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Renaissance Princes aka New Monarchs

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1 Renaissance Princes aka New Monarchs

2 1st Among Equals No strong monarchs in the late Middle Ages
Hundred Years War caused kings of England and France to struggle to raise money… further weakened the crown

3 New Monarchs Tried to Rise Above ‘First Among Equals’
So who do you turn to in order to do this? Union between townspeople and the king. Townspeople want stability to make money and want protection from greedy feudal nobility King needs to have some allies against nobility who won’t be strong enough to challenge his authority ‘middle class’

4 New Monarchs’ Techniques
Raise taxes Taxes on the towns and peasants Most nobles were immune Build up standing armies First one was in… ? Wrestle power from Rome Key example France Pragmatic Sanction – New Monarchs versus Rome Council over Pope French king has basic control of church in France Concordat of Bologna- Compromise between French monarchs and Pope Ok- Pope is boss Pope gets some money and has some say in France’s church France Pragmatic Sanction- councils should be above Popes, no taxes sent to Rome, French appoint bishops Concordat of Bologna- Pope is higher… gets first year’s salary of eclessiastical appointments, but French can appoint bishops and set church policies

5 New Monarchs’ Techniques (cont.)
Semi-secret and sometimes violent courts to do the bidding of the monarch Court of the Star Chamber in England Encouraged economic growth Brings more tax revenue Expelling ‘troublesome’ minorities Reconquista Conversos Root of racial identification of Jews Marriage Rulers of Spain Helps to explain the interlocking web of royal families

6 The War of the Roses Hundred Years War weakened English monarchs
War of the Roses was a clash between ‘first of equal’ king and powerful noble family Yorkist line won, and (along with the Tudor line who took over after the Yorks died out) began to build royal power Lancasters were booted out and replaced by Yorkists

7 Social Impacts of the Renaissance
Women- Upper class women Lost status (didn’t run households anymore) Had to mold themselves to get a man, rather than vice versa in medieval times Did get educations, but only to… ??? Laura Cereta example… successful, but only because... ??? Men believed that publicly active women were a threat Not really ‘sexual beings’ Lower class women Didn’t get educational advantages Hard to say, but fact that rape was punished more harshly if _____________ than if _____________ gives some evidence that even lower class women lost status What was the punishment in the Middle Ages for Rape?

8 Things You Should Know That I Didn’t Have Time For
Savonarola Social Change (I covered women, but not the other parts) Perception of Black Africans Homosexuality Thomas More Utopia

9 Hansen. Name _____________________ AP Euro. Period _________
Hansen Name _____________________ AP Euro Period _________ The Renaissance- The Rise of New Monarchs (and Miscellaneous) (Lecture #3) Note-Taking Guide Semi-secret and sometimes violent courts to do the bidding of the monarch Court of the __________________________in England Encouraged economic growth ___________________________________________________ Expelling ‘troublesome’ minorities Reconquista - _______________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Conversos - __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Root of racial identification _______________ Marriage _______________________ Helps to explain the interlocking web of __________________ ►War of the Roses Hundred Years War weakened ___________________________ War of the Roses was a clash between ‘_______________’ king and _________________________________________________________ Yorkist line won, and (along with ____________________________ who took over after the Yorks died out) began to __________________ ►Social Impacts of the Renaissance Women Upper class women Lost ____________ (didn’t run households anymore) Had to mold _____________________to get a ________, rather than vice versa in medieval times Did get educations, but only to… _______________ ___________________________________________ Laura Cereta example… successful, but only because... _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Men believed that publicly active women ____________ Not really ‘___________________________’ Lower class women Didn’t get ______________________________ Hard to say, but fact that rape was punished more harshly if _____________ than if _____________ gives some evidence that even lower class women lost status ►First Among Equals- ____________________________________ ________________________________________________________ No __________________ monarchs in the late Middle Ages Hundred Years War caused kings of England and France to struggle to raise money … ______________________________ ► New Monarchs Tried to Rise Above ‘First Among Equals’ So who do you turn to in order to do this? Union between ____________ ___________ Townspeople want ___________________________ __________________________and want protection from _______________________________________ King needs to have ___________________________ ___________who won’t be strong enough to challenge _______________________ ‘_______________________’ ►New Monarchs’ Techniques Raise taxes Taxes on the ________________________________ Most nobles were _______________ Build up standing armies - __________________________________ First one was in… _________________ Wrestle power from ______________ Key example _________________ Pragmatic Sanction – New Monarchs versus Rome _____________________________ French king has basic ___________________ _____________________________________ Concordat of Bologna- ________________between French monarchs and Pope Ok- __________________________ Pope gets ____________ money and has some say in France’s _____________

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