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WITSA Board of Director’s Meeting June 20, 2012, Brasilia, Brasil

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1 WITSA Board of Director’s Meeting June 20, 2012, Brasilia, Brasil

2 Chairman’s Remarks Dato’ Dan E Khoo www.witsa.org2

3 Roll Call Dr. Jim Poisant www.witsa.org3

4 4 CountryOrganizationNameRemarks 1BermudaBermuda Chamber of Commerce John Kyle 2CanadaITACKarna GuptaApologies 3Chinese TaipeiCISAJames Liu 4EgyptEITESALSameh MontasserApologies 5GreeceSEPEYannis Sirros 6IndiaNASSCOMSom Mittal 7JapanJISATakashi Igarashi 8KenyaCSKWaudo SigangaBy Phone 9LebanonPCANizar Zakka 10MalaysiaPIKOMDato’ Dan E Khoo 11MalaysiaPIKOMLooi Kien LeongBy Phone Roll Call: Board of Directors (1/3)

5 www.witsa.org5 CountryOrganizationNameRemarks 12MexicoCANIETISantiago Gutierrez 13NetherlandsICT~OfficeDrs. Bernd TaselaarApologies 14NigeriaITANDr. Jimson Olufuye 15Republic of KoreaFKIIKi-Chul KimApologies 16Republic of Macedonia MASITVasko KronevskiApologies 17RomaniaATICDr. Vasile BaltacBy Phone 18RussiaAPKITChristo Karakashev 19SingaporeSiTFHo Se Mun 20South AfricaITARoger Latchman 21Trinidad & TobagoICTSOwen Fields 22UKIntellectJohn HigginsBy Phone Roll Call: Board of Directors (2/3)

6 www.witsa.org6 CountryOrganizationNameRemarks 1 Argentina CESSISilvia BidartMember 2 Argentina CESSIVanessa LuchessiMember 3 Brazil ASSESPRORoberto MayerMember 4 Canada WCIT 2012Francois MorinMember 5 Chinese Taipei CISAIvy ChangMember 6JapanJISAJunko KawauchiMember 7SpainAMETICAntonio CimorraMember 8United KingdomIntellectJulian DavidMember 9United StatesTechAmericaShawn OsborneMember 10 Roll Call: Others (3/3)

7 www.witsa.org7 Call to Order / Approval of Meeting Minutes

8 www.witsa.org8 Welcome Remarks ASSESPRO

9 www.witsa.org9 Matters Arising Dr. Jim Poisant

10 www.witsa.org10 MatterStatus Member of the Board thought that the Sec Gen had too many KPI measurement requirements. Action: Sec Gen to group KPI’s into five major categories. Sec Gen will group the 2012 KPI under the following headings: A.Events B.External Groups (Global Partners/Advisory Council) C.Membership D.Financial E.Operational The Board requesting a review and discussion of Associate Member dues during the next BOD meeting. Associate member discussion has been placed on the June 20 th BOD agenda for Board action Mr. Gupta mentioned that five (5) names had been suggested for the Eminent Persons Award recipient. Mr. Gupta said that he would shorten the list for the Board’s consideration. Mr. Gupta made a suggestion for the recipient. His nominee, among others will be discussed on today's’ agenda. Matters Arising: BOD Call, Feb 14

11 www.witsa.org11 MatterStatus The Finance and Compensation committee would determine whether there should be a 2011 year-end bonus be paid to full-time WITSA staff, and would make a recommendation to the Board no later than March 15, 2012 The matter has been placed on today’s agenda. (June 20 th ) Dr. Cassino resigned from the Board vacating the position of Audit Committee Chairman. Vacancy is on today’s agenda. (June 20 th ) Global Policy Action Committee proposed re-establishing the WITSA Advisory Council. The WITSA Advisory Council has been established with seven (7) external members and three internal WITSA members. A briefing is scheduled for today ( June 20 th). Matters Arising: BOD Call, Feb 14

