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This PowerPoint is one small part of my Matter, Energy and the Environment entire unit. This unit includes… Four Part 3,500+ Slide PowerPoint 14 Page bundled.

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Presentation on theme: "This PowerPoint is one small part of my Matter, Energy and the Environment entire unit. This unit includes… Four Part 3,500+ Slide PowerPoint 14 Page bundled."— Presentation transcript:

1 This PowerPoint is one small part of my Matter, Energy and the Environment entire unit. This unit includes… Four Part 3,500+ Slide PowerPoint 14 Page bundled homework package and 20 pages of units notes that chronologically follow the PowerPoint 17 worksheets that follow unit. 3 PowerPoint review games, 29+ video and academic links, rubrics, games, activity sheets, and more. – ml ml

2 Purchase the entire four curriculum, 35,000 slides, hundreds of pages of homework, lesson notes, review games, and much more. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Thanks again for your interest in this curriculum. Sincerely, Ryan Murphy M.Ed



5 RED SLIDE: These are notes that are very important and should be recorded in your science journal. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

6 -Nice neat notes that are legible and use indentations when appropriate. -Example of indent. -Skip a line between topics -Don’t skip pages -Make visuals clear and well drawn. Please label. Ice MeltingWater Boiling Vapor Gas TEMPTEMP Heat Added 

7 RED SLIDE: These are notes that are very important and should be recorded in your science journal. BLACK SLIDE: Pay attention, follow directions, complete projects as described and answer required questions neatly. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

8 Keep an eye out for “The-Owl” and raise your hand as soon as you see him. –He will be hiding somewhere in the slideshow Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

9 Keep an eye out for “The-Owl” and raise your hand as soon as you see him. –He will be hiding somewhere in the slideshow “Hoot, Hoot” “Good Luck!” Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

10 New Area of Focus, Electricity and Magnetism New Area of Focus, Electricity and Magnetism Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

11 What would life be like without electricity? Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

12 Much different than it is for most of us.


14 Does somebody want to try and define the word electricity?

15 There is no single definition called "electricity." Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

16 There is no single definition called "electricity." ELECTRICITY DOES NOT EXIST Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

17 Electricity is a variety of independent science concepts all with one single name. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

18 These are the questions and definitions we need to know to generate a definition for electricity? –What is electric charge? –What is electrical energy? –What are electrons –What is electric current? –What is an imbalance of charge? –What is an electric field? –What is voltage? –What is electric power? –What is a spark? –What is electromagnetism? –What is electrical science? –What is electrodynamics? –What is electrostatics? –What are electrical phenomena? Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

19 These are the questions and definitions we need to know to generate a definition for electricity? –What is electric charge? –What is electrical energy? –What are electrons –What is electric current? –What is an imbalance of charge? –What is an electric field? –What is voltage? –What is electric power? –What is a spark? –What is electromagnetism? –What is electrical science? –What is electrodynamics? –What is electrostatics? –What are electrical phenomena? Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

20 Electricity is related to charges, and both electrons (-) and protons (+) carry a charge. Electricity is related to charges, and both electrons (-) and protons (+) carry a charge. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

21 We will skip most of the atomic information. –We will examine circuits and static charges for this unit. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

22 Electrons are negatively charged Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

23 Electrons are negatively charged Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

24 Electrons are negatively charged Protons (nucleus) are positively charged Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

25 Electrons are negatively charged Protons (nucleus) are positively charged Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

26 Electrons are negatively charged Protons (nucleus) are positively charged Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

27 Electrons are negatively charged Protons (nucleus) are positively charged Their charges are about equal Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

28 Electrons are negatively charged Protons (nucleus) are positively charged Add Electrons – Atom becomes more negatively charged. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

29 Electrons are negatively charged Protons (nucleus) are positively charged Take away (strip) electrons then the atom becomes more positively charged. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

30 Annoying Tape. –Teacher gives each student 2 long pieces (10 centimeters each) strips of clear tape. Make non-stick handles by folding a small amount tape on itself. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

