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Step 1: Please sign in at the student computers by marking how your child will get home from school and typing your email address. Step 2: Pick up your.

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2 Step 1: Please sign in at the student computers by marking how your child will get home from school and typing your email address. Step 2: Pick up your child’s red folder and name tag! Have your child choose a desk and leave their nametag there. Please make any corrections directly on the nametag as needed (preferred nicknames or misspellings). Use the sharpie in the table bucket! Step 3: If you would like to donate an item to our class, please take a star tag from the red easel. Step 4: See Miss Jorgensen for a family photo! Step 5: Take your child to the library for a movie! Welcome to Miss Jorgensen’s Curriculum Night! Please get your child’s red folder.

3 Now it’s time for Curriculum Night! Parents please take your child to the library for a movie and then return to our classroom ASAP so we can begin Curriculum Night.

4 Video from Mrs. Weyenberg

5 School Supplies IMPORTANT: This list will be a bit different than the one provided by the school, but it has our specific classroom needs. Please refer to this list instead if you have not already purchased items. If so, that’s fine, too! Thank you so much for donating to our classroom! *1 student backpack with no wheels *1 box of Crayola crayons (24 count) *1 container (or more) of Clorox Wipes –We will disinfect the desks daily *6 glue sticks *2 boxes of Ticonderoga #2 pencils (-Ticonderogas tend to be better quality and last longer) *1 box of tissues *4 pack of chisel-tip dry erase markers *Pack of colored pencils OR Crayola Magic Markers (pick one) (Please do not write names on supplies. We will use them as a class.) Wish list items are on door. Thank you!!!

6 Volunteer Needs: Art Masterpiece parent(s) Junior Achievement PTO Liaison Parent Volunteer Sign Up (Located in red folder)

7 Your child will bring home a personalized homework folder each day. This folder will help your child learn to be responsible and organized. It also provides a place to put notes or graded papers your child needs to take home. Please check the folder every day. Homework is due every Friday.

8 Sight Word Lists in Homework Folder A list of sight words will be sent home for you to practice with your child. The list will be located in their homework folder. This is in ADDITION to weekly spelling words. Once your student passes the current list, they will be given a new list to practice. There is a sight word PowerPoint on our classroom website for additional at-home practice.

9 Clip Chart

10 First semester: Punch Cards! -When students make good choices they earn punches on their “Punch Cards.” When the punch card is full, students get to earn prize box! Second semester: Money! -When students make good choices they earn money which can be spent on rewards of their choice.

11 Specials Please check the specials calendar in your child’s Homework Folder. It’s also on my website and will be written weekly in the newsletter. Please be sure that your child comes to school each day with proper shoes and clothes so that he/she may participate on P.E. days.

12 Star Student & Family Journal Star Student: Each week, one child will have the opportunity to be the “Star Student”. This is a great opportunity for myself and the class to get to know your child more in depth. A note will be sent home the Thursday or Friday before, so you know that your child will be the “Star” for the next week. Every student will have the opportunity to be the “Star” throughout the year. The star student will has a poster to take home and create, that they will share with the class during their star week. Family Journal.

13 We have a snack break every day (usually in the morning). Your child’s snack day is written on a monthly calendar (sent home) and on the weekly newsletter. Please send enough snack to share with the whole class and strive for somewhat healthy. Snacks MUST be individually wrapped. Thank you! Snacks The first week of school there will NOT be a snack calendar. If you can send in a snack for the class for the first week, please let me know ASAP!!

14 Lunch If you are sending in lunch money with your child, please place it in a sealed envelope or zip-lock baggie with your child’s name on it. The easiest way is to add money to your child’s lunch ticket online. Go to

15 This is on our classroom website!

16 In May I will be emailing any parents who have kiddos with summer birthdays. We will have an early birthday at school and they get to bring in a treat, too! Birthdays are extra special for first graders. If your child would like to bring a birthday treat to share, please send it in first thing in the morning. If it’s messy, please also send in napkins. (Cupcake icing becomes face paint.) Remember: All treats should be store bought. Birthdays In May I will be emailing any parents who have kiddos with summer birthdays. We will have an early birthday at school and they get to bring in a treat, too!