12 Decision Block www.witsa.org12 1.Board of Directors Nominationsi)Argentina: Nominee recommended to serve remaining term; Sylvia Bidart, CESSI ii)Spain: Nominee recommended to serve remaining term; Antonio Cimorra, AMETIC iii)United States: Nominee recommended to serve term; Shawn Osborne, TechAmerica 2.Membership Application WITSA Vice Chairmen (in their absence the Sec Gen) to present membership applications from their regions, where applicable. Membership Request from: i.Scientific and Technological Association “Infopark”, Belarus 3.Establishing Membership fees for Associate Members 4.Call for Audit Committee Chairman Nominations to serve the remaining 2010-1012 term 5.Eminent Persons Awards for WCIT 2012

13 Nominees Board of Director Nominations www.witsa.org13 D 1 Vote on fulfilling vacancy for Director Call for Discussion Chairman asks for any no votes or abstentions Call for Vote EconomyOrganizationResignedNominee ArgentinaCESSIDr. Jorge CassinoSylvia Bidart SpainAMETICMar DuqueAntonio Cimorra United StatesTechAmericaPhil BondShawn Osborne

14  The Scientific and Technological Association “Infopark” is the largest voluntary union of software developing companies in the Republic of Belarus.  Legal status: Non-profit.  Est. December 7, 2001.  69 enterprises, with more than 12 000 people, 11,000 IT professionals  Application endorsed by WITSA Vice Chairman Vasko Kronevski Infopark (Belarus) www.witsa.org14

15  Membership Request from:  Discussion  Vote Membership Application www.witsa.org15 Scientific and Technological Association “Infopark”, Belarus D 2

16  WITSA Bylaws allows non-voting associate membership to: Establishing Membership Fees for Associate Members (1/3) www.witsa.org16  Corporations;  Other business entities or  Persons from any sector of the ICT industry  Service providers supporting or offering services or products to the ICT industry  Regional ICT related associations  Economic development authorities or organizations  Non-profit organizations  Universities and other educational institutions  Non-governmental organizations; and  All others deemed eligible and acceptable at the discretion of the Board

17  Membership Benefits:  Attendance at WITSA Meetings  Web Site presence  Opportunity each year to address either the GA or BOD (only highest paying categories)  Banner ads on WITSA’s web site at a discounted rate  Invitation to participate in select WITSA committees (in the event that a suitable committee is identified) Establishing Membership Fees for Associate Members (2/3) www.witsa.org17 9/12/2015

18 www.witsa.org18 Economic Development Organizations  $10,000 annually Establishing Membership Fees for Associate Members (3/3) Corporate >10M Annual Revenue  $10,000 annually Corporate 1-10M Annual Revenue  $5,000 annually Corporate < 1M Annual Revenue  $1,000 annually Academic Institutions  $1,000 annually Consulting Firm > 5M Annual Revenue  $5,000 annually Consulting Firm 1-5M Annual Revenue  $1,000 annually Consulting Firm < 1M Annual Revenue  $500 annually D 3

19 www.witsa.org19 Dr. Jorge Cassino Resigned Audit Committee Chairman Post Vacant Call for Nominees Vote Audit Committee Chairman Nomination D 4

20 ITAC Nominee: Mike Lazaradis, Founder RIM Eminent Person Awards for WCIT 2012 www.witsa.org20  (Born March 14, 1961, Istanbul, Turkey)IstanbulTurkey  A Greek Canadian businessmanGreek Canadian  Founder and Vice Chairman of Research In Motion (RIM), which created and manufactures the BlackBerry wireless handheld device.Research In MotionBlackBerry  He is also a former chancellor of the University of Waterloo, and an Officer of the Order of Canada.chancellorUniversity of WaterlooOrder of Canada  With an estimated net worth of $US 800 Million (as of June 2011), Lazaridis was ranked by Forbes as the 17th wealthiest Canadian and 651st in the world. Forbes  Responsible for starting SMARTPHON business segment

21 Eminent Persons Discussion www.witsa.org21  ITAC Nominee Mike Lazaradis  Other Nominees? Call for Discussion Chairman Future Action D 5