31 Annoying Tape. –Teacher gives each student 2 long pieces (10 centimeters each) strips of clear tape. Make non-stick handles by folding a small amount tape on itself. –Stick one piece of tape to table. –Stick the other piece of tape on that tape. –Quickly pull tape from table and then apart. –Observe what happens to the tape when it gets close to each other and then eventually your arm. Try and dispose of in trash barrel by shaking the tape from your hand and not picking. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

32 Annoying Tape. –Teacher gives each student 2 long pieces (10 centimeters each) strips of clear tape. Make non-stick handles by folding a small amount tape on itself. –Stick one piece of tape to table. –Stick the other piece of tape on that tape. –Quickly pull tape from table and then apart. –Observe what happens to the tape when it gets close to each other and then eventually your arm. Try and dispose of in trash barrel by shaking the tape from your hand and not picking. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

33 What happened!

34 –When you removed the tape from the table you gave it an electrical charge. When you peeled the tape apart from each other, one piece of tape gained more of a charge than the other.

35 What happened! –When you removed the tape from the table you gave it an electrical charge. When you peeled the tape apart from each other, one piece of tape gained more of a charge than the other. Opposite charges attract (+) (-)

36 Annoying Tape. –Teacher gives each student 2 long pieces (10 centimeters each) strips of clear tape. Make non-stick handles by folding a small amount tape on itself. –Stick both pieces of tape to table. –Quickly pull tape from table. –Observe what happens to the tape when it gets close to each other and then eventually your arm. Try and dispose of in trash barrel by shaking the tape from your hand and not picking. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

37 Annoying Tape. –Teacher gives each student 2 long pieces (10 centimeters each) strips of clear tape. Make non-stick handles by folding a small amount tape on itself. –Stick both pieces of tape to table. –Quickly pull tape from table. –Observe what happens to the tape when it gets close to each other and then eventually your arm. Try and dispose of in trash barrel by shaking the tape from your hand and not picking. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

38 What happened?

39 –Each piece of tape gained a negative charge when removed from the table. When they were brought close together they moved away from each other.

40 What happened? –Each piece of tape gained a negative charge when removed from the table. When they were brought close together they moved away from each other. Like charges repel. (-) (-)

41 Life occurs because of electrostatic charges.

42 Without them, life would simple unravel.

43 Life occurs because of electrostatic charges. Without them, life would simple unravel. Electricity. Learn more at… city.htm city.htm

44 Electricity Available Sheet

45 Lightning is a big spark that occurs when electrons move from one place to another very quickly because of the unequal distribution of electrons. Lightning is a big spark that occurs when electrons move from one place to another very quickly because of the unequal distribution of electrons. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy


47 Electricity Available Sheet


49 Electric Fields: The funky area near any electrically-charged object. Electric Fields: The funky area near any electrically-charged object. Replace electrostatic for funky. Replace electrostatic for funky. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

50 Electric Fields: The funky area near any electrically-charged object. Electric Fields: The funky area near any electrically-charged object. Replace electrostatic for funky. Replace electrostatic for funky. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

51 Electric Fields: The funky area near any electrically-charged object. Electric Fields: The funky area near any electrically-charged object. Replace electrostatic for funky. Replace electrostatic for funky. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

52 Visit a magnetic field simulator. nets-and-electromagnets nets-and-electromagnets

53 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

54 Opposite charges attract. Opposite charges attract. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

55 Opposite charges attract. Opposite charges attract. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

56 The Same forces repel. The Same forces repel. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

57 The Same forces repel. The Same forces repel. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

58 Which one is right and which is wrong? Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

59 Which one is right and which is wrong? Answer: They are both wrong. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

60 Which one is right and which is wrong? Answer: They are both wrong. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

61 Which one is right and which is wrong? Answer: They are both wrong. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

62 Which one is right and which is wrong? Answer: They are both wrong. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

63 Which one is right and which is wrong? Answer: They are both wrong. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

64 Which one is right and which is wrong? Answer: They are both wrong. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

65 Which one is right and which is wrong? Answer: Now they’re both right. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

66 Activity Simulation. Magnetic Field Hockey ic-hockey ic-hockey








74 Reminder to teacher to reset the arrows!

75 Magnet: An object that is surrounded by a magnetic field and that has the property, either natural or induced, of attracting iron or steel.



78 Activity! Fun with Magnets for 2:39 seconds then we are moving on. –The class can earn additional “play time” with good behavior.

