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Elia Windows 10 journey. TMD.Net Manager. Elia & Owner

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2 Elia Windows 10 journey. TMD.Net Manager. Elia & Owner
@GFlisch4U Gilles Flisch

3 We want to move from people needing Windows to choosing Windows and loving Windows.
Satya Nadella

4 Elia opportunities. Infrastructure Development User. Gilles Flisch
Infrastructure point of view Infrastructure Development User. Development point of view User point of view Microsoft Edge Tiles, notifications App 2 App communication Pen controls Continuum

5 Infrastructure OS Browser Windows10 IE6, 8, 10, 11 Touch experience.
Windows XP Windows 7 Windows 8.1 Windows10 IE6, 8, 10, 11 Touch experience. Hybrid world. Windows 7 end of live.

6 OS & Browser Migrations
Every 2 Microsoft OS. Balance between Cost, functionalities and security. Microsoft OS adoption. Windows XP Bits. Windows Vista Windows Bits + IE 8 => IE 10 => IE 11. Windows 8.x => Surface Pro3 users but used as Windows 7. Lack of good Office Touch applications. Users are pleased with the device. Mobility becomes important (Multiple sites).

7 Windows 10 Windows 10 => latest OS for a while.
More professional touch apps Office & One Note. Pen integration. Scaling (Low & High resolution screen ). Hybrid PC user adoption (Surface Pro 3). Windows 8.x apps were not there with great touch applications. The screen scaling should be better in Windows 10.

8 Development Classic world. Windows 10 Security Prepare the future.
Html 5. Xaml Development Strategy. Classic world still supported. Universal Apps. Business/Company Store. Push Notification Touch/Pen Cortana Kerberos. OAuth2.0 (AzureAD & Adfs 4). BYO Windows10 Device. New concepts. Change Mgt. B2B. B2C?

9 Development Technologies
Backend. .Net => From 2.0 to From Synchronous to Async programming. From Kerberos to ADFS and SAML 2.0 federation. Front End (Windows7). Web MVC 5.0, WebApi (Rest), TypeScript, AngularJS From Silverlight to Html 5.0. Client WPF From Silverlight to WPF.

10 Development Strategy 90% Development are XAML based.
10% are html based. Web is costly: Browser migration cost (Testing and fixing). Complex GUI are difficult. Javascript lisibility. Standard in perpetual evolution. Very easy to deploy. Xaml (Wpf/Silverlight). Very stable. Can do complex GUI. Local cache easy. Deployment is more difficult. Silverlight => deprecated. Can do complex Gui. Deployment is easy (Web based).

11 Windows10 Universal Windows App
New possibilities, new way of thinking applications. Bring what your smartphone has in your business applications: Notifications. Tile. Background tasks: Network connectivity. Time based. Raw notifications. Fast application start. Inform the user if something happens. User will work on an app if necessary! Open when needed. Data caching by push notification => fast application start.

12 Windows10 Universal Windows App
Multiple screen and resolution: Show less when less space. Avoid LOB applications with all in one page. Multiple devices / Input experiences. Tablets (commercials, fields). Hybrid (Directors, mobile persons). Traditional desktop. Phone (Adoption?). Feature based (Nfc/Gyroscope/Gps/…). => One code.

13 Windows10 Universal Windows App
Xaml. Very stable. Can do complex GUI. Local cache easy. Deployment is centralized and easy (Business store). Xaml as an Elia choice => our developer skills are xaml based.

14 Security UWP & authentication.
Kerberos and Wcf (netTcpBinding is supported). OAuth2 deeply integrated in the OS Azure AD to join devices (SSO). ADFS 4 (available with Windows Server VNext: 2015/2016? SAML 2.0 not supported (WS2007FederationHttpBinding) Already supported in ADFS 3 (Windows 2012R2)…. Wcf is open source. We try to convince them to implement SAML 2.0. => Prepare your Windows 10 Security journey. Move to OAuth2 in your company!

15 Prepare the future. Windows10 is what we expect from a modern OS but now this is a reality. Infrastructure integration with a lot of questions: AD integration / Business store? Azure AD: BYO Windows 10 devices? Azure Cloud Services and SSO. ADFS is a MUST. Development: Push Notifications. Tiles New Layout rendering based on screen resolutions. Feature based development. User & Project leader should be educated to embrace those new features!

16 Multiple OS Integration?
Replace B2B web application based by native apps? Xamarin is the Xaml answer to target IOS/Android/Windows. Xamarin.Forms is the way to develop with a higher level of abstraction. Not yet ready for Windows10 UWP => Next version of Forms? Need extra code to encounter specific OS => extra costs. Dedicated developers, another way to develop, more systems to know,… Less maintenance (browser evolution, html story).

17 Windows10 Less confusing than Windows 8. Security UWP
Far from what we know with Windows7 Less confusing than Windows 8. Security UWP The change from Windows 7 and Mac OS X experience is important => Change must be prepared. Start menu, one windowing system, continuum. Kerberos will be smoothly replaced by OAuth2 and Claims based token. Bring what we expect from a modern application.


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