if two states are equal

15 State Heap: complex types … Process … Processes Zing State Internals Globals: simple types & refs Stack IP Locals Params IP Locals Params …

16 State explosion 5 components, 100 states/component 5 components, 100 states/component Worst case: 10 billion states Worst case: 10 billion states

17 Outline Overview Zing show and tell Architecture State-space reduction algorithms Conformance Checker

18 Saving storage Only states on the checkers stack are stored For states not on the stack only a fingerprint is stored In progress: –Store only deltas from previous states

19 State reduction Abstract notion of equality between states Avoid exploring similar states several times Exploit structure and do this fully automatically while computing the fingerprint: s1 s2 f(s1) = f(s2) Heap1 a 100 b0 200 Heap2 b0 150 a 300 ptr

20 Interleaving reduction Do not explore all interleavings between threads –Interleave only at transaction boundaries Combine atomicity with summarization –Two level model checking algorithm

21 Transactions In a well synchronized concurrent program –A threads computation can be viewed as a sequence of transactions –While analyzing a transaction, interleavings with other threads need not be considered –Furthermore: summarize transactions, leading to reuse and efficiency

22 How do you identify transactions? Liptons theory of reduction

23 B: both right + left movers –variable access holding lock N : non-movers –access unprotected variable Four atomicities R : right movers –lock acquire S0S0 S1S1 S2S2 acq(this)x S0S0 T1T1 S2S2 x S7S7 T6T6 S5S5 rel(this)z S7S7 S6S6 S5S5 z L: left movers –lock release S2S2 S3S3 S4S4 r=baly S2S2 T3T3 S4S4 y S2S2 T3T3 S4S4 x S2S2 S3S3 S4S4 x

24 Transaction Any sequence of actions whose atomicities are in R*(N+ )L* is a transaction S0S0 S1S1 S2S2 RR S5S5 S6S6 L S3S3 S4S4 RN L S7S7 R Precommit Transaction Postcommit

25 Transactions and summaries Corollary of Liptons theorem: No need to schedule other threads in the middle of a transaction If a procedure body occurs in a transaction, we can summarize it!

26 Resource allocator (1) bool available[N]; mutex m; int getResource() { int i = 0; L0: acquire(m); L1: while (i < N) { L2: if (available[i]) { L3: available[i] = false; L4: release(m); L5: return i; } L6: i++; } L7: release(m); L8: return i; } Choose N = 2 Summaries:

27 Resource allocator (2) bool available[N]; mutex m[N]; int getResource() { int i = 0; L0: while (i < N) { L1: acquire(m[i]); L2: if (available[i]) { L3: available[i] = false; L4: release(m[i]); L5: return i; } else { L6: release(m[i]); } L7: i++; } L8: return i; } Choose N = 2 Summaries:

28 Abstraction Represent only aspects of the program relevant to property being checked Automatic iterative refinement of abstractions Use regions to construct conservative abstractions of the heap

29 Composition Divide and conquer Check one component of the model at a time Requires behavioral contracts

30 Outline Overview Zing show and tell Architecture State-space reduction algorithms Conformance Checker

31 Contract checking A CA CBCC Does each implementation conform to its contract? Example: Does A conform to CA? Use only CB and CC (and not B and C during this check)

32 Contract checking A CA CBCC Spec (Zing) Impl (Zing) Zing Conformance Checker

33 Conformance and Zing Conformance was originally defined syntactically for CCS Tony Hoare helped us generalize definition to make it purely semantic –makes no assumptions about the syntactic structure of the processes –can work for any system where we can observe externally visible behavior for processes –we have implemented exactly this on top of Zing!

34 Conformance Checker void doDfs(State initImpl, State initSpec) { addState(initImpl, initSpec); while(dfsStack.Count > 0) { StatePair pair = dfsStack.Peek(); State I = pair.first(); State S = pair.second(); State newI = I.GetNextSuccessor(); // lookup the events on the transition from I to newI if (newI == null) { if (isStable(I)){ // first get all the events we executed from I Event[][] IEvents = I.AccumulateEvents; if (!checkRefusals(S, IEvents)) { Console.WriteLine(Contract over-promises); generateError(I, S); return; } dfsStack.Pop(); continue; } Event[] events = newI.Events; State newS = executeWithTrace (S, events); if (newS == null){ Console.WriteLine(Implementation has unspecified behavior); continue; } addState (newI, newS); } Stack dfsStack; Hashtable stateHash; void addState(State i, State s) { StatePair combinedState = new StatePair(i,s); if(!stateHash.contains(combinedState)){ stateHash.add(combinedState); dfsStack.push(combinedState); } State executeWithTrace(State s, Event[] l ) { S: S l S, if such S exists null: otherwise } Bool checkRefusals(State s, Event[][] L){ true: exists stable S such that S * S, and for all l, if S l then l L false: otherwise }


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