17 Weekly Newsletter Will be e-mailed and uploaded onto the website. Please be sure to read it EVERY WEEK.

18 After the first day of school, Riggs will be considered a closed campus. A gate is schedule to be put up around the school in efforts to keep our campus safe for all students and staff. Please note that after the first day of school, you will not be allowed to go past the cones (gate after December) unless you need to go to the office or have a scheduled appointment with someone at Riggs. This includes the playground. This is a new procedure at Riggs so please bare in mind that we are all working on this together as a community to best ensure the safety of our school. Closed Campus

19 The instruments for assessing your child’s progress are: Teacher notes when needed to communicate individual student achievements, misbehaviors, or academic concerns. Progress Reports Quarterly Report Cards Parent/Teacher Conferences (August & February) Data Notebooks Your child will fill out and monitor their own progress using scores from assessments (spelling tests, reading levels, math facts, etc.)

20 Students will receive letter grades in 1st grade. Their work will be scored on a scale from 0-100% (Traditional A, B, C, D, F scale). Viewing the grade book is an excellent way to keep track of your child’s academic growth. Every week the children will be assessed in reading, spelling, and mathematics. These tests will usually be administered on Fridays. Please take the time to look them over each week and review any skills or areas of improvement with your child.

21 Morning line up Birthdays- store bought food only Lunch Money (Send name on envelope PLEASE!) – online easiest Water Bottles-Keeping our kids hydrated! Volunteers – Stay Tuned! Forms – Please return ASAP Rainy Day Procedures Tax Credit Bus Passes

22 Every couple of months, you will find a book order in your child’s homework folder. There are wonderful age appropriate books to choose from at a very reasonable price. Book Orders Our school receives ten cents for every Box Top! Please help by cutting them out and collecting them. Thank you! Box Tops


24 Field Trips We are hoping to go to… Schnepf Farms A theater performance Possible third one if enough tax credit money

25 We will be using: *Writers’ Workshop *Journeys writing activities *Family journals We will also be using Fundations letter formation to teach students to write legibly. Writing

26 FundationsFundations is a research based systematic and comprehensive program in which phonemic awareness and word study contribute greatly to fluency, vocabulary development and the applications of strategies for understanding text. Additionally, Fundations sets the foundation for writing with the direct teaching of handwriting.

27 We will practice using: *correct conventions (periods, capitals at the beginning, spacing, etc.) *spelling words we’ve had thus far Students will be evaluated through: *daily writing *teacher prepared assessments. A spelling list that coincides with the weekly story will go home with the homework packet. Please practice these words with your child. We will have a spelling test every Friday. Spelling



30 First graders will participate in music class regularly. They will also participate in Art Masterpiece multiple times throughout the year. FIELD TRIPS-Made possible by your tax credit money donations. THANK YOU! tax credit money

31 We will use Arizona College & Career Readiness Standards along with our brand new Journeys reading program. Journeys provides: *variety of texts *phonics instruction *comprehension instruction *whole group, small group, & independent reading practice *leveled books to fit each individual learned

32 Our Math program involves the students conducting investigations and solving problems in a variety of ways, including using hands-on manipulatives.variety of ways We will be focusing on: *computation *problem solving *reasoning Arizona College & Career Readiness Standards

33 First Graders will be introduced to the following: Inquiry process Life science, physical science, earth and space science Life cycle of a butterfly, planting Health promotion, human body, environmental health

34 First Graders will be introduced to: Families People from other cultures People today and long ago Ancient Egypt! Holiday origins and traditions Responsibility of citizenship in a free society Symbols, icons, and traditions of the United States Maps and globes Life skills

35 Please visit our classroom website regularly for up-to-date information, pictures from field trips, fun websites for at-home practice, and more!classroom website

36 Please feel free to contact me anytime you have questions*. You can do this in a variety of ways: Write a note Send an email Call me at school *I will respond within 24 hours. Thank you for understanding.

37 I am looking forward to working with you this school year!

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