22 www.witsa.org22 MORNING BREAK

23 Discussion Block www.witsa.org23 1.Update on WITSA’s involvement in United Nation’s World Summit on Information Society (WSIS), Geneva (May 2012) 2.Status on Jimson’s activities with the UN 3.Report on Dato’ Dan E Khoo’s speech in China 4. Status on WITSA’s Upgraded Web Site 5. WITSA ICT Excellence Awards (October 2012)

24 www.witsa.org24 WSIS Forum 2012 was held from May 14-18, 2012 in Geneva Switzerland  The Forum was hosted by ITU and jointly organized by ITU, UNESCO, UNCTAD and UNDP  More than 1,300 WSIS Stakeholders from more than 140 countries  More than 35 Ministers and Deputies  Ambassadors, CEOs and Civil Society and Private Sector  Remote participation over 1,000 stakeholders Update on WITSA’s involvement in United Nation’s World Summit on Information Society (WSIS), Geneva (May 2012) D 1 WITSA Secretary General’s Participation  Participated in the Opening High Level Session  Hosted a workshop on Enhanced Cooperation between WITSA members and government officials  Referenced WITSA Policy work and upcoming events  Made an Intervention on the importance of public/private partnerships  Enhanced WITSA’s brand and advocated for more prominent recognition and involvement at the highest level within the UN and other internationally recognized institutions

25 www.witsa.org25  UN CSTD WG on IGF Improvement  CSTD Open Consultation on Enhanced Co- operation on Policy Issues Pertaining to the Internet  MAG; appointment to prepare for the IGF 2012 in Baku, Azerbaijan on November 6 – 9  Other Developments  Global INET 2012  Establishment of Africa Information & Communication Technologies Alliance (AfICTA) Status on Jimson’s Activities with the UN D 2

26  Presented about “Fulfilling the Promise of the Digital Age”  Impact of digital technologies  The challenges Report on Dato’ Dan E Khoo speech in China www.witsa.org26 D 3  Speaker at the CHITEC – China Strategic Emerging Industry Development  Opening Ceremony  Keynote

27 www.witsa.org27  Word Press template  Key: Full control over content by Staff  Added Functionality: Blog/Discussion Forum; Fully Integrated Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)  Expanded News Section/Functionality  Technical Assistance by Amado Espinosa & Staff (Thanks!)  Draft Template Ready for Demonstration Status on WITSA’s Upgraded Web Site D 4

28 www.witsa.org28  Awards Ceremony at WCIT 2012 Gala Dinner (Oct. 23)  New Award: Sustainable Growth (in addition to the traditional three: Private Sector Excellence; Public Sector Excellence; Digital Opportunity)  Up to 4 Nominees from Each Member Association  Nomination Deadline: August 6, 2012  Awards Selection Committee to include: WITSA VCs and key stakeholders (ICANN, OECD, World Bank, UNCTAD). The Success of the WITSA Awards Depends on You. Please send your Nominations by August 6 th ! WITSA ICT Excellence Awards (October 2012) D 5

29 www.witsa.org29  Explored role of associations in supporting local software industry development  Comprised of four parts: Background information; Information about the member companies in the software and IT services industry, Information about the IT/software association, and Policy considerations  Will feature prominently in the UNCTAD Information Economy Report (IER) 2012  Responses from 38 national associations, covering over 50% of the global market  Survey results circulated last week Thank you very much for making the survey a success! WITSA / UNCTAD Global Survey of IT / Software Associations D 6

30 www.witsa.org30 WITSA Treasurer’s Report Roger Latchman Committee Chairman

31 Cash Balance 31 9/12/2015 Capital One Bank $263,288.79 (Rewards & Money Market) Wachovia Bank $79,273.06 (Checking & Money Market) Middleburg Bank$252,732.52 (Original Investment $250,000) Total Cash Balance $595,294.37 (May 31, 2012) Investment Amount Start dateTenureInterest % $151,349.06June 15, 2011 24 months 1.20% $101,383.46June 15, 2011 36 months 1.85%

