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How to Save Money By Paige Eddington And Emma Neumann.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Save Money By Paige Eddington And Emma Neumann."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Save Money By Paige Eddington And Emma Neumann

2 You can earn money by selling goods, getting a job or doing chores.

3 You can save money in your saving account or you can spend it.

4 All of the needs are food, clothing, and shelter. You need all of thoseAll of the needs are food, clothing, and shelter. You need all of those All of the needs are food, clothing, and shelter. You need all of those to live.

5 A want is something you think you can’t live with out,but you can. A need is something you have to have.

6 You should plan ahead to save money.

7 If something is a 100$ wait ten weeks. If you get ten dollars a week. Because 10x10=100.

8 A home needs heat, electricity, stove, refrigerator, and clothes.

9 You must make smart choices or you will lose all your money.

10 If you buy all the CD’s and videos in the world it would cost the same amount.

11 You can save your money and wait until a toy comes on sale.

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