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Seema Tomar Chris Robson Suma Surpur. T ABLE OF CONTENTS I. Business Requirements II. Context Diagram III. Level 0 DFD IV. Level 1 DFD.

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Presentation on theme: "Seema Tomar Chris Robson Suma Surpur. T ABLE OF CONTENTS I. Business Requirements II. Context Diagram III. Level 0 DFD IV. Level 1 DFD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seema Tomar Chris Robson Suma Surpur

2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS I. Business Requirements II. Context Diagram III. Level 0 DFD IV. Level 1 DFD

3 B USINESS R EQUIREMENTS  To establish a computerized system that will replace our current system  To keep records of all business data  Allow new user to register, create their profile and buy membership online.  Allow customers to renew /upgrade their membership.  Allow customers to edit their information.  Allow customers to schedule for classes.

4 B USINESS R EQUIREMENTS  Allow customers to request and view yoga class videos online.  There should be a centralize database and should be accessed from any computer via internet  Personal trainers should be able to see their schedule  Report should be generated to track sales and improve efficiency


6 L EVEL 0 DFD  External Entities  Customer  Employee  Processes  Employee processing  Personal Trainer processing  Customer processing  Billing  Class schedule processing  Video processing  Feedback processing  Generate Report processing

7 L EVEL 0 DFD  Data Store  D1 Employee data  D2 Trainer data  D3 Membership data  D4 Customer data  D6 Classes data  D9 Feedback data  D10 Billing data



10 L EVEL 1DFD L EVEL 1DFD FOR PROCESS 3(C USTOMER PROCESSING )  External Entities  Customer  Processes  Register processing  Log In processing  Edit Information  Upgrade or Renew Membership  Data Store  D3 Membership data  D4 Customer data  D10 Billing data


12 L EVEL 1DFD L EVEL 1DFD FOR PROCESS 4(B ILLING )  External Entities  Customer  Processes  Select Billing  Cash Processing  Credit or Debit processing  Data Store  D10 Billing data


14 L EVEL 1DFD L EVEL 1DFD FOR PROCESS 8(G ENERATE REPORT PROCESSING )  External Entities  Employee  Processes  Select report  Billing report processing  Feedback report processing  Customer report processing  Data Store  D10 Billing data  D4 Customer data  D9 Feedback data


16 CUSTOMER 2.0 Personal Trainer Processing 2.0 Personal Trainer Processing 1.0 Employee Processing 1.0 Employee Processing 4.0 Billing 4.0 Billing 3.0 Customer Processing 3.0 Customer Processing EMPLOYEE D1 Employee DataD2 Trainer Data D5 Billing Data D4 Customer Data D3 Membership Data External Entity Processes Database 5.0 Class Schedule Processing 5.0 Class Schedule Processing 7.0 Feedback Processing 7.0 Feedback Processing 6.0 Video Processing 6.0 Video Processing 8.0 Report Processing 8.0 Report Processing D6 Classes DataD9 Feedback Data



19 Membership_Type (Membership_type_code, Membership_type_description, Annual_subscription, Half-yearly_subscription, Quaterly_subscription, Monthly_subscription) Customer (Customer_id, First_name, Last_name, Email, Home_Phone, Mobile_Phone, Address, City, State, Zip) Membership_Account ( Membership_id, Customer_id, Membership_type_code, Cust_username, Cust_password, First_joined_date, Status, Renewal_date) Employee ( Emp_id, Emp_username, Emp_password, First_name, Last_name, Job_title, Email, Home_Phone, Mobile_Phone, Address, City, State, Zip) Billing(Bill_id, Membership_id, Total_charges, Balance, Bill_due_date, Payment_mode) Classes (Class_id, Emp_id, Class_room, Class_day, Class_time) Member_Classes(Membership_id, Class_id) Feedback (Feedback_id, Customer_id, Feedback_description) Personal_trainer_sessions (Session_id, Membership_id, Emp_id, Session_day, Session_time)




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