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Textbook Page: 4 - 39 Description: GR.8 GEO Term 1 Theory 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Textbook Page: 4 - 39 Description: GR.8 GEO Term 1 Theory 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Textbook Page: 4 - 39 Description: GR.8 GEO Term 1 Theory 1

2 Work oder of Term 1’s Topic 1 : To understand the focus of this topic, you will investigate the following key factors: Unit 1: Maps and globes 1.World and local maps: 1.1 World Map (Continents and Oceans) 1.2 Map symbols 2.How do we determine position and measure actual distances on a map? 2.1 The 16 Main Compass Directions 2.2 Determine the position between two places from each other, on a map. 2.3 Coordinates 2.4 Different types of map scales 2.5 Determine the actual distance between two places on a map, in m or km. Unit 2: The globe 3. How do we experience day and night? 3.1 The Earth’s rotation on its axis. 3.2 The Earth’s revolution around the sun. 4. Why do we experience seasons? 4.1 The Earth’s revolution. 4.2 Geological and Atmosphere changes during the seasons. Unit 3: Satellite images 5. What is the value of satellite images? 5.1 Information of different satellite images. 2

3 3 Unit 1: Maps and globes 1. World and local maps: 1.1 World Map (Continents and Oceans)

4 4

5 5 Unit 1: Maps and globes 1. World and local maps: 1.2 Map symbols

6 6 Unit 1: Maps and globes 2. How do we determine position and measure actual distances on a map? 2.1 The 16 Main Compass Directions

7 7 Unit 1: Maps and globes 2. How do we determine position and measure actual distances on a map? 2.2 Determine the position between two places from each other, on a map. WORKSHEET 1: Positions of Continents 1.) What is the position that Africa is located from America? 2.) What is the position that Australia is located from South America? 3.) What is the position that Greenland is located from Europe? 4.) What is the position that Antarctica is located from Africa? 5.) What is the position that Africa is located from Antarctica? 6.) What is the position that North America is located from Europe? 7.) What is the position that North America is located from Asia?

8 8 Unit 1: Maps and globes 2. How do we determine position and measure actual distances on a map? 2.3 Coordinates What is a coordinate? – Coordinates is the intersection of a longitude and latitude. It is used to get the precise position of a location on a map How are coordinates measured? – A place's coordinates are measured in... degrees (˚), minutes (') and seconds ('') In 1 degree there are 60 minutes In 1 minute there are 60 seconds. In 1 degree there are 60 minutes In 1 minute there are 60 seconds.

9 9 Unit 1: Maps and globes 2. How do we determine position and measure actual distances on a map? 2.3 Coordinates Breedtelyne: (Horisontale lyne om aarde) Lengtelyne: (Vertikale lyne om aarde)

10 10 Unit 1: Maps and globes 2. How do we determine position and measure actual distances on a map? 2.3 Coordinates What comes first? – Latitude: Horizontal lines on the map In South Africa – always SOUTH of the equator. (Latitude) – Longitude:Vertical lines on the map In South Africa – always EAST of the die Greenwich. (Longitude) How do we write coordinates? First: Latitude - Degrees, minutes, seconds Second: Longitude - Degrees, minutes, seconds Example: 23˚01’ South and 29˚01’ East 23˚02’ South and 29˚30’30” East

11 11 Unit 1: Maps and globes 2. How do we determine position and measure actual distances on a map? 2.3 Coordinates

12 12 Unit 1: Maps and globes 2. How do we determine position and measure actual distances on a map? 2.3 Coordinates REMEMBER! For coordinates in South Africa, the Latitude line (horizontal) will always be South of the Equator and the Longitude Line (Vertical) will always be East of the Greenwich. Example: 23˚01’ South and 29˚01’ East

13 Example. A’s coordinates are 23˚01’S & 29˚01’E 13 Unit 1: Maps and globes 2. How do we determine position and measure actual distances on a map? 2.3 Coordinates WORKSHEET 2: Coordinates

14 14 Show interactive video from e-book to learners:

15 15 WERKKAART 3: ‘n Graadnet/Koördinaatnet Unit 1: Maps and globes 2. How do we determine position and measure actual distances on a map? 2.3 Coordinates Die kaart by posisie X se naam sal bv wees: 3025BC Gee nou die name van die volgende kaarte: 1.Die kaart reg suid van 3025BC 2.Die kaart reg noord van 3025BC 3.Die kaart Suid-wes van 3025BC 4.Die kaart reg oos van 4623AB

16 16 Unit 1: Maps and globes 2. How do we determine position and measure actual distances on a map? 2.4 Different types of scales What is a scale? A scale shows the size of an area in relation to the actual size Type of scales – The verbal method This is a statement Example: 1cm = 8km It means that 1cm which is on the map is equal to 8km in actual distance..

