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2 NSCC: An overview 12 campuses at 15 sites strategically located throughout Nova Scotia 9000 full-time students 140 Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma programs offered through 5 Academic Schools 30,000 part-time students enrolled in Customized Training, Continuing Education, Online Learning and Apprenticeship offerings Business Development: Customized Training & Part-time Studies; Centre for International Activities; Energy Group; Applied Research

3 Campus Locations Marconi Campus Pictou Campus Cumberland Campus
Kingstec Campus Annapolis Valley Campus Truro Campus Strait Area Campus Akerley Campus Institute of Technology Campus Lunenburg Campus Burridge Campus Shelburne Campus

4 History of NSCC : Secondary vocational & technical training system 1988: Establishment of a community college system for NS 1996: Board governance 1998: First Strategic Plan

5 Mission Building Nova Scotia's economy and quality of life through education and innovation.

6 Customized Training at NSCC
Vehicle to support local and provincial economic development strategies Promotes access and opportunity for lifelong learning Provides flexible, responsive training and HR development solutions for companies and communities Defrays 10% of NSCC’s operating budget

7 The Power of Partnerships
Capacity-building Aliant NS Construction Safety Division Dexter Construction

8 Municipal Group of Companies (DEXTER CONSTRUCTION)
Diversified Construction Company (Environmental Remediation, Capital Infrastructure Works, Road building) Employee Base of approximately 1100 employees Work predominately in Maritime Provinces but also international (Brunei and Caribbean)

9 What is the Dexter Institute?
The Dexter Institute was formed in July, 2001 when Dexter Construction and Nova Scotia Community College launched an innovative program to address the skills shortage of human capital in heavy construction in Nova Scotia. Dexter Construction, part of the Municipal Group of Companies, identified that the best way to sustain its workforce is to become part of the training process. Recognizing that the Community College had the training skills and Dexter Construction had the industry experience, a partnership was formed to provide Dexter Construction with a skilled labour force that came to the job already familiar with Dexter Construction culture and equipment.

10 Dexter Institute of Heavy Construction
2 year program strategic partnership with NSCC Students mix of learning methods Classroom time - NSCC Practical training Paid work experience Guaranteed Employment upon graduation Retention Bonus

11 Where did the idea come from?
The idea came from the simple question asked by our owner … “If we can’t find enough trained people, why can’t we train our own people?” Not one individual involved had an answer stating that we could not.

12 Why Dexter implemented the “Dexter Institute”
Lack of qualified applicants due to the stigma of the industry. Aging Workforce Company was in a period of growth Rapid adoption of new technology Lack of skilled people internally Operational talent Front-Line supervisor capabilities

13 How are students selected?
High School Diploma or equivalent. 19 years of age before program completion Hold a valid driver's license Cover letter (Stating why you are interested in the Dexter Institute of Heavy Construction Program) Personal Resume Reference Letter (At least one reference from either a former employer, community group, coach, educator, industry, etc.)

14 A series of tests (a written assignment, problem solving, spatial relations, reading comprehension and mechanical reasoning) A personal interview.

15 NSCC Classroom Learning
Communications Human Relations Intro to Technical Writing Computer Fundamentals Intro to Construction Tech Basic Blueprint Reading Intro to Survey Techniques Electrical Awareness Blasting Awareness Intro to Heavy Construction Equipment Applied Math I & II Project Management Introduction to Construction Safety Portfolio Development Safety Training (WHMIS, First Aid, Trenching Awareness, fall protections, etc.)

16 Practicum Training Practicum training is conducted at Dexter’s own class room and is taught by our own employees. Safety Training Equipment Maintenance Subdivision Small Equipment Paving Grader / Roller Pipe Laying (Water & Sewer) Heavy Equipment Theory Heavy Equipment Training Surveying Traffic Control / Signing Concrete Laser Leveling

17 Paid Work Term June – Dec 1st each Year Work Experience Quarry
Envirosoil Asphalt Crews Concrete Crews Equipment Operation Subdivision Development Traffic Control Labourer Pipe Laying Surveying Costing / Estimating

18 Benefits to Student… Guaranteed Employment in a growing industry
Work Assignment expose individuals to all aspects of civil construction (better overall knowledge). Students get to “try out “different areas” of civil construction to see what they like to do. Retention Bonus (tuition reimbursement) Receive a diploma upon graduation. Career with a future. Opportunities for growth.

19 Benefits to Dexter Instill corporate culture Improved safety
Inflow of talented/ qualified people to ensure future growth Attract students in formative years (career choice) Develop a flexible workforce (cross-training) Provide a vision for career growth (i.e. future leaders).

20 Keys to Success Realistic expectations for both students and company
Top management support Communication (to reduce fear of the unknown) Buy in from supervisory staff (need to see how it benefits them) Relevant training material Flexibility in the design of the program to address changes in the industry

21 The results…. The program is in its sixth year
150 students have enrolled 59 graduates Graduate retention rate of approx 87% Supervisors are requesting students for their crews prior to graduation

22 Additional Information

23 Questions? QUESTIONS?

24 Thank You

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