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Dynamic Systems Initiative (DSI) Model- and Policy-Based Systems Management Kirill Tatarinov

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1 Dynamic Systems Initiative (DSI) Model- and Policy-Based Systems Management Kirill Tatarinov Corporate Vice President Server and Tools Business

2 2 Design for Operations Manageability must be architected into the system Just like scalability Just like security

3 3 Knowledge-Based Management Knowledge is the key to management; models are rigorous definitions of knowledge Ought-ness is sent down – models, constraints, policy, prescriptive guidance, SLAs, patches Is-ness is sent up – inventory, metrics, events, alerts, compliance, service level, results Management consists of detecting and resolving discrepancies between ought-ness and is-ness DeveloperIT Admin Model CMDB Central Manager Remote Manager Local Model Managed System Ought-ness Is-ness

4 4 Self-Managing Dynamic Systems Scale, complexity, agility, mobile systems require self-managing systems Self-deploying Self-configuring Self-adapting Self-optimizing Self-protecting Self-monitoring Self-diagnosing Self-healing Cure Prevention

5 5 DeveloperIT Admin Model CMDB Central Manager Remote Manager Local Model Managed System Ought-ness Is-ness Self-Managing Systems In Practice We use asynchronous replication with policy-based latency management With these opposing asynchronous flows, where do we place the resolution of discrepancies? Scalability Agility Autonomy Staleness (latency * volatility) Scope of control for distributed systems Management should be pushed down as far as possible, but no further

6 6 DeveloperIT Admin Model CMDB Central Manager Remote Manager Local Model Managed System Ought-ness Is-ness Self-Managing Systems are Model-Based If management requires knowledge, self-management requires self-knowledge A self-managing system is self-aware Self-management is the epitome of model-based management Pervasive model: Every application is delivered with a model Model in every Windows system Ought-ness Is-ness DeveloperIT Admin Model CMDB Central Manager Remote Manager Local Model Managed System

7 7 Model-Based Management System Definition Model An XML-based modeling language that is used to capture a formal model of a system Model contains all information pertinent to deployment and operations System topology Developer constraints IT policy Installation directives Health model Monitoring rules Service Level Agreements Reports Extensible models

8 8 Dynamic Systems Initiative – Implemented Visual Studio 2005 authoring and validation System Center Capacity Planner 2006 capacity planning System Center Operations Manager 2007 service monitoring System Center Configuration Manager 2007 desired configuration management Windows Server Codename Longhorn role and workload configuration System Center VM Manager VM and workload management System Center Service Desk MOF/ITIL-based workflow and change manager

9 9 SC VM Manager and Workload Placement ScenariosType of Placement Server consolidation Legacy OS rehosting Static place now, keep until further notice Service availability Scheduled maintenance Test Scheduled start and end at certain time On-demand scale-out Disaster recovery Event driven start or end on demand Batch job schedulingJob scheduled start, end when done; Agile IT Service level control Hardware maintenance Move or adjust ad hoc, scheduled, event Model repository Workloads with requirements Compute resources with capabilities Data and storage resources

10 10 Model-Based Constraint Validation E.g. hierarchical hardware configurations: A rack contains several Chassis, which contain several Blades, which contain several Motherboards, which contain several Processors, which contain several Cores How much of this can we consider one computer? From an SMP perspective? From a management perspective? From a licensing perspective? All these rules will change over the next decade: new capabilities in the fabric, new licensing models… The rules must be explicitly stated in the model, none can be hardcoded

11 11 Models and Policy Models describe the system Policy describes how the system is managed Policy is targeted to models Services, not just groups Scenarios: New policy applied and adapted to service Service changed, policy adjusts Service re-deployed, policy applies, adapts

12 12 A Management Revolution DSI is about changing the industrys mindset A very ambitious, long-range initiative Lead with Microsoft adoption © 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

13 Thank you

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