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© 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 1

2 Proteins interacting with DNA turn prokaryotic genes on or off in response to environmental changes
Gene regulation is the turning on and off of genes. Gene expression is the overall process of information flow from genes to proteins. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2

3 Proteins interacting with DNA turn prokaryotic genes on or off in response to environmental changes
A cluster of genes with related functions, along with the control sequences, is called an operon. Found mainly in prokaryotes. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 3

4 Proteins interacting with DNA turn prokaryotic genes on or off in response to environmental changes
When an E. coli encounters lactose, all enzymes needed for its metabolism are made at once using the lactose operon. The lactose (lac) operon includes Three adjacent lactose-utilization genes A promoter sequence where RNA polymerase binds and initiates transcription of all three lactose genes An operator sequence where a repressor can bind and block RNA polymerase action. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 4

5 Proteins interacting with DNA turn prokaryotic genes on or off in response to environmental changes
Regulation of the lac operon A regulatory gene, located outside the operon, codes for a repressor protein, that is always being transcribed & translated. In the absence of lactose, the repressor binds to the operator and prevents RNA polymerase action. Lactose inactivates the repressor, so The operator is unblocked RNA polymerase can bind to the promoter, and all three genes of the operon are transcribed. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 5

6 Operon turned off (lactose is absent): OPERON Regulatory gene
Promoter Operator Lactose-utilization genes DNA mRNA RNA polymerase cannot attach to the promoter Protein Active repressor Operon turned on (lactose inactivates the repressor): Figure 11.1B The lac operon DNA RNA polymerase is bound to the promoter mRNA Translation Protein Inactive repressor Lactose Enzymes for lactose utilization 6

7 Multiple mechanisms regulate gene expression in eukaryotes
Multiple control points exist in Eukaryotic gene expression Genes can be turned on or off, or sped up, or slowed down. These control points are like a series of pipes carrying water from your local water supply to a faucet in your home. Valves in this series of pipes are like the control points in gene expression. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 7

8 Multiple mechanisms regulate gene expression in eukaryotes
These control points include: Chromosome changes and DNA unpacking Control of transcription Control of RNA processing including the addition of a cap and tail and splicing Flow through the nuclear envelope Breakdown of mRNA © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 8

9 Multiple mechanisms regulate gene expression in eukaryotes
control of translation control after translation including cleavage/modification/activation of proteins and breakdown of protein © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 9

10 DNA unpacking Other changes to the DNA
Chromosome Chromosome DNA unpacking Other changes to the DNA DNA Gene Gene Transcription Exon RNA transcript Intron Addition of a cap and tail Figure 11.7_1 The gene expression “pipeline” in a eukaryotic cell (part 1) Splicing Tail Cap mRNA in nucleus Flow through nuclear envelope NUCLEUS CYTOPLASM 10

11 Chromosome structure and chemical modifications can affect gene expression
Eukaryotic chromosomes undergo multiple levels of folding and coiling, called DNA packing. Nucleosomes are formed when DNA is wrapped around histone proteins. Nucleosomes appear as “beads on a string”. Each nucleosome bead includes DNA plus eight histones. Stretches of DNA, called linkers, join consecutive nucleosomes. At the next level of packing, the beaded string is wrapped into a tight helical fiber (30nm). This fiber coils further into a thick supercoil (300nm). Looping and folding further compacts DNA into a metaphase chromosome © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 11

12 DNA double helix (2-nm diameter)
Metaphase chromosome Nucleosome (10-nm diameter) Tight helical fiber (30-nm diameter) Linker “Beads on a string” Figure 11.2A DNA packing in a eukaryotic chromosome Supercoil (300-nm diameter) Histones 700 nm 12

13 Chromosome structure and chemical modifications can affect gene expression
DNA packing can prevent gene expression by preventing RNA polymerase & other proteins from contacting the DNA. Cells seem to use higher levels of packing for long-term inactivation of genes. Highly compacted chromatin is generally not expressed © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 13

14 Chromosome structure and chemical modifications can affect gene expression
Chemical modification of DNA bases or histone proteins can result in epigenetic inheritance. Enzymes can add a methyl group to DNA bases, w/o changing the sequence of the bases. Genes are not expressed when methylated Removal of the extra methyl groups can turn on some of these genes © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 14

