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Ken Read Oak Ridge National Laboratory/ University of Tennessee on behalf of the ALICE Collaboration SESAPS 2008, Raleigh, NC October 30, 2008 Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Ken Read Oak Ridge National Laboratory/ University of Tennessee on behalf of the ALICE Collaboration SESAPS 2008, Raleigh, NC October 30, 2008 Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ken Read Oak Ridge National Laboratory/ University of Tennessee on behalf of the ALICE Collaboration SESAPS 2008, Raleigh, NC October 30, 2008 Research supported by the Office of Nuclear Physics, US Department of Energy

2 Heavy Ion Nuclear Physics  Ultrarelativistic heavy ion nuclear physics  Investigate properties of nuclear matter at high temperature and density  Improve understanding of strong force concerning deconfinement and chiral symmetry breaking/restoration (transition from quark to hadronic matter)  Explore QCD in novel regimes. Study the phase diagram of QCD matter.  Probe conditions of quark/hadron phase transition (universe at 10 -6 s) and fully characterize the properties of the novel produced matter 2 spectators participants

3 Heavy Ion Nuclear Physics 3

4  Particles are flowing like an ideal hydrodynamical fluid. Viscosity/entropy ratio is lowest observed, near predicted quantum mechanical lower bound.  Suppression of particles with a high transverse momentum in Au+Au (but not d+Au) collisions as predicted to occur if QGP is formed (“jet suppression”). Opacity very high, effectively stops quarks and gluons.  Significant correlated emission of partons (“flow”) with shock-wave dynamics. Rapid thermalization of created medium, fluid expansion, even heavy quarks are swept up by flow. RHIC Discoveries 4

5  More protons than pions at high transverse momentum. Almost as many anti-protons as protons, which is another indication that conditions are favorable for the production of a Quark-Gluon Plasma.  Energy density in the center of the collision is about 30 times that of a normal nucleus. Conditions may be favorable for Quark-Gluon Plasma production.  The source of produced particles is large and short-lived.  Modification of charm production measured via semileptonic decays.  Suggests that a new state of matter has been created at RHIC.  Anti de Sitter space / Conformal Field Theory (AdS/CFT) correspondence between QCD (quark gluon plasma) and string theory. The RHIC “fireball” can be “mapped” to a “gravity dual” (mathematical black hole) via this correspondence. RHIC Discoveries 5

6 Large Heavy ion Collider 6

7 LHC Specifications  LHC  p+p collisions at maximum energy of 14 TeV  Pb+Pb at 5.5 TeV per nucleon pair  Energy density 3 to 10 times higher than RHIC  ALICE is the dedicated heavy ion nuclear physics detector at the LHC. Sophisticated charged-particle tracking and particle identification capabilities.  ALICE-USA is primarily focused on the EMCal which provides a fast trigger on high-energy jets. SESAPS institutes (ORNL, Univ. Tennessee, …) are involved. 7

8 LHC Specifications 8 Collision System  s NN (TeV) Luminosity (cm -2 s -1 ) Run Time (s/yr)  geom (b) p+p14.010 34 10 7 0.07 Pb+Pb5.510 27 10 6 7.7 p+Pb8.810 29 10 6 1.9 Ar+Ar6.310 29 10 6 2.7 Integrated luminosity for Pb+Pb: 0.5 nb -1 /yr

9 Denser and Hotter 9 Central Collisions SPSRHICLHC s 1/2 (GeV)172005500  (GeV/fm 3 ) 3515 – 60 initial T (MeV)200300600 t QGP (fm/c)< 11.5 – 4.04 –10

10 Centrality 10 spectators participants b Lorentz-contracted ions in center of mass frame

11 Centrality 11 Centrality corresponds to impact parameter For a given b, Glauber model predicts N part and N coll. Hard processes tend to scale as ~ N coll Can classify events based on centrality class 15 fm b 0 fm 0 N coll 1200 0 N part 394

12 Centrality 12

13  Initial state spatial anisotropy of reaction zone leads to final state momentum anisotropy  Results in asymmetric particle emission  Second component of Fourier decomposition, v 2, indicates degree of azimuthal anisotropy Flow 13 x z y Masashi Kaneta

14  High transverse momentum particles probe the medium Probes 14 medium

15     Variables 15

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17 17 Simulated Event

18 18 The “L3” Magnet

19 19 The “L3” Magnet

20 20 ALICE: Dedicated Heavy Ion LHC Experiment 31 Countries, 109 Institutes and more than 1000 members