79 Activity! Fun with Magnets for 2:39 seconds then we are moving on. –The class can earn additional “play time” with good behavior.

80 Ferrofluids Video Link! (Optional) – 8&feature=related 8&feature=related

81 Activity. The Fonz –Try and pick up paper hole punches with a plastic comb. –Next run the comb through your hair and over your clothes to collect a charge. –Try again. What happened?

82 Static Electricity: The imbalance of positive and negative charges. Static Electricity: The imbalance of positive and negative charges. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

83 Activity Simulation. John Travoltage. oltage Static Charge oltage

84 Activity- Bad Hair Day Demonstration. –Rub balloon all around your head. –Question: Why does this happen? Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

85 Answer! –Electrons from your body move into the balloon. –This gives you a positive charge. –Your hair is also positive. –Like charges repel so hair tries to get away from body. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

86 Answer! –Electrons from your body move into the balloon. –This gives you a positive charge. –Your hair is also positive. –Like charges repel so hair tries to get away from body. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy + + + ? ?

87 Answer! –Electrons from your body move into the balloon. –This gives you a positive charge. –Your hair is also positive. –Like charges repel so hair tries to get away from body. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy + + ? ?

88 Answer! –Electrons from your body move into the balloon. –This gives you a positive charge. –Your hair is also positive. –Like charges repel so hair tries to get away from body. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy + + +

89 Electricity Available Sheet

90 Demonstration - Static Electricity –Observe two balloons without a build up of a charge. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

91 Demonstration - Static Electricity –Observe two balloons without a build up of a charge. –Now rub balloons on head / clothes. –How are they behaving now? Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

92 Demonstration - Static Electricity –Observe two balloons without a build up of a charge. –Now rub balloons on head / clothes. –How are they behaving now? Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

93 Demonstration - Static Electricity –Observe two balloons without a build up of a charge. –Now rub balloons on head / clothes. –How are they behaving now? Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

94 Demonstration - Static Electricity –Observe two balloons without a build up of a charge. –Now rub balloons on head / clothes. –How are they behaving now? Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

95 Demonstration - Static Electricity –Observe two balloons without a build up of a charge. –Now rub balloons on head / clothes. –How are they behaving now? Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

96 Demonstration - Static Electricity –Observe two balloons without a build up of a charge. –Now rub balloons on head / clothes. –How are they behaving now? Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

97 Activity! Static Balloons Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

98 Activity! Static Balloons –Blow up a balloon and tie it off. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

99 Activity! Static Balloons –Blow up a balloon and tie it off. –Write name on it with soft pen. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

100 Activity! Static Balloons –Blow up a balloon and tie it off. –Write name on it with soft pen. –Rub balloon against hair and quickly stick to wall (everyone together). Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

101 Activity! Static Balloons –Blow up a balloon and tie it off. –Write name on it with soft pen. –Rub balloon against hair and quickly stick to wall (everyone together). –Observe what happens, Whose balloon will last the longest? Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

102 Answer to wall sticking balloon.

103 –Electrons from hair are removed and put into balloon.

104 Answer to wall sticking balloon. –Electrons from hair are removed and put into balloon. –Balloon has slight negative charge.

105 Answer to wall sticking balloon. –Electrons from hair are removed and put into balloon. –Balloon has slight negative charge. –The atoms orient and wall has slight positive charge.

106 Answer to wall sticking balloon. –Electrons from hair are removed and put into balloon. –Balloon has slight negative charge. –The atoms orient and wall has slight positive charge. –Opposite charges attract and balloon sticks.

107 Activity Simulator. Balloons Explained ons ons


109 We usually only notice static electricity in the winter when the air is very dry.

110 We usually only notice static electricity in the winter when the air is very dry. During the summer, the air is more humid.

111 –The water in the air helps electrons move off you more quickly, so you can’t build up a large static charge.

112 Demonstration Static Electricity Set-up below and move balloon around cup.

113 What happened? Balloon gained electrons from rubbing (

114 What happened? Balloon gained electrons from rubbing (now more negative). The match is neutral and is attracted to the negative balloon. –Balancing on coin reduces friction.

