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Geography World History I Mrs. Rudolph. 5 Themes of Geography  Location  Place  Region  Human-Environment Interaction  Movement.

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Presentation on theme: "Geography World History I Mrs. Rudolph. 5 Themes of Geography  Location  Place  Region  Human-Environment Interaction  Movement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography World History I Mrs. Rudolph

2 5 Themes of Geography  Location  Place  Region  Human-Environment Interaction  Movement

3 What is the location of a place?  Absolute location (longitude & latitude)  Relative location (relation compared to other places)

4 What is the characterisitics of a place?  Physical Characteristics (landforms, climate)  Human Characteristics (language, customs)

5 Absolute location Latitude  Latitude-imaginary lines on the Earth’s surface that run east and west.  When using latitude lines for absolute location use north and south in relation to the equator.

6 Longitude  Longitude-imaginary lines on the Earth’s surface that run north and south.  When using longitude lines for absolute location use east or west in relation to the prime meridian.

7 Absolute location

8 Scales  Variety of scales are necessary to represent areas when developing maps and the scale determines the amount of detail shown on a map.

9 Compass Rose  Identifies map orientation as a directional indicator (north, south, east or west)  Uses cardinal directions

10 Mental Maps  Mental maps are used everyday  Our route to school  Giving directions to others  To understand world events  People develop and refine their mental maps through both personal experience and learning.

11 Maps  Symbols  Color  Lines  Boundaries  Contours

12 Maps change over time  Knowledge  Map of 1421  Today’s map looks different  Satellite images  GIS (Geographic Information Systems)

13 Mercator map (used for ship navigation)

14 Polar Map (used for airline navigation)

15 Robinson Map (used for data representation)

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