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1 P2P Querying Wes Hatch MUMT-614 Mar 27 2003. 2 What is P2P? Nodes of equal roles exchanging information and services directly “distributed databases”

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Presentation on theme: "1 P2P Querying Wes Hatch MUMT-614 Mar 27 2003. 2 What is P2P? Nodes of equal roles exchanging information and services directly “distributed databases”"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 P2P Querying Wes Hatch MUMT-614 Mar 27 2003

2 2 What is P2P? Nodes of equal roles exchanging information and services directly “distributed databases” good for file sharing, but… no complex query optimization no guarantee on quality of results Can also be used to foster collaboration among geographically distributed coworkers “Sharing computer cycles” --> SETI Institute created a distributed virtual supercomputer.

3 3 P2P systems Just beyond their infancy Many P2P projects are in their research phases only a handful are in common use Concerns regarding dependability

4 4 Gnutella An open, online P2P network does not require a central server for indexing data files not proprietary

5 5 Gnutella Is both software and a communication protocol Computer functions as both a client and server “Servent” runs on each member node

6 6 Gnutella basics member node keeps track of three or four other member nodes (mean = 3.4) web of interlinked member nodes

7 7 Quick review of architecture Routing and TTL (time to live) DON’T forward every packet to every connected host would swamp the network with duplicate packets (which it already is) when a message is sent, it is stamped with a TTL each host which receives the TTL then decrements it Can change the value of the TTL in settings panel Set the TTL to 255, if you want…

8 8 Basic Query String matching Query sent to all computers that returned Pong packets. Each of these computers checks if it has any match, If no, it sends the Query packet on to all the computers to which it is connected. Process continues until TTL expires Could be awhile as most servents allow you to adjust the TTL GUIDs in each computer ensure that the same message does not get passed to the same computer again and again, creating a loop.

9 9 Downloading The query by now has been distributed to a huge number of computers QueryHit contains IP address and GUID of the computer which has the desired content Push For computers behind a firewall

10 10 Common Messages

11 11 Everyone’s searching for the same thing small percentage of files make up the bulk of queries query processing dominates the workload of a node

12 12 Everyone’s got the same thing

13 13 One saving grace “correlation between file and query distributions explains why Gnutella has not collapsed under the weight of its naive, flooding-based probe scheme” (Ledlie) Query popularity follows a power-law distribution

14 14 Current limitations in Gnutella Querying is: Slow Inefficient Bandwidth hungry require symmetrical communication channel ( i.e. same upstream and downstream channel bandwidths) Insecure “transient community” member nodes do not have permanent IP addresses. A new IP addressing scheme is needed

15 15 More limitations Problem: work well when the rate at which nodes enter and exit the system is small….but Doesn’t address the tradeoffs between the type/reliability of information exchange, and how long each node is active 80% of the nodes exist for less than one hour!

16 16 Spectrum of “control” Gnutella is “loose” Inefficient Finding a needle in a haystack Simple DHT Lookup queries only Efficient measured in absolute resources consumed

17 17 DHT “ like having a file cabinet distributed over numerous servers” (F.Kaashoek) if one server goes down, not all of the data is compromised. no central server that contains a list of where all the data is Scalable Lookups can be resolved in log n hops Flexible Fault-tolerant

18 18 Why DHT? SQL-like searching each server has a partial list (small routing table) of where data is stored in the system The trick is to create a “lookup” algorithm that allows data location to be easily found

19 19 N-grams Technique from information retrieval to do inexact matching Convert search strings into n-tuples Eg. Beethoven--> “Bee” “eth” “tho” …

20 20 DHT techniques Query optimization like network routing? Hiearchical organization of data Geographic layout Proximity routing Proximity neighbour selection

21 21 One example directed BFS sends query to a subset of neighbours maintains statistics on neighbours ping latency, history of # results chooses subset intelligently (via heuristics) to maximize quality of results Eg neighbours w/shortest message queue (long message queue implies that node is saturated or dead)

22 22 Semantic Overlay Networks Nodes w/semantically similar content are clustered together Depends on classifiers to determine “what similar content is!”

23 23 Semantic Overlay Networks Granularity Too little will not generate enough locality; too much will increase maintenance costs When to join a given SON How much of a given content should a user have? Tradeoff between search speed and quality of results

24 24 Semantic Overlay Networks Queries are processed by identifying which SON (s) are best equipped to answer it Nodes outside a given SON are not bothered by the query Saves time and resources

25 25 Semantic Overlay Networks Classification hierarchy Buckets: a bucket is associated with each concept in hierarchy All Music Guide When querying, need to decide which buckets (ie. Nodes) to consider If nodes have diverse files, won’t be enough clustering to justify the use of SONs

26 26 Semantic Overlay Networks Need to classify queries so the request may be directed accordingly Manual Automatic Text matching Bayesian networks

27 27 System schematic

28 28 Semantic Overlay Networks Use only 10-20% of the message overhead of current P2P systems Further improved query performance Marginal effect to maximum achievable recall level

29 29 How will this affect queries? SON Faster results as there is less time spent processing queries Resources better spent Hierarchical distribution of data

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