115 What happened? Balloon gained electrons from rubbing (now more negative). The match is neutral and is attracted to the negative balloon.

116 –Balancing on coin reduces friction.

117 Electricity Available Sheet

118 Activities Van de Graaff generator Please read safety and operation precautions on this link. –

119 Activity: Van de Graaff Generator – Creates unequal distribution of electrons. –Describe two demonstrations in journal with a visual and explanation. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

120 Activity: Van de Graaff Generator – Creates unequal distribution of electrons. –Describe two demonstrations in journal with a visual and explanation. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

121 Demonstration –Take top off of generator to see its inner workings. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

122 Video! How a Van de Graaff Generator works. – QU QU

123 Tape a tack to the top of the generator. –Can we hear the corona discharge. Metal Thumbtack Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy


125 Demonstration 1 – Using the magic wand and seeing the spark Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Tinsel


127 Demonstration 2: Packing peanuts. –Put some packing peanuts in a plastic cup and tape it to the top of the generator. –Turn on the generator and away they go! Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy If you have a “demo” wasp nest, the wasp paper in pieces works very well.


129 Demonstration 3 – Bad Hair day. –One student to stand on plastic trash barrel. –Put both hands on generator. –Turn it on and hair should stand up on end.

130 Demonstration 3 – Bad Hair day. –One student to stand on plastic trash barrel. –Put both hands on generator. –Turn it on and hair should stand up on end.

131 Demonstration 3 – Bad Hair day. –One student to stand on plastic trash barrel. –Put both hands on generator. –Turn it on and hair should stand up on end.

132 Demonstration 3 – Bad Hair day. –One student to stand on plastic trash barrel. –Put both hands on generator. –Turn it on and hair should stand up on end.

133 Demonstration 3 – Bad Hair day. –One student to stand on plastic trash barrel. –Put both hands on generator. –Turn it on and hair should stand up on end.


135 Demonstration 4: –A small balloon attached to the generator by a string taped to the globe will be charged to the same sign as the globe of the generator. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy


137 Tape a bent paper clips that points out from the generator. Look for ion beam (charged winds). –This beam can charge distant objects. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy


139 Demonstration 5: A fluorescent light. Bulb will light up if close to the generator. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy


141 Demonstration 6 – Smoke or chalk dust. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy


143 Other Demonstrations: –Blow bubbles near the generator. –Place aluminum pie plate on generator in stack. –Light a candle near generator to observe electrical winds. –Tape many long strips of tissue paper to generator. –Tie an aluminum can so it hangs just above the generator. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

144 Video! If you don’t have a Van de Graaff Generator. –

145 Coulombs Law: Any two charged objects will create a force on each other. Opposite charges will produce an attractive force while similar charges will produce a repulsive force.





150 –Coulombs Law: The greater the charges, the greater the force. The greater the distance between them, the smaller the force.

151 Coulombs Law: Any two charged objects will create a force on each other. Opposite charges will produce an attractive force while similar charges will produce a repulsive force. –Coulombs Law: The greater the charges, the greater the force. The greater the distance between them, the smaller the force.

152 Coulombs Law: The greater the charges, the greater the force.

153 Coulombs Law: The greater the charges, the greater the force.

154 Coulombs Law: The greater the charges, the greater the force. The greater the distance between them, the smaller the force.

155 Electricity Available Sheet

156 If your car gets struck by lightning in a thunderstorm, will you be safe. Why?



159 If your car gets struck by lightning in a thunderstorm, will you be safe. Why? Yes

160 Answer: You will be safe because your cars metal chassis acts like a Faraday Cage.

161 Answer: You will be safe because your cars metal chassis acts like a Faraday Cage. The charged particles travel around the outside of the car and into the ground.






167 A Faraday cage is a metallic enclosure that prevents the entry or escape of an electromagnetic field.

168 –For best performance, the cage should be directly connected to an earth ground.

169 A Faraday cage is a metallic enclosure that prevents the entry or escape of an electromagnetic field. –For best performance, the cage should be directly connected to an earth ground. That person would be dead without that Faraday cage.

