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SAE Horticulture I. What is SAE? SAEs are a great way to get classroom credit and FFA awards for doing things like exploring careers, earning money and.

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Presentation on theme: "SAE Horticulture I. What is SAE? SAEs are a great way to get classroom credit and FFA awards for doing things like exploring careers, earning money and."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAE Horticulture I

2 What is SAE? SAEs are a great way to get classroom credit and FFA awards for doing things like exploring careers, earning money and having fun!

3 An SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) is a practical application of classroom concepts designed to provide “real world” experiences and develop skills in agriculturally related career areas.

4 Over The Years… 1908 - Home-School Cooperation Plan - Stimson 1919 - Farming Project - Stimson 1926 - Productive Farm Enterprises - Schmidt 1938 - Supervised Farm Practice Program - Cook 1943 - Supervised Farming - Deyoe 1948 - Farming Program - Beard 1951 - Farming Program - Hammonds and Tabb 1961 - Farming Program - Hammonds and Binkley 1970 - Experience Program - Binkley and Hammonds 1972 - Supervised Occupational Experience Programs - Phipps 1984 - Supervised Occupational Experience - National FFA 1992 - Supervised Agricultural Experience - The Council 1998 - Supervised Experience - Various agricultural educators

5 How Does a SAE Help Me? Develop skills that can be used in getting a job Provides the opportunity to make money Develops skills that can be used in starting you own business Helps development management skills

6 How Does a SAE Help Me...? Learn record keeping skills Improves analytical and decision making skills Teaches responsibility Provides the opportunity to explore possible careers

7 How Does a SAE Help Me...? Develops knowledge and skills that could be helpful in college, as a hobby or for recreation. Provides the opportunity to win awards: FFA proficiency awards are based on the SAE program. In addition to winning awards, money can be won at regional, state and national levels

8 How Does a SAE Help Me...? FFA degrees are partially based on the SAE. You must have a SAE program to advance. In order to be a state or national officer, you first must have an advanced FFA degree which is partially based on SAE. Could help the grade in Agriculture class. Help with your Graduation Project!

9 Why SAE? SAE Rewards- –provides an opportunity to explore careers –allows students to gain experience –earn money –improve communication skills in a variety of situations –develop management skills –earn FFA Proficiency Awards and advanced FFA degrees

10 Types of SAEs Entrepreneurship Placement Research –Experimental –Non-Experimental Exploratory Improvement Supplemental

11 Entrepreneurship Plan, implement, operate and assume financial risks of a farming activity or agricultural business. YOU ARE THE BOSS!!!

12 Placement Placed on a farm, in an agribusiness, or at the school laboratory to work for another for pay or no pay. You answer to someone else.

13 Placement What you need: Training Agreement (signed by all parties) Record of work Hours worked Income earned

14 Experimental Extensive activity where you plan and conduct a major agricultural experiement using the scientific process. Get some crazy hair and start experimenting!!

15 Analytical Choose an agricultural problem that is not amenable to experimentation and design a plan to investigate and analyze the problem. Market something-advertising

16 Exploratory Become literate and aware of an interested ag career. Job Shadowing

17 Exploratory What you need: Date Activity Observations Comments Hours

18 Improvement Series of learning activities that improves the value or appearance of a place of employment, home, school or community.

19 Improvement What you need: Date Started Date Completed Steps involved in the project Hours and Costs

20 Supplementary Perform one specific ag skill outside of normal class time. Always wanted to learn something...well here is your chance

21 Supplementary What you need: –Date –Activities –Comments –Hours

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