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1 Past History 12/9/2015 2 Past History Prehistoric Times Historic Times 2,000,000 years 12/9/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Past History 12/9/2015 2 Past History Prehistoric Times Historic Times 2,000,000 years 12/9/2015."— Presentation transcript:


2 1 Past History 12/9/2015

3 2 Past History Prehistoric Times Historic Times 2,000,000 years 12/9/2015

4 3 Past History Ancient Times MedievalModern 4000B.C.A.D.476 1492 12/9/2015

5 4 Four Civilization Centres 12/9/2015

6 5 Four Civilization Centres Ziggurat Pyramid Moharo-Dajo Great Wall 12/9/2015

7 6 Greek Civilization 12/9/2015

8 7 Greek Civilization 12/9/2015

9 8 East Meets West (1) 12/9/2015

10 9 Medieval Times Vikings invasions 12/9/2015

11 10 Feudal System of the Medieval Times King nobles knights peasants 12/9/2015

12 11 King Church Great Nobles Town People Peasantry Nobles Give advice Give land and protection Give land to farm and protection Pay allegiance, taxes and join battles 12/9/2015

13 12 Greece Roman The Renaissance took place between 14th and 17th centuries. It was a movement in which the Ancient Greek and Roman Civilizations were revived. 12/9/2015

14 13 Achievements of the Renaissance 12/9/2015

15 14 Age of Discovery: East Meets West (2) 12/9/2015

16 15 The French Revolution RousseauVoltaireMontesquieu 12/9/2015

17 16 The French Revolution 12/9/2015

18 17 The French Revolution 12/9/2015

19 18 Napoleon 12/9/2015

20 19 Moscow Spain Trafalgar Napoleon 12/9/2015

21 20 Nationalism Liberalism ConservatismConservatism 12/9/2015

22 21 Serpent (representing liberty) is threatening the absolute European monarchs 12/9/2015

23 22 Age of Revolutions ( 1820-1848 ) 12/9/2015

24 23 Unification of Italy 12/9/2015

25 24 12/9/2015

26 25 Prussian Territory South German Duchies French Territory Unification of Germany 12/9/2015

27 26 1870-71 12/9/2015

28 27 1870-71 1871 is a turning point in European History. It embarked on a forty year of peace. However, it also paved the way for the outbreak of the First World War. 12/9/2015

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