170 Video Link. Human Faraday Cage. WAvvQ WAvvQ

171 Optional Activity! Teacher to make a Faraday Cage wallet. –Does a student have a cell phone that we can place in the wallet and call? Why won’t it ring?...Hopefully. e_Wallet e_Wallet

172 Optional Activity! Teacher to make a Faraday Cage wallet. –Does a student have a cell phone that we can place in the wallet and call? Why won’t it ring?...Hopefully. e_Wallet e_Wallet

173 Optional Activity! Teacher to make a Faraday Cage wallet. –Does a student have a cell phone that we can place in the wallet and call? Why won’t it ring?...Hopefully. e_Wallet e_Wallet

174 Optional Activity! Teacher to make a Faraday Cage wallet. –Does a student have a cell phone that we can place in the wallet and call? Why won’t it ring?...Hopefully. e_Wallet e_Wallet

175 Optional Activity! Teacher to make a Faraday Cage wallet. –Does a student have a cell phone that we can place in the wallet and call? Why won’t it ring?...Hopefully. e_Wallet e_Wallet

176 Current: A flow of electrons, or individual negative charges. Current: A flow of electrons, or individual negative charges. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

177 The electrons have a mass (however small), and when they move through the conductor, there are collisions that produce heat. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

178 Don’t over connect outlets because they could short circuit. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy



181 Electricity Available Sheet

182 Conductors, Insulators, Semi-conductors: How easily energy is transferred through the object by the moving charge. Conductors, Insulators, Semi-conductors: How easily energy is transferred through the object by the moving charge. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

183 Conductor: Electrons flow easily, semi flows in the middle. Conductor: Electrons flow easily, semi flows in the middle. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

184 Semi-conductor: Conductivity between conductor and insulator (electronics use). Semi-conductor: Conductivity between conductor and insulator (electronics use). Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

185 Activity (Optional) Conductors using a conductivity meter. –Find one conductor and one insulator by roving around the classroom for one minute or looking on your person. –Test with conductivity meter. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

186 Insulator: Electrons do not flow easily. Insulator: Electrons do not flow easily. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

187 Activity Simulator Link: Semi-Conductors iconductor iconductor

188 Electricity Available Sheet

189 There are two main kinds of electric current, direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC). There are two main kinds of electric current, direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC). Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

190 There are two main kinds of electric current, direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC). There are two main kinds of electric current, direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC). Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

191 There are two main kinds of electric current, direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC). There are two main kinds of electric current, direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC). Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

192 There are two main kinds of electric current, direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC). There are two main kinds of electric current, direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC). Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

193 (DC) Direct Current is a flow of charge always in one direction. (DC) Direct Current is a flow of charge always in one direction. (Batteries) (Batteries) Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

194 (AC) - Alternating Current is a flow of charge back and forth, changing its direction many times in one second. (AC) - Alternating Current is a flow of charge back and forth, changing its direction many times in one second. (Plugs and outlets / household) (Plugs and outlets / household) Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy


196 Advantages of AC –Voltage can be raised or lowered –More efficient over long distances Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

197 Advantages of AC –Voltage can be raised or lowered. –More efficient over long distances Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

198 Advantages of AC –Voltage can be raised or lowered. –More efficient over long distances. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

199 Rockin Quiz! –This is your chance to rock it out in science class so don’t just sit there. At least rock your head or tap your desk etc. –After some intro slides, teacher will call on a student to rock it out on their way to the board. –Student goes to board and touches the picture that represents AC or DC on the AC/DC logo (If using a screen just point and drum the air). –Student will then pick a new student to go to the board as the teacher changes the slide. –Thunderstruck video (For the music during quiz and I didn’t see anything inappropriate ). –

200 Thunderstruck - Play Now!





205 “DC”

206 “Its one way!”




210 “AC”

211 “It Alternates!”


213 Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC) Direct Current?
























237 ?















252 Where do you find this strange device? –What does it do?

253 An electric meter or energy meter is a device that measures the amount of electrical energy consumed by a residence, business, or an electrically powered device.

254 Video Link! Reading your meter at home. Optional: – Using a Multimeter -


256 Volt: A measure of the force or pressure under which electricity flows. Volt: A measure of the force or pressure under which electricity flows.