15 Chromosome structure and chemical modifications can affect gene expression
X-chromosome inactivation In female mammals either the maternal or paternal chromosome is randomly inactivated. occurs early in embryonic development; all cellular descendants have the same inactivated chromosome. An inactivated X chromosome = Barr body. Tortoiseshell fur coloration is due to inactivation of X chromosomes in heterozygous female cats. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 15

16 Cell division and random X chromosome inactivation
Early Embryo Adult Two cell populations Cell division and random X chromosome inactivation X chromo- somes Active X Orange fur Inactive X Figure 11.2B A tortoiseshell pattern on a female cat, a result of X chromosome inactivation Allele for orange fur Inactive X Allele for black fur Active X Black fur 16

17 Complex assemblies of proteins control eukaryotic transcription
Prokaryotes and eukaryotes employ regulatory proteins (activators and repressors) that bind to specific segments of DNA either promote or block the binding of RNA polymerase, turning the transcription of genes on and off. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 17

18 Complex assemblies of proteins control eukaryotic transcription
Eukaryotic RNA polymerase requires the assistance of proteins = transcription factors. Transcription Factors Include: Activator proteins bind to DNA sequences (enhancers) and initiate gene transcription. Binding of activators leads to bending of the DNA. Other transcription factors interact with bound activators, then bind as a complex to the gene’s promoter. Then RNA polymerase binds the promoter transcription begins. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 18

19 Transcription factors
Enhancers Promoter Gene DNA Activator proteins Transcription factors Other proteins RNA polymerase Figure 11.3 A model for the turning on of a eukaryotic gene Bending of DNA Transcription 19

20 Cleavage, modification, activation
Figure 11.7_2 CYTOPLASM mRNA in cytoplasm Breakdown of mRNA Broken- down mRNA Translation Polypeptide Polypeptide Cleavage, modification, activation Active protein Active protein Figure 11.7_2 The gene expression “pipeline” in a eukaryotic cell (part 2) Breakdown of protein Amino acids 20

21 Small RNAs play multiple roles in controlling gene expression
microRNAs (miRNAs) can bind to complementary sequences on mRNA molecules either degrading the target mRNA or blocking its translation RNA interference (RNAi) is the use of miRNA to artificially control gene expression by injecting miRNAs into a cell to turn off a specific gene sequence. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 21

22 miRNA- protein complex
1 miRNA- protein complex 2 Target mRNA Figure 11.5 Mechanisms of RNA interference 3 or 4 Translation blocked mRNA degraded 22

23 Initial polypeptide (inactive) Folded polypeptide (inactive)
SH SH Folding of the polypeptide and the formation of S—S linkages S S S S S Cleavage SH S SH SH S S SH S S S S Initial polypeptide (inactive) Folded polypeptide (inactive) Active form of insulin Figure 11.6 Protein activation: the role of polypeptide cleavage 23

© 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 24

25 Plant cloning shows that differentiated cells may retain all of their genetic potential
Most differentiated cells retain a full set of genes, even though only a subset may be expressed. Evidence is available from plant cloning, in which a root cell can divide to form an adult plant salamander limb regeneration, in which the cells in the leg stump dedifferentiate, divide, and then redifferentiate, giving rise to a new leg. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 25

26 Root cells cultured in growth medium Cell division in culture
Root of carrot plant Single cell Figure Growth of a carrot plant from a differentiated root cell Root cells cultured in growth medium Cell division in culture Plantlet Adult plant 26

27 Nuclear transplantation can be used to clone animals
Animal cloning can be achieved using nuclear transplantation: the nucleus of an egg cell or zygote is replaced with a nucleus from an adult somatic cell. Using nuclear transplantation to produce new organisms is called reproductive cloning (first used in mammals in 1997 to produce Dolly) © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 27

28 Nuclear transplantation can be used to clone animals
Another way to clone uses embryonic stem (ES) cells harvested from a blastocyst. This procedure can be used to produce cell cultures for research stem cells for therapeutic treatments. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 28

29 Figure 11.13 Nuclear transplantation for cloning
Donor cell Nucleus from the donor cell Reproductive cloning Blastocyst The blastocyst is implanted in a surrogate mother. A clone of the donor is born. The nucleus is removed from an egg cell. A somatic cell from an adult donor is added. The cell grows in culture to produce an early embryo (blastocyst). Therapeutic cloning Embryonic stem cells are removed from the blastocyst and grown in culture. The stem cells are induced to form specialized cells. Figure Nuclear transplantation for cloning 29