17 17 Unit 1: Maps and globes 2. How do we determine position and measure actual distances on a map? 2.4 Different types of scales – The Graphic Method depicts scale using a line, with separations marked by smaller intersecting lines, similar to a ruler. By measuring the distance between two objects on a map, and then referring to the graphic scale

18 18 Unit 1: Maps and globes 2. How do we determine position and measure actual distances on a map? 2.4 Different types of scales – The Fractional Method uses a representative fraction to describe the ration between the map, and the real world. In this example 1 unit of distance on the map represents 50,000 of the same units of distance in the real world.

19 19 What is distance? – Distance is the length of the space between two points. Straight line distance or Crooked line distance – Straight-line distances can be measured with a ruler – Crooked line distances should be measured with a paper strip. Unit 1: Maps and globes 2. How do we determine position and measure actual distances on a map? 2.5 Measure the actual distance of two places on a map, in km or m.

20 20 Unit 1: Maps and globes 2. How do we determine position and measure actual distances on a map? 2.5 Measure the actual distance of two places on a map, in km or m. How do I determine the distance between two places? – Formula vir km:Distance (mm) x Map Scale 1 000 000 – Formula vir m: Distance (mm) x Map Scale 1000 – BV. The distance between two places is 55mm. How far in (a) km and (b) m are they apart? The map scale is 1:50 000.

21 21 a.Distance (mm) x Map Scale 1000000 = 55 x 50 000 1000000 = 2.75km ANSWERS OF FORMULA SLIDE: (DISTANCE between two places on a map)

22 22 ANSWERS OF FORMULA SLIDE: (DISTANCE between two places on a map) b.Distance (mm) x Map Scale 1000 = 55 x 50 000 1000 = 2750m

23 23 DISTANCE between two places on a map: Homework a. The distance between two places on a map is 65mm. What is the actual distance in km? The map scale is 1:50 000. b. The distance between two places on a map is 65mm. What is the actual distance in m? The map scale is 1:50 000. c. The distance between two places on a map is 30mm. What is the actual distance in km? The map scale is 1:50 000. d. The distance between two places on a map is 80mm. What is the actual distance in m? The map scale is 1:50 000.

24 24 DISTANCE between two places on a map: Homework Answers 1)distance (mm) X map scale3)distance (mm) X map scale 1 000 000 =65 mm X 50 000 =55 mm X 50 000 1 000 000 =3,25 km =2,75 km 2)distance (mm) X map scale4)distance (mm) X map scale 1 000 =65 mm X 50 000 =80 mm X 50 000 1 000 =3250 m =4000 m

25 25 Unit 1: Maps and globes 2. How do we determine position and measure actual distances on a map? 2.5 Measure the actual distance of two places on a map, in km or m.

26 26 Unit 2: The Globe 3. How do we experience day and night? 3.1 The Earth’s rotation on its axis.

27 27 Unit 2: The Globe 3. How do we experience day and night? 3.1 The Earth’s rotation on its axis. WORKSHEET 5: The globe 1.Explain the following concepts:: axis ecliptic plane equinox International Date Line revolution rotate seasonal solstice time zones world time

28 28 Unit 2: The Globe 3. How do we experience day and night? 3.1 The Earth’s rotation on its axis. WORKSHEET 5: The globe 2. In whch four hemisperes can the earth be divided into? 3. In which hemispheres is South Africa? 4.Why is the earth divided into these four hemispheres? 5.Explain the rotation f the earth around it’s own axis as detailed as possible. (look on top of page 21)

29 29 Unit 2: The Globe 3. How do we experience day and night? 3.1 The Earth’s rotation on its axis.

30 30 Unit 2: The Globe 3. How do we experience day and night? 3.2 The Earth’s revolution around the sun.

31 31 Unit 2: The Globe 4. Why do we experience seasons? 4.1 The Earth’s revolution. 4.2 Geological and Atmosphere changes during the seasons. WORKSHEET 7: Seasons 1.At what angle is the earth's axis tilted? (1) 2.Explain why the tilt of the Earth causes seasons. (3) 3.Explain why day and night lengths are different in the four seasons. (4) 4.Why is it hot in summer and cold in winter? Explain in detail and draw a sketch to help explain. (Figure 17, p 29) (4)

32 32 Unit 2: The Globe 5. What is the value of satellite images? 5.1 Information of different satellite images. Political Maps: It instead focuses solely on the state and national boundaries of a place. They also include the locations of cities - both large and small Physical Map: A physical map is one that shows the physical landscape features of a place. They generally show things like mountains, rivers and lakes, etc. Climate Map: shows information about the climate of an area. Topographic Map: They are different however because they use contour lines instead of colors to show changes in the landscape. Contour lines on topographic maps are normally spaced at regular intervals to show elevation changes (e.g. each line represents a 100 foot (30 m) elevation change) and when lines are close together the terrain is steep.

33 33 Unit 2: The Globe 5. What is the value of satellite images? 5.1 Information of different satellite images.

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35 Textbook Page: 4 - 39 Description: GR.8 GEO Term 1 Theory 35

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