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Bioreactor Systems Ka-Yiu San.

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Presentation on theme: "Bioreactor Systems Ka-Yiu San."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bioreactor Systems Ka-Yiu San

2 A Fermenter / Bioreactor And Its Parts
by Genentech, Corporate Communication

3 Single System for Anchorage-Dependent and Suspension Cultures
New Brunswick Scientific Company

4 1500L-Scale Bioreactors (courtesy of Tanox )

5 Bioreactor: Advantages
Controlled environment: Mixing pH Dissolved oxygen Temperature

6 Dissolved oxygen probe
pH probe Steam sterilizable Combination electrode Dissolved oxygen probe Two major types Galvanic Polargraphic

7 Galvanic and Polargraphic Probes
Cathode 0.5 O2 + H2O +2e-  2OH- Pt Anode (galvanic) Pb  Pb e- Anode (polargraphic) Ag + Cl-  AgCl + e-

8 Mode Batch Fed-batch Continuous (e.g.. chemostat)

9 Batch nutrient cell product Time

10 Fed-Batch nutrient cell product Time nutrient cell product Time Fresh

11 Continuous Time cell nutrient product Fresh nutrient cell Spent broth
volume nutrient cell product Time

12 Recombinant processes
- An engineering perspective

13 Cloning for rProtein production
Gene of interest Ligation Recombined plasmid Transformation Transcription Translation mRNA Protein Host cell Restriction sites Restriction cleavage Restriction cleavage Cloning vector

14 Cloning vector properties
Origin Size of backbone Well characterized Selective marker Genetic marker Unique restriction sites Cloning vector ori marker

15 Some factors that affect gene expression
Gene dosage (copy number) Plasmid stability (structural and segregational) 3. Transcription - Promoter and terminator sequences (promoter strength, inducible - leakage) - Regulatory genes and sequences 4. Translation - Ribosome binding site (Shine-Delgarno sequence) - Codon optimization to match host's codon bias 5. Final location of gene product - Cytoplasmic or extracellular (secreted out of cell)

16 Some factors that affect gene expression (cont’d)
6. Protein stability - Degradation by host proteases - Formation of insoluble aggregates Strain Process consideration - Medium - Temperature (growth vs. production) - Dissolved oxygen - Induction timing - Feeding profile (fed-batch) - waste product accumulation

17 Cell Culture - An engineering perspective

18 Outline Nutrient Considerations Environment Considerations
Common Culturing Systems Examples

19 Two major classes serum supplemented serum-free (or low serum)

20 Environment considerations
- nutrient supply - mixing - oxygen supply - pH - carbon dioxide - NaHCO or NaOH 3 - temperature - waste accumulation - lactate - ammonia


22 Kolmogorov length scale (microns)
Relative specific growth rate Kolmogorov length scale (microns) Relative net growth rate versus Kolmogorov eddy length scale for FS-4 cultures with 0.2 g/l microcarriers

23 Schematic representation of some of the interrelationships
Nucleic acid synthesis glutamine glutamate glycine alanine asparatate TCA cycle citrate malate oxaloacetate phosphoenolpyruvate glycolysis glucose pyruvate lactate -ketoglutarate a NH4 Schematic representation of some of the interrelationships of glucose an glutamine metabolism in mammalian cells








31 p h I e

32 fibre ri ro rc [O2] [O2]c [O2] – oxygen conc
[O2]c – critical oxygen conc






38 Typical cell growth on microcarriers

39 Typical cell growth on microcarriers

40 Perfusion system - to provide fresh nutrient
- to remove waste (especially toxic byproducts - mechanical signal


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