257 Ampere: A measure of how much current moves through a wire in one second. Ampere: A measure of how much current moves through a wire in one second. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

258 Ampere: A measure of how much current moves through a wire in one second. –Basically, the larger the size of wire, the greater the ampere capacity. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

259 Where do your see these plugs? –Why are they larger? Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

260 Answer: The Plug to a dryer or stove is much thicker than a standard outlet to account for extra amps. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

261 Answer: The Plug to a dryer or stove is much thicker than a standard outlet to account for extra amps. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

262 Watt: The amount of electricity consumed per second. Watt: The amount of electricity consumed per second. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

263 A Watt is calculated by multiplying volts times amps. Most household electrical usage is billed in kilowatt hours, or the amount of hours times 1,000 watts. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

264 Question? We have a small computer server with a sticker that shows 2.5 amps. Given a normal 120 Volt, 60 hz power source and the ampere reading from equipment… –How many watts does it require?

265 Raise your hand if you have no clue because you weren’t paying attention for that black slide that discussed what a Watt was?


267 Electricity Available Sheet


269 Volts are a measure of the force or pressure under which electricity flows.


271 Amps are a measurement of the current flow rate of electrons.

272 Volts are a measure of the force or pressure under which electricity flows. Amps are a measurement of the current flow rate of electrons. Watts is a measurement of electrical power created.

273 Volts are a measure of the force or pressure under which electricity flows. Amps are a measurement of the current flow rate of electrons. Watts is a measurement of electrical power created. –1 watt is equal to one joule of energy per second.

274 Volts are a measure of the force or pressure under which electricity flows. Amps are a measurement of the current flow rate of electrons. Watts is a measurement of electrical power created. –1 watt is equal to one joule of energy per second.

275 Volts are a measure of the force or pressure under which electricity flows. Amps are a measurement of the current flow rate of electrons. Watts is a measurement of electrical power created. –1 watt is equal to one joule of energy per second.

276 Crazy things about to happen.

277 Which is the correct description of Watts?

278 This is a measurement of electrical power created. This is a measure of the force or pressure under which electricity flows This is a measurement of the current flow rate of electrons

279 Which is the correct description of Watts? This is a measurement of electrical power created. This is a measure of the force or pressure under which electricity flows This is a measurement of the current flow rate of electrons

280 Which is the correct description of Amps? This is a measurement of electrical power created. This is a measure of the force or pressure under which electricity flows This is a measurement of the current flow rate of electrons

281 Which is the correct description of Amps? This is a measurement of electrical power created. This is a measure of the force or pressure under which electricity flows This is a measurement of the current flow rate of electrons

282 Which is the correct description of Volts? This is a measurement of electrical power created. This is a measure of the force or pressure under which electricity flows This is a measurement of the current flow rate of electrons

283 Which is the correct description of Volts? This is a measurement of electrical power created. This is a measure of the force or pressure under which electricity flows This is a measurement of the current flow rate of electrons


285 Volts are a measure of the force or pressure under which electricity flows. Amps are a measurement of the current flow rate of electrons. Watts is a measurement of electrical power created. –1 watt is equal to one joule of energy per second.

286 Volts are a measure of the force or pressure under which electricity flows. Amps are a measurement of the current flow rate of electrons. Watts is a measurement of electrical power created. –1 watt is equal to one joule of energy per second.

287 Which is the correct description of Amps? This is a measurement of electrical power created. This is a measurement of the current flow rate of electrons This is a measure of the force or pressure under which electricity flows

288 Which is the correct description of Amps? This is a measurement of electrical power created. This is a measurement of the current flow rate of electrons This is a measure of the force or pressure under which electricity flows

289 Which is the correct description of Volts? This is a measurement of electrical power created. This is a measurement of the current flow rate of electrons This is a measure of the force or pressure under which electricity flows

290 Which is the correct description of Volts? This is a measurement of electrical power created. This is a measurement of the current flow rate of electrons This is a measure of the force or pressure under which electricity flows

291 Which is the correct description of Watts? This is a measurement of electrical power created. This is a measurement of the current flow rate of electrons This is a measure of the force or pressure under which electricity flows

292 Which is the correct description of Watts? This is a measurement of electrical power created. This is a measurement of the current flow rate of electrons This is a measure of the force or pressure under which electricity flows




296 atts


298 olts

299 atts olts

300 atts olts mps

301 atts olts mps

302 atts olts mps

303 atts olts mps How do you find Watts?