21 ALICE  Detect most (2  * 1.8 units  ) of the hadrons (dE/dx + ToF), leptons (dE/dx, TOF, transition radiation) and photons (high resolution EM calorimetry, conversions)  Track and identify from very low ( 100GeV/c)  Identify short lived particles (hyperons, D/B meson) through secondary vertex detection  Excellent particle ID up to ~ 50 to 60 GeV/c 21

22 Time Projection Chamber  Specifications  designed for dN/dη=8000  |η|<0.9, radius 0.9-2.5m  0.5 T Solenoidal Field  570k chan., 80Mb/event  3% radiation length  Outer diameter 5 m, Length 5 m  Largest ever 22

23 TRD, TOF, HMPID  Transition Radiation Detector  p T >1 GeV electron id, p T >3 GeV trigger  540 modules, 4.8cm radiator with 1.2M chan.  MWPC readout  Time Of Flight  Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chambers (MRPC)  50 ps resolution at ~5m  |η|<0.85, Δφ=2π  High Momentum PID  Proximity focused, Ring Imaging CHerenkov RICH  |η|<0.6, Δφ=π/3  PID 1<p<6 GeV 23

24 PHOS  PHOton Spectrometer  PbO4W crystal calorimeter  ,  0,  for 1<p<100 GeV  |  |<0.12,  = 100º  L0 trigger at 900 ns  σ(E)/E = 3%, σ(x,y)=4mm 24

25 EMCal  Specifications  Lead-scintillator sampling calorimeter  13 k towers  Each tower ΔηXΔφ = 0.014 X 0.014  Shashlik geometry  Avalanche phototodiodes  Δη=1.4, Δφ=107º  σ(E)=0.15/  E + 0.02  L0 trigger at 900 ns for e, , and jets 25

26 EMCal  Specifications  High p T triggering possible on ,  0, and electrons. EMCal will significantly improve the statistics and energy resolution of jets.  EMCal has good high p T electron ID, including above p T ~ 10 GeV/c (beyond TRD reach) 26 Fiber bundles with attached photodiodes and preamps for 4 towers of an EMCal module

27 27

28 ALICE EMCal Physics  Study Initial hard parton scattering  High energy jets, photons and heavy flavors → requires EMCal and triggering  Exploit large kinematic range of jets at LHC  Measure jet structure & medium-induced jet modification  Investigate energy loss  Low energy particles correlated with trigger or quenched jet → requires ALICE acceptance, robust tracking, & PID to low/high p T  Investigate energy propagation in medium to determine medium properties 28

29 ALICE EMCal Physics  Heavy flavor studies in ALICE will serve as sensitive probes of parton energy loss and the level of collectivity of the medium formed in heavy ion collisions.  The ALICE EMCal will provide improved high-p T identification and triggering of non-photonic electrons.  The displaced vertex method used in conjunction with the EMCal can provide efficient and pure identification of semi-electronic decays of B mesons. 29

30 Muon Spectrometer  Single muon acceptance  p>4 GeV/c  - 4.0 < η < - 2.5 30

31 Forward Detectors  FMD (Forward Multiplicity Detector)  3 planes Si-pad, -3.4<η<-1.7, -1.7<η<5.0  T0  2-arrays 12 quartz Cherenkov counters, 30ps res.  V0  2 arrays, 32 scintillator tiles, centrality trigger, 0.6ns res.  ZDC (Zero Degree Calorimeter)  2-neutron, 2-proton calorimeters, 116m from IP  also 2 EM calorimeters at -7 m  PMD (Photon Multiplicity Detector)  2.3< η <3.5 31

32 Readiness  All detectors fully installed except TRD, PHOS, EmCal, HLT to be completed  TRD(25%, completion 2010)  PHOS (60%, completion 2010)  EMCAL (0%, completion 2011) 32

33 Initial Program  Fully commissioned detector & trigger  alignment, calibration available from pp  First 10 5 events: global event properties  multiplicity, rapidity density  elliptic flow  First 10 6 events: source characteristics  particle spectra, resonances  differential flow analysis  Interferometry  First 10 7 events: high-p t, heavy flavors  jet quenching, heavy-flavor energy loss  charmonium production  Yield bulk properties of created medium  energy density, temperature, pressure  heat capacity/entropy, viscosity, sound velocity, opacity  susceptibilities, order of phase transition 33

34 Program  Initial low luminosity run  p+p  2 to 3 years (10 6 s/yr) Pb+Pb  1 year p+Pb  1 year Ar+Ar  Following requests depend on observations 34

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41 Conclusions  ALICE will start to collect p+p data next year  Later will measure Pb+Pb collisions at unprecedented energies  Will study jet suppression at still higher energies than measured at RHIC, as well as a broad program of related measurements concerning the produced matter.  Thanks to my colleagues on PHENIX and ALICE for contributed material.  See 41

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