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Write to Learn: What is the message of this painting? Translation: “This is not a pipe.”

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Presentation on theme: "Write to Learn: What is the message of this painting? Translation: “This is not a pipe.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Write to Learn: What is the message of this painting? Translation: “This is not a pipe.”

2 Notes: The Renaissance: Illusion and Perspective

3 Spatial Depth Spatial: having to do with space Depth: having to do with distance

4 Scale the size of things in relation to each other

5 Three-Dimensional an object that has height, width and depth

6 Worldview a particular philosophy of life or conception of the world

7 Question According to the reading, why do Medieval and Renaissance paintings look different?

8 Question How did Medieval paintings show who had the most power/significance in the paintings?

9 Questions Why do Medieval paintings have very little depth (look flat) and sometimes show scenes from different events at different times in the same painting?

10 Question How did people begin to think about the surfaces that were painted on? How was this different than people during Medieval times?

11 Renaissance = Earthly Experience

12 Medieval = Religious Experience

13 Religious belief in and worship of a superhuman power

14 Secular attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious basis

15 Realism representing a person, thing, or situation accurately or in a way that is true to life

16 Humanism A worldview celebrating humanity rather than divine or supernatural matters.

17 Humanism Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek rational ways of solving human problems.

18 What did I learn today? In your own words, describe what humanism is.

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