32 Accrual Balance  Total Net Equity $960,000.44 (WITSA’s accumulated earnings since inception) Net worth of WITSA as of 5/31/2012  WITSA HAS NO LONG TERM DEBT.  P&L YTD (Jan-May): Net Loss of $6,651.22 (Includes collecting $50,000 for 2012 WCIT) Current net loss due to outstanding Dues and Fees.  Overall net loss is under budgeted by 92.66% due to less expenses and more proceeds being earned.  Reasons for Improvement: Next slide~ Financial Report www.witsa.org32 9/12/2015

33 Reasons for Improvement:  Expenses were in the following areas: (Legal Fees, Accounting Fees, Printing and Copying, Supplies, Consultant Fees, Travel, and Contingency Fees). Looking Ahead  Expect to continue to be under budgeted in the aforementioned areas and to include Medical Expenses. Financial Report www.witsa.org33 9/12/2015

34  Members that are not paid in full by July 31 st each year are not in “Good Standing” and cannot vote on WITSA matters  List of delinquent members 2011 & 2012 (refer to next slide) Dues Report www.witsa.org34 9/12/2015

35  Memberships not paid in 2011: Dues Report www.witsa.org35 9/12/2015 Members2011 1ACIST-portuguese Comm525.00 2Afghanistan275.00 4Benin275.00 5Bulgarian Association of Information Tech 525.00 6Cambodia275.00 7France5,025.00 8Gambia275.00 9ICT Norway1,275.00 10Indonesian Telematic Software Association 525.00 11Israeli Association of Software Houses 1,025.00 12Mongolia275.00 13Morocco525.00 14Netherlands - Curacao Info & Comm 525.00 15Pakistan525.00 Members2011 16Republic of Moldova525.00 17Rwanda ICT Association275.00 18Senegalese Information Technology Assoc 275.00 19Serbia525.00 20Sri Lanka Information and Comm Tech Assoc 525.00 21Syrian Computer Society525.00 22The Tanzania ICTA275.00 23Trinidad and Tobago525.00 24Tunisian IT Chamber525.00 25Turkish Informatics Industry Association 1,275.00 26Uganda275.00 27Ukraine525.00 28Zimbabwe275.00 TOTAL18,175.00

36  Memberships not paid in 2012: Dues Report www.witsa.org36 9/12/2015 Members2012 1ACIST-portuguese Comm525.00 2Afghanistan275.00 3Algeria IT Association525.00 4Argentina (CESSI)1,275.00 5Armenian275.00 6BCS-Bangladesh Computer Samity275.00 7Benin275.00 8Bulgarian Association of Information Tech 525.00 9Cambodia275.00 10Canieti – Mexico1,275.00 11Chilie525.00 12Ecuadorian Assoc of Software525.00 13Egypt-Commission/L Franz Travel525.00 14France5,025.00 15Gambia275.00 16Greece1,025.00 17Haitian Assoc. for the ICTs275.00 18Hungarian Assoc. of IT Companies525.00 19ICT Norway1,275.00 20India2,525.00 Members2012 21Indonesian Telematic Software Association525.00 22Israeli Association of Software Houses1,025.00 23Jamaica275.00 24Japan Information Technology10,025.00 25Korea2,525.00 26Lao ICT Commerce Association275.00 27Lebanon525.00 28Lithuania525.00 29Mongolia275.00 30Morocco525.00 31Myanmar275.00 32Nepal275.00 33Netherlands – Curacao Info & Comm525.00 34NITDA (Nigeria)512.00 35Pakistan525.00 36Republic of Macedonia525.00 37Republic of Moldova525.00 38Romania525.00 39Rwanda ICT Association275.00 40Senegalese Information Technology Assoc275.00 41Serbia525.00

37  Memberships not paid in 2012: Dues Report www.witsa.org37 9/12/2015 Members2012 42Singapore Infocomm Technology Federatio1,025.00 43Sri Lanka Information and Comm Tech Assoc525.00 44Syrian Computer Society525.00 45The Tanzania ICTA275.00 46Trinidad and Tobago525.00 47Tunisian IT Chamber525.00 48Turkish Informatics Industry Association1,275.00 49Uganda275.00 50Ukraine525.00 51Uruguayan Chamber of IT525.00 52Venezuelan Chamber of IT Companies525.00 53WCIT 2012 Montreal Inc.50,000.00 54Zimbabwe275.00 TOTAL96,037.00