30 The nucleus is removed from an egg cell.
Figure 11.13_1 Donor cell Nucleus from the donor cell Blastocyst The nucleus is removed from an egg cell. A somatic cell from an adult donor is added. The cell grows in culture to produce an early embryo (blastocyst). Figure 11.13_1 Nuclear transplantation for cloning (part 1) 30

31 The blastocyst is implanted in a surrogate mother.
Figure 11.13_2 Reproductive cloning Blastocyst The blastocyst is implanted in a surrogate mother. A clone of the donor is born. Therapeutic cloning Figure 11.13_2 Nuclear transplantation for cloning (part 2) Embryonic stem cells are removed from the blastocyst and grown in culture. The stem cells are induced to form specialized cells. 31

32 Reproductive cloning has valuable applications, but human reproductive cloning raises ethical issues
Since Dolly’s landmark birth in 1997, researchers have cloned many other mammals, including mice, cats, horses, cows, mules, pigs, rabbits, ferrets, and dogs. Cloned animals can show differences in anatomy and behavior due to environmental influences and random phenomena. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 32

33 Reproductive cloning has valuable applications, but human reproductive cloning raises ethical issues
Reproductive cloning is used to produce animals with desirable traits to produce better agricultural products produce therapeutic agents restock populations of endangered animals © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 33

34 Therapeutic cloning can produce stem cells with great medical potential
When grown in laboratory culture, stem cells can divide indefinitely give rise to many types of differentiated cells Adult stem cells can give rise to many, but not all, types of cells © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 34

35 Therapeutic cloning can produce stem cells with great medical potential
Embryonic stem cells are considered more promising than adult stem cells for medical applications. The ultimate aim of therapeutic cloning is to supply cells for the repair of damaged or diseased organs. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 35

36 Adult stem cells in bone marrow Cultured embryonic stem cells
Figure 11.15 Blood cells Adult stem cells in bone marrow Nerve cells Cultured embryonic stem cells Figure Differentiation of stem cells in culture Heart muscle cells Different culture conditions Different types of differentiated cells 36

© 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 37

38 Cancer results from mutations in genes that control cell division
Mutations in two types of genes can cause cancer. Oncogenes Proto-oncogenes are normal genes that promote cell division. Mutations to proto-oncogenes create cancer-causing oncogenes that often stimulate cell division. Tumor-suppressor genes Tumor-suppressor genes normally inhibit cell division or function in the repair of DNA damage. Mutations inactivate the genes and allow uncontrolled division to occur. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 38

39 Proto-oncogene (for a protein that stimulates cell division)
DNA A mutation within the gene Multiple copies of the gene The gene is moved to a new DNA locus, under new controls Oncogene New promoter Figure 11.16A Alternative ways to make oncogenes from a proto-oncogene (all leading to excessive cell growth) Hyperactive growth- stimulating protein in a normal amount Normal growth- stimulating protein in excess Normal growth- stimulating protein in excess 39

40 Tumor-suppressor gene Mutated tumor-suppressor gene
Normal growth- inhibiting protein Defective, nonfunctioning protein Cell division not under control Cell division under control Figure 11.16B The effect of a mutation in a tumor-suppressor gene 40

41 An oncogene is activated A tumor-suppressor gene is inactivated
DNA changes: An oncogene is activated A tumor-suppressor gene is inactivated A second tumor- suppressor gene is inactivated Cellular changes: Increased cell division Growth of a polyp Growth of a malignant tumor 1 2 3 Figure 11.17A Stepwise development of a typical colon cancer Colon wall 41

42 1 mutation 2 mutations 3 mutations 4 mutations Chromosomes Normal cell
Figure 11.17B 1 mutation 2 mutations 3 mutations 4 mutations Chromosomes Normal cell Malignant cell Figure 11.17B Accumulation of mutations in the development of a cancer cell 42

43 Lifestyle choices can reduce the risk of cancer
After heart disease, cancer is the second-leading cause of death in most industrialized nations. Cancer can run in families if an individual inherits an oncogene or a mutant allele of a tumor-suppressor gene that makes cancer one step closer. But most cancers cannot be associated with an inherited mutation. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 43

44 Lifestyle choices can reduce the risk of cancer
Carcinogens are cancer-causing agents that alter DNA. Most mutagens (substances that promote mutations) are carcinogens. Two of the most potent carcinogens (mutagens) are X-rays ultraviolet radiation in sunlight. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 44

45 Lifestyle choices can reduce the risk of cancer
The one substance known to cause more cases and types of cancer than any other single agent is tobacco smoke. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 45


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