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Medical Terminology List 8. scapul/o scapula (shoulder blade) –Scapulalgia Pain in the shoulder blade –Scapular Pertaining to the shoulder blade.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Terminology List 8. scapul/o scapula (shoulder blade) –Scapulalgia Pain in the shoulder blade –Scapular Pertaining to the shoulder blade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Terminology List 8

2 scapul/o scapula (shoulder blade) –Scapulalgia Pain in the shoulder blade –Scapular Pertaining to the shoulder blade

3 son/o Sound –Sonogram –Sonography –Sonorous

4 thyroid/o Thyroid gland –Hyperthyroidism –Hypothyroidism –Thyroidectomy –Thyroid gland –Parathyroid

5 top/o to put, place, position –Topical –Topography –Topalgia

6 troph/o development, nourishment –Trophic –Trophology –trophopathy

7 inter- between –Intervertebral –Intermuscular –Internal –Internatal –Interspinal

8 Intra with in –intracranial –Intrauterine –Intravenous –Intramuscular –Intrapartum –Intrapsychic –Intrathoracic

9 If you give an injection of pain medication into the muscle (IM). Would you say it was an –Intermuscular injection –Intramuscular injection

10 mal- Bad –Malignant –Malodorous –Malnutrition –Malpractice

11 meta- change, beyond –Metastasis –Metabolism

12 neo- New –Neonatal –Neoplasm –Neoplastic

13 para- beside, near, along the side –Paralysis –Paraplegia –Parathyroid –parathyroid hormone

14 peri- Surrounding –Perianal –Periosteum

15 poly- many, much –polydipsia –Polyuria –Polyneuropathy –Polyphagia

16 post- after, behind –Postmortem –Postpartum

17 pre- Behind –Precancerous –Prenatal

18 pro- before, forward –prolapse

19 -ine pertaining to

20 -lapse to fall, slide –Prolapse

21 -mission to send –Remission –Admission

22 -mortem Death –Postmorteum

23 -ous pertaining to –Malodorous

24 -partum Birth –Postpartum

25 -phagia to eat, swallow –Dysphagia –Aphagia –Polyphagia

26 -phasia to speak –Aphasia –Dysphasia –bradyphasia

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