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Taxes & Inflation

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Presentation on theme: "Taxes & Inflation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Taxes & Inflation Estate tax articles

2 Before we look at taxation, a few words on inflation……………………….

3 Demand pull Demand-Pull Inflation: –Too many dollars chasing too few goods –Demand Side Inflation 2-Types of Inflation

4 Cost-Push Inflation –Increase in cost of any factors of production –examples: price of oil, wages, steel, etc…. –Supply Side Inflation 2-Types of Inflation

5 Who is Helped by inflation? People in large amount of Debt –Large Mortgages, Car Loans, Student Loans If you owe 1 million dollars Inflation lets you pay your debt back in inflated dollars

6 Who is Hurt by Inflation? People on a fixed income If you receive $1,000 a month (for life) Inflation lowers your purchasing power

7 Why is inflation Bad? Difficult for Business to plan & price goods/services Difficult to fight once it begins to rise Lowers the value of our currency Lowers your purchasing power Leads to lower GDP in the long run Will Fiscal & Monetary policy today cause inflation in 5-years?

8 So why do we pay taxes anyway? Okay now, back to taxes……….

9 The Government Budget Government SpendingGovernment Revenue Taxes All Gov’t Expenses

10 What do we get for our tax money? Airports Police Fire department Libraries parks Military federal law enforcement post office diplomatic relations food and drug safety interstate highways K-12 education Higher education state parks environmental protection DMV state highways NationalState Local

11 Types of Taxes Flat (Proportional) --Same % for everyone --Example: Sales Tax Progressive- --Higher % for higher income workers --Example: Income Taxes Regressive- --Consumes larger % of lower income workers’ salary --Example: Alcohol excise tax

12 Federal Income Tax Progressive Income Tax As income % Tax Rate Tax Rate Single Married Filing Jointly 10%$0 – $8,350$0 – $16,700 15%$8,351– $33,950$16,701 – $67,900 25%$33,951 – $82,250$67,901 – $137,050 28%$82,251 – $171,550$137,051 – $208,850 33%$171,551 – $372,950$208,851 – $372,950 35%$372,951+

13 Progressive Taxes in “action” Example: If you Earn $100,000 (single) ($ 8,350 - 0 ) x.10 : $ 835 (33,950 - 8,351) x.15 : 3,840 (82,250 - 33,951) x.25 :12,075 (100,000 - 82,251 ) x.28 : 4,970 Total: $ 21,720 or 21.7% Tax Rate Single 10%$0 – $8,350 15%$8,351– $33,950 25%$33,951 – $82,250 28%$82,251 – $171,550 33%$171,551 – $372,950 35%$372,951+ EVERY taxpayer pays 10% on first $8,350 of income

14 What are some of the other taxes people pay, and which type of tax are they? Tariffs Medicare Tax Social Security Tax Property taxes Excise Tax on tobacco Inheritance/Gift Taxes Proportional (flat) Regressive Progressive (broadly speaking) Proportional (flat) Specific Tax Type of Tax—Proportional, regressive, progressive? Level of gov’t that collects the tax --state, local, nat’l Nat’l State/Nat’l Nat’l Local Nat’l State/Nat’l

15 Who pays the most? Top 1% of Taxpayers ($295,000 + Up) –Pay 34% of all taxes Top 5% of Taxpayers ($121,000 + Up) –Pay 55% of all income taxes Bottom 50% of Taxpayers ($27,000 + Below) –Pay 4% of Income Taxes

16 Tax Worksheet

17 Money Supply inflation 2-Types of Inflation Tech Ticker debate on inflation Bakery example

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