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Generation of spatially and temporally consistent pollution data over urban areas via unified remote sensing image fusion Huang, Bo Institute of Space.

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Presentation on theme: "Generation of spatially and temporally consistent pollution data over urban areas via unified remote sensing image fusion Huang, Bo Institute of Space."— Presentation transcript:

1 Generation of spatially and temporally consistent pollution data over urban areas via unified remote sensing image fusion Huang, Bo Institute of Space and Earth Information Science Department of Geography & Resource Management The Chinese University of Hong Kong E-mail:

2 Outline Remote sensing (RS) Previous and current work – Unified RS image fusion – Generation of high resolution air pollution data – Pollution data access using mobile phones Future intended work

3 NASA’s Polar- Orbiting Satellites

4 How much RS data so far? NASA’s Earth Observation System (EOS) program has about 4.2 petabytes (2010) – Large Hadron Collider (physics): 10-14 TB in a single year Similar sized collections can be expected in Europe and Asia EOS contains mostly satellite data…not air photos, map or field data

5 Researchers and users often use the data they can get, not the data they truly need. 遙感研究者與使用者只能使用它們能 得到的数据,而不是他們真正想要的 数据。

6 Satellite Sensor Properties Spatial resolution (r1) Temporal resolution (r2) Spectral resolution (r3) Angular resolution (r4) F(r1)*F(r2)*F(r3)*F(r4)  Constant s.t. on-board storage capacity data transmission rate Resolution Trade-off

7 Unified Fusion Blending images with high and low spatial, temporal, spectral, and angular resolutions to resolve their resolution difference and generate simultaneously high resolution Spatial-Temporal-Spectral-Angular (STSA) satellite data. Cost-effective solution.

8 ? Spatio-temporal Image Fusion April 2001 July 2001 LANDSAT (Revisit EVERY 16 DAYS; 30m) MODIS (Revisit EVERY DAY; 500m)

9 Land-cover (type) change ? 2000 2002

10 Comparison with another algorithm

11 …… … 36 bands with 500/1000 m spatial resolution 7 bands with 30 m spatial resolution 36 bands with 30 m spatial resolution Spatial and Spectral Fusion


13 Fusion Software

14 Retrieval of Air Pollutants from Fused Satellite Imagery

15 Current MODIS 10km AOD (Aerosol Optical Depth) Product

16 2013 年 03 月 05 日深圳 PM2.5 反演图

17 2013 年 03 月 06 日深圳 PM2.5 反演图

18 2013 年 03 月 07 日深圳 PM2.5 反演图

19 智能手机应用程序获取指定位置 PM2.5 的值

20 2013 年 03 月 05 日深圳 NO ₂反演图

21 2013 年 03 月 06 日深圳 NO ₂反演图

22 2013 年 03 月 07 日深圳 NO ₂反演图

23 2013 年 03 月 05 日深圳 SO ₂反演图

24 2013 年 03 月 06 日深圳 SO ₂反演图


26 2013 年 03 月 05 日深圳 O 3 反演图

27 2013 年 03 月 06 日深圳 O 3 反演图

28 2013 年 03 月 07 日深圳 O 3 反演图

29 Mobile GIS Design and Implementation Supported by NSERC, Canada

30 初始优化路径 改变的路径 渐进式优化 Traffic Simulation and Route Selection

31 Future Work Improve the air pollution retrieval algorithms by accounting for more land surface data such as transportation, bldg density, etc. Generate long time-series air pollution data – Reconstruct, e.g. PM 2.5 data, when such data were not available 8 years ago in HK and 2 years ago in mainland China Improve the air pollution App software and make it publicly available

32 Thank you!

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