304 atts olts mps How do you find Watts?

305 atts olts mps How do you find Watts?

306 atts olts mps How do you find Amps?

307 atts olts mps How do you find Amps?

308 atts olts mps How do you find Amps?

309 atts olts mps How do you find Volts?

310 atts olts mps How do you find Volts?

311 atts olts mps How do you find Volts?

312 Please complete these questions on the available sheet.

313 A Watt is calculated by multiplying volts times amps. Most household electrical usage is billed in kilowatt hours, or the amount of hours times 1,000 watts. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

314 A Watt is calculated by multiplying volts times amps. Most household electrical usage is billed in kilowatt hours, or the amount of hours times 1,000 watts. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

315 Question? We have a small computer server with a sticker that shows 2.5 amps. Given a normal 120 Volt, 60 hz power source and the ampere reading from equipment… –How many watts does it require?

316 Question? We have a small computer server with a sticker that shows 2.5 amps. Given a normal 120 Volt, 60 hz power source and the ampere reading from equipment… –How many watts does it require?

317 Question? We have a small computer server with a sticker that shows 2.5 amps. Given a normal 120 Volt, 60 hz power source and the ampere reading from equipment… –How many watts does it require?

318 Question? We have a small computer server with a sticker that shows 2.5 amps. Given a normal 120 Volt, 60 hz power source and the ampere reading from equipment –How many watts does it require? –Watts = Volts x Amps –Watts = 120v x 2.5amps = 300 Watts

319 Question? We have a small computer server with a sticker that shows 2.5 amps. Given a normal 120 Volt, 60 hz power source and the ampere reading from equipment –How many watts does it require? –Watts = Volts x Amps –Watts = 120v x 2.5amps = 300 Watts

320 Question? We have a small computer server with a sticker that shows 2.5 amps. Given a normal 120 Volt, 60 hz power source and the ampere reading from equipment –How many watts does it require? –Watts = Volts x Amps –Watts = 120v x 2.5amps =

321 Question? We have a small computer server with a sticker that shows 2.5 amps. Given a normal 120 Volt, 60 hz power source and the ampere reading from equipment –How many watts does it require? –Watts = Volts x Amps –Watts = 120v x 2.5amps = 300 Watts


323 You can now provide text in the white space and then neatly color the following.

324 Anything that has mass and takes up space Charles There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch

325 Anything that has mass and takes up space Charles There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch

326 Anything that has mass and takes up space Charles There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch Describe electrcity

327 Anything that has mass and takes up space Charles There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch Describe electrcity

328 Anything that has mass and takes up space Charles There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch Describe electrcity

329 Anything that has mass and takes up space Charles There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch Describe electrcity

330 Anything that has mass and takes up space Charles There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch Describe electrcity

331 Anything that has mass and takes up space Charles There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch Describe electrcity

332 Anything that has mass and takes up space Charles There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch Describe electrcity

333 Anything that has mass and takes up space Charles There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch Describe electrcity

334 Anything that has mass and takes up space Charles There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch Describe electrcity

335 Anything that has mass and takes up space Charles There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch Describe electrcity

336 Anything that has mass and takes up space Charles There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch Describe electrcity

337 Anything that has mass and takes up space Charles There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch Describe electrcity

338 Anything that has mass and takes up space Charles There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch Describe electrcity

339 Electricity and Magnetism Review Game IV Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

340 This PowerPoint is one small part of my Matter, Energy and the Environment entire unit. This unit includes… Four Part 3,500+ Slide PowerPoint 14 Page bundled homework package and 20 pages of units notes that chronologically follow the PowerPoint 17 worksheets that follow unit. 3 PowerPoint review games, 29+ video and academic links, rubrics, games, activity sheets, and more. – ml ml

341 Purchase the entire four curriculum, 35,000 slides, hundreds of pages of homework, lesson notes, review games, and much more. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Thanks again for your interest in this curriculum. Sincerely, Ryan Murphy M.Ed

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