38 www.witsa.org38 Finance / Compensation Committee Roger Latchman Committee Chairman

39 Board Members ONLY Closed Meeting Compensation Recommendations www.witsa.org39

40 www.witsa.org40 Global Policy Action Committee John Higgins Intellect

41  GPAC has agreed the 2011 brochure remains timely  Based on member priorities, additional work is being undertaken on:  Three working groups have been established to develop WITSA’s position on these issues Update on WITSA’s Policy Actions for 2012 www.witsa.org41 Data ProtectionInternet GovernanceInternational Trade  Covering privacy, jurisdiction, data retention and other data related policies and regulations  Preparatory to the ITU World Conference in December  Especially supporting the expansion of the ITA, and continued support for multilateral initiatives

42 Update on WITSA’s Advisory Council www.witsa.org42 WITSA MembersChairmanJohn Higgins Director General Digital Europe / Chairman, WITSA Global Policy Action & Trade Committee Dr. James H Poisant Secretary General Timothy Conway Senior Policy Advisor Corporate MembersKevin Jones Vice President, Services, Dell Inc. Nick Tsilas Microsoft HP, Intel Cisco (Pending) GovernmentsHonorable H.E. Ivo Ivanovski Minister of Communication and Information Society, The Republic of Macedonia Datuk Badlisham Ghazali CEO, Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC), Malaysia

43 Update on WITSA’s Advisory Council www.witsa.org43 Global Institutional Members Dr. Thomas Stelzer Assistant Secretary General for Policy Coordination & Inter- Agency Affairs Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) United States Mr. Allan Marcus Senior Director, Head Information Technologies & Communication Industries The World Economic Forum (WEF) United States Mr. John S. Wilson Lead Economist, Development Economics Research Group Trade and International Integration The World Bank United States Not for Profit MembersDr. Robert Kahn (One of the Fathers of the Internet) President & CEO Corporation for National Research Initiatives United States

44 www.witsa.org44 Global Trade Committee Dato Dan Khoo (On behalf of David Wong, Committee Chairman)

45 www.witsa.org45 Membership Committee Nizar Zakka PCA

46 www.witsa.org46 Events Committee Dr. Jim Poisant

47 www.witsa.org47 Nominating Committee Dr. Jim Poisant

48 Status on Board Nominees for 2012-2014 Term  Additional Nominees admitted NLT 15 days (October 7th) prior to the GA meeting on October 21st.  No Nominations will be accepted from the floor.  Nominating Committee will publicize its slate of qualified candidates to the entire Membership forty five (45) days prior to the GA and provide periodic updates. Status Board Nominee / Process www.witsa.org48 NomineeOrganizationEconomy 1.Roberto MayerASSESPROBrazil 2.Luis SteinGechsChile

49 Bylaws/Nomination Process Request for Nominations for Chairman and BOD Nominations Due Slate of officers to be published and announced Nominating Committee to review all applicants to determine qualifications before the GA meeting To be sent to GA on June 19, 2012 August 29, 2012On or about September 5, 2012 Before the GA meeting on October 20,2012

50 www.witsa.org50 WITSA World Congress on IT (WCIT) 2012 François Morin (CEO WCIT 2012)

51 www.witsa.org51 WITSA Global Policy Action and Trade Summit (GPATS) 2013 Roberto Mayer ASSESPRO

52 GPATS Contract Signed: February 15 th 2012 GPATS 2013 www.witsa.org52

53 www.witsa.org53 “ICT in Brazil” Presentation by: Raul Colcher Assespro, Brazil

54 Meeting Calendar www.witsa.org54 Conference Call Fall 2012 August 2012 October 20-21, 2012 Via FreeConference Call system Montreal, Canada Hosted by ITAC

55 www.witsa.org55 Presentation by: The Honorable Agnelo Queiroz Governor of Brasilia

56 www.witsa.org56 THANK YOU See You in Montreal

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