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~ Urban Trees ~ Beauty, Care & Misery

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1 ~ Urban Trees ~ Beauty, Care & Misery
Vincent J. Mannino County Extension Director Fort Bend County October 25, 2013


3 Facts: Crime is lower in a tree-lined neighborhood. One acre of “woods” will essentially scrub the pollution of a two-car family for one year. In a classic hospital study, patients with a forest view healed faster than patients who saw a brick will.

4 Watch where you plant!

5 Things to Consider: Health Location or Proximity Value Esthetics
Damage Insects Diseases Location or Proximity Value Esthetics

6 Systematically Inspect Individual Trees
Tree parts to inspect: Crown Branches Branch unions Stem or trunk Root flare Rooting zone

7 Systematically Inspect Individual Trees
Diagnostic tools ~ Using binoculars to assess…

8 Systematically Inspect Individual Trees
Examine all sides of the tree: From a distance Close up Use diagnostic tools as needed Viewed from one side From opposite side.

9 Tree Risk Categories Decay
Wood that has rotted or is missing. Indicators of advanced decay are rotten wood, fungal fruiting bodies, cavities, holes, open cracks or bulges in the wood.

10 Systematically Inspect Individual Trees
Diagnostic tools Measuring shell thickness with an increment borer

11 Other easily observed indicators of advanced decay include cavities, open cracks, and holes in the wood.

12 Systematically Inspect Individual Trees
Diagnostic tools Measuring shell thickness with a portable drill and ⅛ inch drill bit

13 Advanced decay is always present when fungal fruiting bodies are found (mushrooms, shelf fungi, bracket fungi, and conks).

14 Tree Volcanoes - Too much mulch or soil banked up on the trunk
Will cause collar rot as well as root rot

15 Tree Risk Categories Cankers -
Areas where bark and/or cambium are dead.

16 Cankers are caused by insects, diseases, and by mowers, equipment, vehicles and vandalism.

17 Systematically Inspect Individual Trees
Diagnostic tools - Root collar examinations using a metal probe

18 Tree Risk Categories Cracks - Separation of the wood or a deep split through the bark and into the wood. Vertical cracks Horizontal cracks

19 Tree Risk Categories Lightening Strike

20 Cracks are caused by improper wound closure, splitting of branch unions or flush-cut pruning.

21 Horizontal cracks indicate that the tree is already failing and the tree is in imminent danger.

22 Tree Risk Categories Root Problems - Inadequate anchoring by root systems, damaged roots or restricted roots including stem girdling roots.

23 Damaged roots are caused by excavating, trenching, paving, re-grading, or soil compaction.

24 Symptoms of root problems include crown decline, soil/root disturbance, leaning tree or roots confined.

25 Tree Risk Categories Weak Branch Unions A branch union with included bark or an epicormic branch.

26 Large epicormic branches on a decaying stem.

27 Lodged branches are particularly problematic
Lodged branches are particularly problematic. They have already failed and only wait to be dislodged by the wind or the failure of the supporting branch.

28 Bugs, disease and other pestilence
Wood Borers

29 Bugs, disease and other pestilence

30 Bugs, disease and other pestilence
Aphids, scales & mites

31 Bugs, disease and other pestilence

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